Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 590: prosperous

  Chapter 590 Prosperity

After checking in, the luggage had just been put down, and Jian Heng was called by Da Mai and Mai to go shopping and buy a dress. He Ye had nothing to do here, so naturally he followed him as a companion with Jian Heng, and took it with him as a porter work or something.

   This shopping lasted five or six hours. Damai and Mai picked out two dresses each, and only then did the shopping officially and satisfactorily complete.

  Back to the hotel, Jian Heng lay down on the sofa and didn't want to move, but the barley and wheat were as energetic as if they had just changed the batteries, and picked up the results of this shopping trip and started to try.

Naturally, they couldn't just buy two dresses when they went shopping. The two bought a lot of clothes, some for themselves, and some for Sun Xiuying and Ning Ning. He Ye led his bodyguards with shopping bags all over their hands.

Although Jian Heng scanned the labels here, he found that at least half of them said MADE-IN-CHINA, but he didn't make a sound to expose it. The barley and wheat finally showed the femininity of women, and in the pasture, think so It’s not easy to go shopping once, not to mention the vicinity of the ranch, even in Kalispell, the largest shopping mall is only the size of a large supermarket in a first-tier city in China, let alone a few hours, half an hour is not bad.

  This opportunity to hang out is a rare opportunity for the two sisters, and it would be foolish to make a noise to spoil their emotions now.

   "Does it look good?"

  Jian Heng clasped his hands behind his head, watched Damai take a long pink coat and gestured on his body, thought for a while and said, "It looks good, but it would be better if it could be more lively!"

  Jian Heng didn't mean to be picky, but he knew that Damai didn't wear this one himself, but bought it for his old lady, so he added the last sentence.

   Damai would never have thought that Jian Heng was so treacherous, so he undoubtedly said, "This is not for me, but for my mother!"

  Waiting for this sentence, Jian Heng immediately gave Damai a thumbs up: "That's really suitable!"

   "Would it be a little too bright?" Mai Mai was a little skeptical, because with the characteristics of Sun Xiuying's clothes, she didn't have such a bright color, which was exactly the tone that thirteen or fourteen-year-old girls liked.

"How come, there is an old saying in China that goes: Be bold when you are old and be steady when you are old. If you are older, you should wear something more ostentatious. This color is just right for your mother, and besides, it looks young!" What does Jian Heng think about now? Whether this dress is suitable for my old lady, the key is to confuse the matter in front of me first, and I misunderstood an old saying when I opened my mouth.

   "It seems to make sense." Mai Mai nodded in confusion.

   Just like that, watching Barley and Wheat trying on a few clothes, Jian Heng asked: "Let's go out to eat first, I'm really hungry now."

   "Didn't you eat it just now?" Mai Mai replied casually while fiddling with her clothes.

Jian Heng stretched out his hand and clicked his watch: "Look at what time it is, and besides, those things are only a little bit big. Where can I get full? I'll call He Ye, and let's find a better Chinese restaurant together. Everyone Make a good meal."

  Balley stretched out his hand to look at his watch, only to realize that it was really getting late, it was almost six o'clock in the evening, and he felt a little hungry after doing so.

   "Let's eat first." Barley said, "We'll make it when we come back from the meal."

  Wheat said: "Okay!"

  Jian Heng immediately called He Ye when he heard this, and then took the two women out of the room. As soon as he went out, He Ye was already waiting at the door, so the four of them went downstairs together and drove the car to find a place to eat.

  After choosing a place, Jian Heng called Zhang Jialiang and told him to come to this restaurant to gather after he was busy.

  Now Los Angeles is not like before. There is no authentic Chinese restaurant. Almost all of them are a combination of local and foreign. They say they sell Chinese food, but many of them are things that a real Chinese person has never heard of the name of the dish.

  Nowadays it’s different. In Los Angeles, you can find all the eight major cuisines in China without any problem, and it’s very easy. The price is no longer as low-end as it used to be. Now some good Chinese restaurants are better than Japanese food, and the price of French food is not bad.

   Arrived at the place, stopped the car and entered the restaurant, a familiar lively sound immediately entered the ears, which immediately made Jian Heng feel warm.

The customs of eating are very different at home and abroad. We Chinese people pay attention to the excitement of eating. Most of the time, the purpose of eating is not to eat, but to do something else in the name of eating, such as talking about business and making friends. Ah and the like are settled at the dinner table. So we Chinese pay attention to a lively meal, and we can't let it go cold.

Foreigners are different. They eat meals. They focus on a meal, such as appetizers, main courses, and desserts. They can spend three to five hours all the way. What they eat is a serious meal, so High-end restaurants for foreigners are very quiet. There are five or six people in suits and ties sitting and waiting for the dishes to be served.

  Jian Hengneng went to the country to follow the customs, but he said he likes it. He still likes the atmosphere of Chinese people eating. Nothing else is happy and lively.

   I found a private room and sat down. After the menu was passed on, everyone ordered a few dishes casually, chatting and waiting for Zhang Jialiang to come over.

   After chatting for less than ten minutes, there was a knock on the door outside the private room, which attracted everyone's attention.

  Following the person who came and opened the door, Jian Heng realized that he didn't know him. He glanced at He Ye and found that he also looked confused.

The person who came in was a fat man in his forties, with a big face and small eyes. When he smiled, his eyes were almost invisible, and his facial features were not outstanding. Putting them together to create a common face, he was about the same height. About Mi Qi, the belly is quite protruding, it looks like a pregnant woman who is about to get pregnant.

  After entering the door, the fat man punched everyone, and thanked everyone with a smile: "Everyone, sorry for the inconvenience, I am the owner of our shop, which one is Mr. Jian Hengjian?"

   "I am, what's the matter?" Jian Heng asked curiously.

   Fatty immediately stretched out his hand when he heard this, and shook Jian Heng enthusiastically: "Mr. Jian, my name is Xie Jinbao."

   "Hello, hello!" Now Jian Heng is very embarrassed, he doesn't know when he met this Xie Jinbao.

   "We use your company's chicken here!"

Xie Jinbao knew about Jian Heng because he had seen the nameplate at He Ye's place, which had Jian Heng on it. Because this surname is rare, Xie Jinbao remembered it at a glance. Just now, he happened to look at the reservation status of the restaurant today. When I saw Jian Heng's name, I immediately remembered that business people are not afraid of trouble, and after a few questions, I knew that this Jian Heng was that Jian Heng, so I came here to make sure I knew him.

  Xie Jinbao's explanation made Jian Heng suddenly realize, and immediately got up and said with a smile, "Thank you for taking care of my small business."

  Jian Heng understands, this is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the biological company, a customer of the chicken company.

  Thinking of this, Jian Heng decided not to let He Ye be idle, and raised his hand to signal in He Ye's direction: "This is another major shareholder of the company, He Ye, we all have the same shares."

  He Ye was sitting here. Hearing Jian Heng's introduction, he immediately stood up and exchanged some polite words with Xie Jinbao.

   Xie Jinbao exchanged some polite words with Damai and Xiaomai, and then he pulled a chair and sat down.

After a few sentences, we got to the point: "Boss Jane, Boss He, both of you are major shareholders, please do me a favor and give me a little more quota for my small shop every month, it's better to double it, or 30% is fine." .

   "We really can't decide on this matter, but we will bring it up with President Wu," Jian Heng said.

  He Ye also nodded: "We don't manage the daily company affairs, we can only suggest...don't complain if you can't help."

   After finishing speaking, He Ye asked another question: "Is this chicken easy to sell?"

   Xie Jinbao said: "It's a good seller! The quality of this chicken is different from other chickens, and it is especially suitable for the taste of my diners. Now we only sell this kind of chicken...".

It's not that Xie Jinbao didn't want to get some private goods in, but it's not easy for him to gain a reputation in this shop, and secondly, the offspring of high officials have a special taste, even if they add spices, they can't match the unique taste, let alone a gourmet Well, even ordinary diners can tell the difference, it's really not easy to fake.

Every Chinese restaurant has two or three special dishes. It is impossible to say that all the dishes are good. Such a restaurant does not exist at all. For example, Xie Jinbao’s restaurant is originally good at cooking chicken, and the signature dish in the signboard is braised chicken. Piece.

  Some people may say that braised chicken nuggets is a signature dish, even if it is delicious, how can it be delicious? In fact, this is not true. The real home cooking is the place that reflects the chef's level. A plate of shredded potatoes can be distinguished by different cooks.

The chicken is a good chicken, and Xie Jinbao's restaurant is a high-end restaurant. No one cares about whether the chicken is 40 yuan or 100 yuan. What they care about is whether it tastes good, and they don't pay too much attention price.

So for Xie Jinbao, the price is not a big problem. The most troublesome thing for him now is that the chicken is limited. There are six high-end Chinese restaurants and four top-notch western restaurants. If you get more points for a few of them, you will have less for others. Now no one wants to take less, but everyone wants to take more!

  Jian Heng looked at He Ye. Although he didn't open his mouth, the meaning on his face was obvious: Is chicken so easy to sell?

He Ye glanced at Jian Heng with his eyes, and shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn't know too much. He Ye really didn't have much interest in caring about the profit and loss of the biological company because of that. It's not worth the money, and He Ye is dedicated to caring about it.

  The two of them chattered with Xie Jinbao for about ten minutes. When Zhang Jialiang arrived, he said goodbye and left the private room in a very sensible way.

  (end of this chapter)

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