Chapter 594 Premiere

   "When the TV is over, Gene, can I ask you to go up and make a speech alone?" Peter the Great asked Jian Heng and the others with a smile.

  Jian Heng immediately waved his hands when he heard it: "Forget it, I'd better be quiet and watch from below, and make trouble."

  Emperor Peter the Great smiled, and then glanced over the faces of Barley and Wheat. Seeing that they both refused with a smile, he stopped mentioning it.

   After chatting a few more words, Peter the Great left here by going to chat with others.

  Peter the Great had just left here, and several leading actors over there came together again.

As the first batch of guests of the ranch, Jian Heng can name everyone, and everyone knows their personalities, because the way we get along in the past is different from the way we get along now. Tens and big tens, and all-weather and intermittent ways are inherently different.

   "The muscles are still well maintained." Jian Heng stretched out his hand and squeezed the arm of the nearest guy. As soon as this guy saw that Jian Heng had started, he immediately stretched his biceps.

  "He maintained well, but we were a little bit worse. During the filming, we could only go to the gym once a week. Instead of gaining muscle, we lost a few pounds."

   "I didn't do much exercise, I just wanted to wait for the filming to finish, and I would like to go to the ranch to have a rest," said the man with a smile.

Jian Heng did some calculations, and opened his mouth and said, "If you don't train systematically and professionally, losing muscle is a normal phenomenon. It's normal to lose a few pounds, because your amount of exercise can't maintain these muscles. If you want to go back to the ranch, I will give it to you." You guys make a plan, within a month, your muscles will return to normal, or you can wait a few more months until the body sculpting shop here in Los Angeles is open, and you can go there two or three times a week. It can be maintained."

  “We heard about it, but we don’t know when it will open”

   "I'm free, and I've made a reservation to go to the ranch the day after tomorrow, but Fran doesn't have time, and he's going to another crew soon. By the way, I heard that things have changed a lot?"

   After answering their questions one by one, Jian Heng chatted with them for a while, then saw a host come on stage.

   Seeing this situation, everyone knew that the movie was about to start, so they returned to their seats, and the whole theater fell silent.

  The host said a few words briefly, the lights dimmed, and the movie officially started.

The content of the movie is very simple, the story of several strong men from Sparta resisting the Persian invasion. A group of foreigners saw it as an investment.

At this time, He Ye and Jian Heng felt embarrassed, because they felt that the movie thief was not interesting, just two strong men standing on the top of the hill, and a single pose could cause the group of Americans to burst into laughter. Picking up a plate to eat a meal can cause a lot of people to shed tears. I think this is a bit too nonsense, are Americans so low in crying and laughing?

The fact that Jian Heng and He Ye didn't react after watching it was entirely because they grew up in different environments. Both of them grew up in China and grew up watching cartoons like big-headed sons and small-headed fathers. Americans naturally watched them. American cartoons grew up in a different environment, so the laughs are naturally different.

For example, between a Chinese and an American, if you pose as a monkey, the Chinese will probably say it is Monkey King, while the Americans will definitely say it is a monkey, and they will not say it is Monkey King. There is no way to grow up in the environment different.

  Now this movie is also like this, it is completely American growth experience, He Ye and Jian Heng, who are Chinese, naturally look at it without thinking, and they can't feel the laughing and crying points in other movies.

Another point is that the so-called in-depth films in the West are all based on the book of the Bible. Whether it is justice or evil, you can find shadows or find explanations from this book. The two Chinese are not Christians. If you haven’t read and understood the Bible well, you won’t know what it means to watch these films that are deeper in their culture.

  Closed to He Ye's ear, Jian Heng said in a low voice, "Your investment depends on making money from American audiences. Chinese people think this movie is really stupid."

He Ye said in a low voice: "At first, I didn't expect this film to make money in China, but it still needs to be introduced. One piece of money is one piece. I just explored the way and laid the foundation. Besides, there is always something about investing in a movie." Some earn and some lose, it is very difficult to steal the box office here, and it is also difficult to launder money.”

  The two chatted for a while and then began to stare at the big screen again. After a while, they felt like they were sitting on pins and needles, because it was really boring to watch.

   After finally getting to the end of the cast list, when the lights came on, there was warm applause in the ears of the two of them. Jian Heng and the two looked at it, what a guy! Everyone stood up, let's not sit still, stood up along with the crowd, and clapped hands like everyone else.

  The entire theater applauded for a full two minutes. This is a very high praise, especially from the media and film critics. Many people clapped their hands and showed that this is a very good movie.

The host stood on the stage, with a smile, waiting for everyone's applause to gradually diminish, then stepped forward and stood in front of the microphone, and said with a smile: "Thank you, everyone, now we have to invite this The director of this time...".

  After introducing the director, when the director stood up, there was another burst of applause from below. When the director came to speak on stage, the director began to thank him one by one. The thank you speech was interspersed with various things during the shooting.

  After the director finished speaking on stage, several muscular male protagonists and actresses came on stage.

They were teased by the host as soon as they got on the stage. The focus of the joke naturally fell on their muscles. At the same time, the big screen also released the figures of the people before and after the filming. This link is mainly for Highlighting the dedication of the actors, I want to convey a meaning to the audience, that is, with such dedicated actors, the film will naturally look good.

  Although Jian Heng's ranch is not mentioned throughout the article, Jian Heng is not angry. As Jian Heng, he doesn't like being put in front of the camera. He prefers to squat in Montana and count money in a muffled voice.

  But Mai Mai was a little dissatisfied, and said to Jian Heng: "Why didn't you mention us, we are the main factor, okay?"

   "Isn't it better not to mention it?" Jian Heng turned his head and smiled at Mai Mai.

"It's pretty good, at least there's less trouble. Besides, we don't make money from the public. Why do we have to stand in front of the public? There are too many troubles. I don't want to live like that. Think about it when Leon went out. You look like that, anytime, anywhere, someone may jump out and take a picture of you with a camera, I really can't stand it." Damai also agrees with Jian Heng's point of view.

After hearing this, He Ye jokingly said: "Why are you so narcissistic? You make it seem like becoming famous is easy. Let me tell you how many girls in the entertainment industry want to be famous, and they will do anything to be famous. Competent, but in the end it’s still a waste of thought!”.

  Jian Heng smiled and said, "Isn't it easy? Look at the couple downstairs, they really became famous overnight."

   "You can really compare! He is famous, but he has become a stink on the streets. Can he still count on his fame to make money in the future? I wish I could change his name and take his entire appearance along with it," He Ye said.

   "If we talk about this matter, I really don't know how to react." Xiaomai thought about it for a while, and Zi Zi trembled, thinking that he couldn't resist the pressure anyway.

He Ye said: "Don't worry, these two people can bear it. I have known these two people before, and I praised them if they were male thieves and female prostitutes. Now some so-called intellectuals and cultured people who flaunt themselves are more shameless than they are." The city wall is still worth three points, so don’t expect them to die, there is still so much money that has not been spent, you can’t even guess how much these people earn in a year.”

   Seeing Jian Heng glanced at himself, and there was still a kind of contempt in his eyes, he obviously doubted what he said, so he opened his mouth and said: "I will only give an example from last year. The company income of these two is this amount."

"four million?"

   "Forty million!" He Ye looked at Jian Heng like a child with white scabs.

   "There are so many?"

"Of course, don't underestimate this person. Now you are in the big V circle, this person is a top-notch person. Many big Vs imitated this gourd to draw their own scoops at the beginning. This one is considered The originator," He Ye said.

  Jian Heng heard that this product can earn tens of millions of RMB a year, so he felt even more unbalanced, and his anger flared up again, and he decided that no matter what, he must clean up these two products tonight.

  (end of this chapter)

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