Chapter 595 All kinds of states

   Jian Heng, who was a little impatient, talked to He Ye, got up and walked to the toilet. After finishing his toilet, he picked up his pants and just washed his hands, when he went out, he met a blonde girl in her twenties.

   "Hi, hello" The blonde girl glanced at Jian Heng and greeted him warmly.

   Jian Heng thought it was a courtesy, so he smiled and nodded at him, and replied in a friendly way: "Hello!"

Who knew that when Jian Heng spoke, the blond girl came up to her and stretched out her hand. It seemed that she wanted to shake hands with Jian Heng. Jian Heng had just gone to the toilet, and the water on her hands hadn't been wiped clean. It's impolite to shake hands with others, so Jian Heng quickly wiped his hands on his pants twice before reaching out to the girl.

  At first, I thought it was just a normal handshake, but after Jian Heng held the girl's hand, he felt that there was a small card in the girl's palm.

   Just when Jian Heng was in a daze, the girl let go of her hand and walked into the women's bathroom. After entering the door, she turned around and made a phone call gesture, and bit her lip at Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng was not telegraphed by this girl, but his back was a little hairy. He looked down and saw a series of phone numbers written on the card.

  Jian Heng was a little confused, and thought: This woman is so beautiful, why can't she find someone who can solve her physical problems? These people in the entertainment industry are really not good birds, and they picked up all the dishes on the plate, so crazy!

Jian Heng doesn't know now that he, He Ye, and Damai and Wheat are all regarded as a springboard for his fame by some unknown guys, or guys who desperately want to be famous. If Jian Heng is a veteran at this time, then tonight It is not uncommon to fly a few times.

  He walked a few steps in doubt, and met another girl head-on, and the same thing happened above again.

   Just like that, when Jian Heng returned to his seat, he actually held the cards of the three girls in his hand.

  As soon as he sat down, Jian Heng said to several people: "This world is crazy"

   "What's the matter?" He Ye opened his mouth and asked.

  Jian Heng raised his hand and put the card in his hand in front of him: "I was on the toilet, and three girls stuffed me with cards, as if I had arrived at a small hotel."

  He Ye took the card in Jian Heng's hand and looked at it: "Maybe people think you are a cowherd."

   "Get out! The cowherd is here, and you still sit in the first three rows?" Jian Heng laughed.

  Mait leaned over her head, looked at it and asked, "Is the girl pretty?"

  Jian Heng replied casually: "It's okay!"

   After speaking, he turned his head and saw Mai Mai's complexion darkened, and Jian Heng immediately added: "But it's far worse than you, the most important thing is that the figure is not expected, and it's as thin as a bamboo pole and not beautiful at all."

   Hearing what Jian Heng said, Mai Mai became happy.

  He Ye casually saw the card in the cup holder on the armrest, then got up and said he was going to the bathroom.

   While waiting to come back, He Ye actually had a card in his hand, and not only did he have two more cards than Jian Heng.

   "My charm is much stronger than yours. If you count out of 10, you will get 6 out of 10 and I will still get 100 out of 100 if you just passed!" He Ye started to show off to Jian Heng proudly as soon as he sat down.

   At this moment, there was a burst of warm applause in the ears of the two of them. When they looked up, they found that the premiere ceremony had officially ended.

  After the premiere ceremony, there was a small dinner party. Not everyone attended, but the main actors and some investors were present, and the rest were some media.

A dinner like this is all about building relationships. Some people in China may think that Americans are one and two are two, and they don’t care about relationships. In fact, Americans also pay attention to this point. The purpose of entertaining the media is to say good things about the film and attract audiences to enter the venue. Well, entertaining investors is hoping to deepen their relationship, or some people can also catch up with some actors, models or something tonight to have a relationship that breaks up tomorrow morning.

   Anyway, that's what happened.

The four of Jian Heng are naturally also invited. He Ye belongs to the investor, and the three of Jian Heng's family have unique skills. No matter the director or the actor, the roles in any movie need to lose weight and gain weight quickly. What, now Jian Heng's ranch has offered the best choice in the whole world in this regard.

  An even more important point is that Jian Heng's ranch has gradually become a venue for activities at the top and sub-top levels of the Hollywood pyramid. Those who are interested will naturally know that Jian Heng and his wife should be given the actual treatment they deserve.

   Arriving at the banquet hall, Jian Heng and the others never expected that a group of handsome men and women would come to their side from time to time, which was much more lively than what they had originally thought.

   Jian Heng glanced at He Ye, then at Barley and Mai, and saw the doubts in his heart from their eyes. Everyone was thinking: Why are we so popular.

   "What's the matter, you guys?"

   Just when everyone was wondering, a familiar voice sounded, and the four of them turned their heads, and found that Blanca in a beautiful evening dress was walking towards them with a smile.

  He Ye also knew Blanca, so he said with a smile: "We are just wondering why we have met so many people in a short while, as if we have become sweets and potatoes all at once."

   "What's strange about this?" Branca held back her laugh, looking at everyone and asked.

  Seeing that the four of them nodded their heads, with an expression that I didn't understand, I said: "I heard that you were very beautiful when we were in the theater, and you suddenly became everyone's focus."

   "Is there any?" Jian Heng turned his head and glanced at He Ye.

  He Ye also shook his head: "No, no one took pictures when we walked the red carpet, where did the focus come from?"

Blanca said: "That's not what I heard. Leo and the others rushed to greet you, and Peter and other big directors also chatted with you. Twenty or so people chatted with you before the show started. Sentence, do you think no one else can see it?"

   "So it's because of this!" He Ye suddenly realized.

   Needless to say, Jian Hengsan also knew.

   "There are really no stupid people in this world." Jian Heng said with emotion, he didn't expect that it was Jian De who made a few words and pushed himself away from the limelight.

   "Then what else are you doing?" Blanca laughed.

  Balley at this time set off the old feelings of the two: "When the two of them went to the toilet, a woman inserted the card, and the two of them were comparing who received more. When you said that, they immediately hit their newly developed self-confidence."

  Wheat immediately became happy when he heard it.

  Jian Heng said: "There is nothing at all, I am just curious, he is the one who feels good about himself!" Jian Heng stretched out his hand and patted He Ye on the shoulder.

  The three women didn't care about these things, they enjoyed themselves for a while, and stopped laughing at the two when they saw someone coming.


Two girls came over, they were under twenty years old, their faces were full of youthfulness, they looked like eighteen or nineteen years old at most, but all of them were pretty and their skin was healthy. wheat color.

   "Let me introduce to you, this is Emma and this is Jessica, both of them belong to the same company as me now," Blanca introduced enthusiastically.

  Jian Heng saw a sense of distance from Blanca's enthusiasm. It seems that the relationship between Blanca and these two people is not very harmonious, but then again, these female models want to be anti-harmonious together? Let's save money, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps, and really fuel-efficient lamps are hard to beat in the modeling industry.

   It is normal if they are not harmonious, but it is not normal if they are harmonious.

   After an introduction, the two models left.

  Wheat asked curiously: "There are so many people in your company?"

  A European modeling agency has extended its hand to Hollywood, and can put a few of its own models in this kind of occasion, which requires a little bit of strength, or a little bit of connections.

Blanca smiled and didn't answer. It's hard for her to say that these models are here to speculate. Even if they walk out holding someone's hand, it's news, or they flattered the right big man and caught their eyes. , in exchange for a chance to rise to prominence.

Of course, she, Blanca, is not needed, and she didn't come in because of the arrangement of the company, she was invited. During those days at the ranch, Blanca got along well with almost all the students, including The main actors of this film.

Thinking of this, Blanca couldn't help but thank God in her heart for giving herself such a good opportunity to be able to mix in the ranch in the early days, and gradually gained the current contacts, if it was a little model like her before I'm afraid that even Peter the Great's flattery will not have a chance to shoot.

  Xiaomi turned her head and saw the two girls standing next to a group of people with smiles on their faces just now, so she said with emotion: "It's not easy."

   "Hmm!" Blanca replied emotionally.

  (end of this chapter)

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