Chapter 596 Portrait

No matter how you say it, the protagonists of this dinner will not be the three members of Jian Heng's family. It is possible for He Ye, but he only sent an American manager here to compete with others, but he and Jian Heng Mixed together, from beginning to end.

   "No fun!"

  As soon as I got in the car, Xiaomai felt a little regretful, feeling that the so-called premiere let me down too much.

Jian Heng smiled and comforted and said: "It's normal, just like when we go on a trip, when we didn't go, I imagined countless beautiful pictures for the place in my heart, and from all the folk materials, the place I will go to is simply a fairyland on earth. , In fact, when I actually got to the place, I saw nothing! It’s not like the one in the photo at all.”

   "That's because you didn't go to the right place. Next time I'll take you to a place to have fun, I promise you won't regret it." He Ye said confidently.

  Balley asked curiously, "Where?"

   "A small island in the Pacific Ocean, a private island, the area is not big, that is, it is about the same size as your ranch. It is comfortable to live on it," He Ye replied.

  Jian Heng opened his mouth and asked, "Your island?"

"It's not mine, but I know it. Let's take a vacation together when you are free. It's best to go in summer. The climate there is the most comfortable. The sea water in that place is called Qingzhe. You can see the bottom of the sea at a glance. The whole sea is blue, light blue sea, let me tell you, it's so beautiful that there is no limit..." He Ye continued to praise the island.

  The eyes of the two sisters suddenly flashed with yearning eyes: "Then it's settled, let's go next summer!"

"Okay, no problem! Of course I have time, so I don't know if you have time, and Montana was at the peak of tourism at that time, can you really spare the time?" He Ye expressed himself A little skeptical.

Jian Heng nodded: "There is definitely time. I plan to recruit some people next year. Now the three of us are not enough, so we can recruit five more. In this way, the three of us can be liberated. You can also raise your baby with peace of mind. Oh yes, I guess I really went there, and I forgot about the three little guys in our family."

   "Can we go after giving birth?" He Ye said, "Is it a big deal to take my plane then?"

   "Okay, let's talk about it later" Jian Heng thought for a while.

  He Ye said: "I really have to say it again, this matter does not depend on our will. By the way, is there a boy or a girl?"

  Barley replied: "No, we all want boys and girls anyway, and it will be a surprise when they are born."

   "Do you want a boy or a girl?" He Ye asked.

  Jian Heng said: "I want a boy for my two daughters, and they both like boys."

   "Anyway, there are three of you, you must have a daughter and a son, and you will have both sons and daughters at once, and your life can be regarded as a small consummation," He Ye said.

  Jian Heng said at this time: "You are old, it's time to find a girlfriend."

  He Ye said: "I am as happy as you are, this matter is uncertain, maybe one day I will know about it and come out."

  Jian Heng knows that his marriage cannot be completely decided by him, even if he is only an illegitimate child.

   "When are you going back to China?" Jian Heng changed the subject.

  He Ye asked with a smile: "Why, I just came to the United States and wanted to drive me back. You American people are really not enthusiastic."

"What's the matter? I'm going back to China right now. I'll be with the Montana delegation. If you want to be in China, you can just go to the stud farm together. Maybe we can talk about some cooperation or something." Jian Heng casually Said.

  He Ye curled his lips after hearing this: "We still want to cooperate with them in the stud farm? Okay, you will know when you go to see it."

  Jian Heng just said that. Hearing what He Ye said, he stopped talking about it. The two brothers focused on the biological company, and they chatted all the way. It was already late at night when they returned to the hotel.

  Barley and Wheat had been tossing around for a day, and when they returned to the hotel, they hugged the sofa pillow and began to doze off. Under Jian Heng's urging, they took a shower and lay down on the bed before snoring loudly.

   In order to make them sleep more comfortably and enter a state of deep sleep, Jian Heng lit a finger-long incense stick in the room.

  Barley and wheat were both sound asleep, Jian Heng immediately retracted into the space.

After entering the space, let’s take a look at my two daughters-in-law here. Now they are as big as balls. Although it looks like they are about to give birth, according to past experience, it will take a year or two before the child is born. , talked with the two of them, and then told the two women about the things they planned to do today.

   "What are you going to do?" Selina asked.

  Jian Heng said: "I'm going to beat him up again, and he's pretty unlucky now anyway."

   "Your temper has softened. In the past, you would definitely have brought them into the space, but now you just ask people to go out and beat them up." Blakely said with a feeling of emotion.

  Jian Heng smiled and said: "It's not that I'm soft-tempered, but to deal with such a shameless person, you have to take off his painted skin, and then step them into the abyss with one foot."

Blakely said: "This is the abyss? If you fight here, they can't make any money at most. According to what you said, this person has already made a lot of money. If you save a little bit, you can eat to death, right? Do you feel relieved?"

  Jian Heng looked up at Blakely, nodded and said, "You're still thinking carefully!"

Selina, who was next to her, jokingly said, "Fortunately, the two of you are not outside. If the two of you were outside, you would soon become a serial murderer couple! The family will be ruined and their reputation will be ruined, and they will not be relieved, and they will be killed." Make it impoverished!"

   "Selina, your Chinese is getting better and better!" Jian Heng's hands were dishonest, and he stretched in from Selina's neckline.

   Having to say what Selina said made Jian Heng feel that things should really be done this way!

   Jian Heng's side was not serious, and the two women naturally became dishonest, and the three of them made the house bright and beautiful for a while.

  After a while, Jian Heng walked out of the room, ordered five or six special golden armored warriors, and changed into a golden armor himself to mix in the warrior team.

  Why is it called a special golden armored warrior? Because these golden armored warriors are not guards like ordinary people, they are guardian warriors of the court. To put it bluntly, these golden armored warriors are the most powerful interrogators in the space.

   Asking these people to stand by in the barrier, Jian Heng first went out and returned to his room, then walked into the living room, and after entering the space, he appeared on the roof of the living room downstairs.


As soon as Jian Heng stretched out his head, he realized that there were a lot of people on their side. Apart from the big V and his wife, there were four or five other people. After glancing at their faces, it took Jian Heng a long time to remember that these people were the ones from yesterday. People at the party. I didn't recognize them at first because these guys put on their clothes today, and it didn't look like yesterday, they all met each other honestly.

   "It wasn't you who took the picture or who took it. This is your room. We don't have time to decorate it." The bald white man who was still working **** the big V's wife last night asked with a cold face.

  Big V said coldly: "Have you watched the video? Did you not notice when it was uploaded? And I was fast asleep at that time."

   "Who can prove that you are fast asleep?" The South American-looking man obviously didn't believe it.

"Everyone is here to think about what to do now, not to blame each other. I believe what he said. Who can hold on after taking that medicine a few times, and what is the biggest doubt? The recorded video is It started after eleven o'clock, at that time, who saw him open the camera on the top of the cabinet?..."

   It was the black man who remained calm and began to analyze the suspicious aspects of the whole thing to everyone.

  Hearing what the black man said, Jian Heng said, "It's really good! This guy has two brushes!"

Jian Heng doesn't know what this black man's occupation is. If he knows, he will destroy the Three Views again. This black man is a judge, and he is a very famous judge. When this happens, he will be the most unlucky up. Even so, he remained calm enough.

   "If not him, then who else?"

The black man tapped the armrest of his sofa lightly, and said with certainty: "Our enemy, let's think about it together, have we offended any powerful people during this time? This person is a master, so high that we actually find him Not any useful clues.

  "Is there really no clue at all?"

"Now that something is found in the house, it doesn't prove anything at all. The one connected to the Internet is a DELL laptop. It is made in China but sold in the United States. The buyer is unknown, but it is still paid in cash, and the time of purchase is even more in two days. Years ago, I could vaguely see that the footprints were also very ordinary medium-sized ones, and I don’t know if they were waiting for Yingsheng... ".

  Jian Heng became more and more surprised the more he listened to it, he didn't expect that the technology in the United States is so powerful now, if he didn't get out of the space, he might be caught up by this guy smelling the clues.

"I can't remember, who has such ability, and I haven't had any disputes with anyone recently, oh, I remembered, I had a fight with a clerk last time I bought a super change," said the Latin man .

"The black man said: "That's impossible. A person with such means can't be a shop assistant. This is not a movie. This person has a personality of revenge and a high social status. Usually, he might just say what he says. , either a politician or a businessman, the industry is not small, and he is a wolf-like ruthless character... ".

Depend on! Hearing what the black man said, the hairs on Jian Heng's back almost stood up, and he thought to himself: Is there such a scary person in this **** world? If there is no space here, this guy can immediately pull himself out of the crowd. This hasn't seen him yet, so he told his own temper.

  (end of this chapter)

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