Chapter 597 Shameful

  Jian Hengxin said: This guy is amazing!

   Originally, I just wanted to beat up the big V couple, but now it seems that if this is the case, the purpose is a bit too strong. Since everyone is so complete, let's just cook it together (beat up)!

  Thinking of this, Jian Heng retracted his head into the space, gathered all the golden armored warriors and started dispatching missions.

   Jian Heng directly drew the unintended intention of the room, and then drew the positions of the people in the room on the ground according to his memory.

   "My request is to control all of them. For the first time, I can't let them make any noise. When I beat them, I can only leave slight scars on the surface. What does it look like?"

Jian Heng thought for a while, then stretched out his hand and drew a whip: "It's like this, or it's made from a small branch. Remember not to be too cruel, but in fact, you have to prepare enough materials for them. But you can’t let people check it out, it’s not suitable for you if you have a split spleen…”

   Hearing this, you can tell how ghostly Jian Heng is. He didn't make it clear, but he actually meant to make the police and doctors think that these people get together to play an unhealthy 'game'.

  The golden armored warrior thought to himself: What is this? We are members of the Inquisition. In addition to practicing the method of killing, we have been thinking about how to torture people all our lives. This is simply to show you the basic skills.

For Jian Heng, he is the main **** in the space, and with his personality, he is not interested in asking these priests, what do the chief priests do every day, do they bully men and women, for Jian Heng, space is almost equal to entertainment So he didn't know that the group of golden-armored warriors in his own trial office was completely comparable to the agents of the US Intelligence Agency in terms of torturing people.

"I'll teach you a few words over there." Jian Heng saw that these people nodded one after another, and the leader began to assign tasks here, so he remembered to add that the common language in the space is Chinese, and besides speaking Chinese, The big V and his wife could understand that the others sounded suspicious enough, so don't make a mistake because of the language.

After teaching these people not to move, they will kill you if they move, and then distributed an AK or something to each of the golden armored warriors. Jian Heng observed the situation in the house again and found that they were still sitting in the same state. , So moved to the door and let the golden armored warriors out.

The fighting power of the golden armored warriors is really first-class. They are worthy of being the main knights of the Inquisition and the best dogs of the Lord God Jian Heng. their respective goals.

Among the group of people sitting on the sofa, there was one who reacted quickly. He noticed the golden armored warriors as soon as they appeared, and he also had time to hide or struggle for a while, but because the dress of the golden armored warriors was really weird, if it was He had time to react to the man in the suit who came in, but a group of ancient warriors in golden armor and with ghost faces appeared in the room. He was stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, there was a wound on his neck. There is one more gun, not only a gun, but also a short spear.

   "Shut up, anyone who wants to shout will be killed!"

  The Chinese of the leading warrior in golden armor is not bad, and everyone in the living room can understand it.

  The black man first came back to his senses, and while posing in a cooperative pose, he asked: "What do you want, please don't hurt us, we will cooperate."

  How did the black men know that some people in front of them didn't understand English at all, they only knew a few words. No one could understand what he said, so naturally no one cared about him.

   After a while, the black man only felt that his head was a little dizzy, and his whole head was still awake, but his limbs were out of control, and his whole body had no strength at all. The whole body only had his eyes rolling around.

Not only himself, but he also saw the same expression in the eyes of his companions. What kind of expression was that? With deep fear and forgetfulness, everyone became the eyes of others at this moment. A lamb that takes what can be given, and a lamb that can live to watch itself be slaughtered.

Soon their greatest fear came. Under their watchful eyes, these people each untied the big leather bags on their backs and unfolded them lightly. All torture instruments, such as knives, whips, thorns, hammers, etc., are too common, most of them can't be named, but the shape alone makes people shudder.

   "Help" The black man thought he was killed by these gold-armored monsters today, so he tried his best and roared with his loudest voice.

It's a pity that when he opened his mouth, the black man lost his mind a little. The voice that he yelled out with all his strength has now become a whisper. The force was attracted to him.

  The black man thought to himself: I... might as well not shout this voice!

Although the black man regretted it, he did attract the attention of the gold-armored warrior. The leader of the group paid no attention to his companion, so the two gold-armored warriors walked towards him, one of them With one hand, he easily picked up the 1.8-meter black Zhuang Zhi, and as soon as he was picked up, another golden armored warrior stood in front of the black man and started his hand, as if by magic, in just a few seconds Over time, the black man becomes a black light pig.

  Next, the first batch of punishments were used on black men.

   Once the punishment is executed, the rest of the people should feel at ease, because based on their observations, these punishments don't seem to be as **** and violent as they thought.

  They only think that because they haven't felt it yet, if they knew what black men are suffering right now, they would stink up the whole room, like for less than a minute, black men.

  After such a torment, there was no room for people in the whole room. Even Jian Heng, who had been standing at the door watching, shrank his head back into the space.

   Seeing the golden armored warrior make a gesture to himself, Jian Heng took them back into the space.

At this time, everyone in the room looked stunned. They didn't know what they were thinking or what they were doing now. When their hands and feet regained some strength, the primitive desire burst out of their bodies again. After coming out, the scene became even more unbearable for a while.

  Jian Heng sent the gold-armored warriors back to the space, and immediately moved them out of his barrier. There was no way, these people smelled too strong, and Jian Heng didn't want to get close to them.

  Jian Heng, as a fastidious person, never uses people in vain. Before leaving, each golden armored warrior gave a glass of space water, the kind that prolongs life, as a reward.

  Sneaked back to his room and took a good bath, Jian Heng felt that the smell was gone from his body.

  Jian Heng didn't think it was smelly, but the smell was not due to the room being closed. Although it was late, someone still passed by the door of the room, and soon someone who was breathing Ziling frowned.

   "What kind of five-star hotel is this, why is it so smelly!" A guest who just checked in said loudly, pinching his nose.

  The little waiter pushing the luggage behind said immediately: "No, all our guest rooms are cleaned every day...".

   Speaking of this, the waiter also smelled the stench, frowned and didn't know how to praise his hotel. In this case, he immediately contacted the main station.

  The main station sent over to take a look, the person stuck to the door like this, good guy! That stench almost smoked his ass!

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

   "Please open the door, guest! Please open the door" the little manager of the hotel slapped the door of the room and shouted loudly.

   "If you don't open the door again, we will open the door and go in!"

   After shouting twice more, the manager directly opened the door of the room with the room card.

   As long as the manager can yell, some troublemakers have already gathered at the door of the room, and some have picked up their mobile phones, so many people think it is dead, so they are going to use the media.

  As soon as the door opened, the people at the door immediately felt an indescribable smell rushing out, and many people immediately retched in discomfort.

  In an instant, the entire corridor was filled with a fishy smell.

  Everyone took a closer look, good guy, these people in the room are all naked, and some of them are covered with yellow and white things, how disgusting it is.



  The people in the room saw someone coming, and immediately yelled loudly.

  (end of this chapter)

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