Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 589: no the same

  Chapter 589 is different

Hearing Jian Heng's ridicule, Hu Chengzhi was not annoyed, but smiled slightly, and opened his mouth to explain for himself: "I'm not like what you said, in fact, I went to work in the Construction Corps as soon as I graduated from elementary school, and It is still the most difficult place. Everyone has a limited amount of water in a day. A basin of about this size, with a washbasin for each person, is just such a basin of water and half a basin of sand, which is our water consumption in a day.”

   "There is still such a place?" Damai expressed disbelief.

If it was before, Damai would definitely believe that most of China is as poor as the US advertises here, but after the video with Ningning these days, Damai feels that there is a difference between China and the United States, but it is not as big as imagined, it is not her Think like some countries in Africa.

  Wheat looked at Hu Chengzhi with curiosity.

Hu Chengzhi said: "The city is naturally different, but there are still very few such places in remote mountain villages. Although they are rare, they exist objectively. With a bowl of water and half a bowl of sand, the land can almost only grow some drought-tolerant crops. The place we stayed in was transported with water, each of which was towed by cars hundreds of kilometers away. The life of 10,000 people should be saved. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at mine. These hands".

   After speaking, Hu Chengzhi controlled the cart with his wrist, then turned his hands over and pointed his palms at everyone.

When he saw Hu Chengzhi's hands, even Jian Heng was stunned, because both hands had a section of knuckles that was deformed, and the fingers could not be stretched straight, and both of them were covered with calluses. Heng has seen it in the hands of many old cowboys. It is formed by long-term hard work.

   "I really didn't expect it." Jian Heng felt less malicious towards Hu Chengzhi in his heart.

"Before I went, I didn't expect that I would fall from the capital to such a place all of a sudden. I would tell you that I didn't dare to eat or go to the toilet for a few days at that time, because there was no flush toilet in that place, and everyone solved it in the wild. Cover it with sand, if you are unlucky and there is a sudden wind, you may be covered with sand and sand,” Hu Chengzhi said with a smile.

   Jian Heng listened and smiled.

  Barley and Wheat had a better impression of Hu Chengzhi. They asked Hu Chengzhi from time to time all the way from the exit to the parking lot. The two of them were obviously more interested in life in the desert.

A group of people got into the car, and He Ye naturally sat in Zhang Jialiang's car. This time, Zhang Jialiang drove a seven-seater car. Damai and Mai knew that Jian Heng and He Ye had something to say, so they He gave up the middle seat to the two of them, sat in the back row, and put the luggage on the co-pilot in the front row.

   "Why are you with him? You two appeared at the same time again this time, what kind of medicine are you going to sell in this gourd?" Jian Heng asked He Ye after waiting for the car to move.

He Ye immediately cleared himself up after hearing this: "It really has nothing to do with me. Aren't you planning to organize a delegation to visit Jiangnan Province? The inland animal husbandry province is interesting. I think Montana is the American animal husbandry industry. Dazhou, even if it is to visit them, it is more suitable, so I thought I could do some activities and let you people go to Musheng... ".

"What's the matter?" Jian Heng couldn't laugh or cry: "What kind of robbery is this? These old beauties are here to ask for money, not to give money. By the way, let's get to the point, tell me how you met this guy of".

He Ye said: "I can't hide my whereabouts from him. If you want to know, just call and ask. When I arrived here, I just arrived at the hotel. They came to the door with a business card, and then it was like you saw me." It became my little tail and followed me all the way from the hotel to the airport. In fact, let me tell you, this is pretty good apart from the fun, not the kind of person you imagined."

   "What kind of person I imagined, you are the kind of person you said in my heart" Jian Heng said jokingly.

   "I'm sorry about what happened last time," He Ye said suddenly.

In fact, up to now, He Ye still has a little regret in his heart. He feels that he shouldn't just stand by like this. As a friend, it's a bit unreasonable. It's two different things.

  Jian Heng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he remembered what He Ye was talking about, so he smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, it has nothing to do with you!"

Jian Heng understood He Ye and didn't complain about him, because after so many years in the society, Jian Heng has long since jumped out of his brother's loyalty, and entered a higher level of friendship, that is, As a friend yourself, try not to make big troubles for your friends. Things like the timber turmoil are big troubles. Can the people who can fry timber nationwide be smaller?

  Seeing what He Ye wanted to say, Jian Heng raised his hand: "Okay, stop being hypocritical like a girl, let's talk about something serious, when will the store in Los Angeles open?"

  Whispering behind the girl, Xiaomai was a little unhappy: "What's wrong with the girl? The girl is being hypocritical?"

   "Hey, Mai Mai's Chinese is pretty good, so you already know what it means?" He Ye joked with a smile.

   Jian Heng couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard the words: "Don't mention it, now the two of you are obsessed with Chinese TV dramas, and now our family has a braid scene every now and then, making trouble!"

Damai and Wheat now like to watch well-produced Chinese costume dramas, such as Jubilee Gong and other messy peach blossoms. Anyway, they are those troublesome things. Not only watching, but also communicating with Sun Xiuying and Ning Ning Woolen cloth. Jian Heng felt sick to his stomach when he saw the braid scene. He always felt that the pig tail on the screen was so ugly that it couldn't be any more ugly. The mouth full of masters and slaves still sounds harsh, but it can't stop some people from liking it.

   "The TV series is very interesting. Look at a maid who enters the palace and then walks to the top floor step by step. What an inspirational story," Mai said.

   "Which kind of ambition is it? I think whitewashing is almost the same. If it was true that during the Manchu Qing Dynasty, some court ladies dared to speak like the heroine in the play, I don't know how many times they lost their heads and made it up." Jian Heng said.

  When Xiaomai heard this, he immediately put on an expression like I don’t talk to idiots: “It’s really boring, watching a TV series is more realistic!”

  Jian Heng: "...".

  He Ye looked at Jian Heng happily, his small eyes clearly said: You are awesome, you have nothing to do to play with your wife, you deserved to end up like this!

   "Forget it, let's talk about business, how is the place here?" Jian Heng asked.

  He Ye said: "You should ask Jialiang. I myself listen to other people's reports. Besides, I only came here yesterday. How can I know the details since I have been to the scene."

Zhang Jialiang waited for He Ye to finish speaking, and introduced the construction situation of the Los Angeles side to Jian Heng. In addition to the Los Angeles side, the New York side also mentioned it. I have to say that there are local snakes buying shares, and the New York side It's really a lot faster, obviously started later, nearly half of it has been completed there, and less than a third of it has been completed in Los Angeles, and it will take two or three months to complete.

  The three cars stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Once they stopped, Hu Chengzhi came down to help Jian Heng put his luggage down.

   "Mr. Jian, if we have time these two days, let's talk about it." Hu Chengzhi stretched out his hand to Jian Heng: "I won't disturb you today."

  Jian Heng saw that he didn't look like he lived here, so he asked, "Why don't you live here? Do you think this place is not upscale?"

  Hu Chengzhi said with a smile: "No, our funds cannot afford to live here. We live in a rented house outside the three waiting areas."

  While talking, Hu Chengzhi shook hands with a group of people. Except for He Ye's bodyguard, he shook hands, including Zhang Jialiang.

   Not only that, but before leaving, this man took two or three steps back, and then turned around and got into the car. This kind of politeness is really perfect.

  Watching Hu Chengzhi get into the car, Jian Heng casually praised: "This tutor is really good."

Behavior like this, Jian Heng used to see it in some large Chinese families who vented their anger in Nanyang when they were in the mixed shooting business. These big families almost have two or three hundred years of inheritance, and a kind of The shadow of the aristocratic family in the Ming Dynasty.

  Jian Heng's side just sighed with emotion, and when the emotion was over, he turned around and went into the hotel.

  (end of this chapter)

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