Chapter 598 Joke

  When I woke up in the morning, Jian Heng rolled over from the bed with a smile on his face. He didn't feel sleepy at all. He walked to the living room with great interest, turned on the computer and read the news.

  Jian Heng’s posts are of course domestic news. In the United States, the stink can’t cut off the big V’s way of life, and he can’t make any money from the Americans. Many so-called foreign Chinese are like this. They make money in China and go abroad to spend it. They advertise themselves as Chinese in China. Once they get the money and return to foreign countries, they immediately look different.

I looked at several major news websites for a while. There are reports on these websites, but these so-called reports are not even scratching the surface in Jian Heng’s eyes. Come out, not to mention that even if it is a picture, it is nothing more than a passport photo. How can it satisfy Mr. Jian Heng's vulgar taste?

I can’t see the forum on the website, thanks to Jian Heng’s cleverness, after searching for a while, he found a detailed report on a non-slip website. Although the scene was mosaiced, you can still see the photos’ Smell' the smell in the room. Satisfied Jian Heng's wretched inner world.

   "Hahahaha!" Jian Heng patted his thigh happily, and said to himself, "You're not dead this time? Are you nailed to the pillar of shame?"

   Just when Jian Heng was about to sing happily, there was a knock on the door.

  Jian Heng stood up and walked to the door, and gently opened the door of the room.

  The door opened and I saw two neatly dressed middle-aged men in their thirties standing at the door. One was white and the other was South American.

  Just as Jian Heng opened his mouth to ask something, he saw one of the men flashing the police mask in his hand towards him.

   "What's the matter?" Jian Heng was curious.

   "Excuse me, is this Mr. Jean?" Detective Bai put away the police mask in his hand and asked Jian Heng.

   "It's me, what's your business?" Jian Heng said calmly, not afraid of the police detectives.

   "My name is Rick, and this is my colleague Santos. We have something to ask you," the white police detective said.

   Jian Heng thought for a while, opened the door, and invited the two police detectives into the room.

  Two police detectives entered the room, looked around and sat down on the sofa.

   Jian Heng did not politely say about pouring water or anything, just crossed his legs and looked at the two detectives with his hands on the back of the sofa, waiting for them to ask questions.

   "Excuse me, do you know David Liang?" the white police detective asked.

  Jian Heng asked back: "Who?"

  Jian Heng really didn't know who David Liang was, so he naturally had a confused expression when he asked.

  The South American police detective stretched out his hand, pointed to the photo on the screen of Jian Heng's notebook and said, "This is the one, Mr. Jean, do you have any impression?"

   "Oh, so you're talking about those 'shit' visitors".

   Speaking of this nickname, Jian Heng himself couldn't help but laugh. This name was not given by Jian Heng, but invited by netizens with good deeds on the Internet. Now this big V has become an emoji, and his name is American'shit'guest, satirizing this American In China, he showed a selfless and public face.

   "You have a grudge against him?" the white detective asked.

   Jian Heng did not answer the question, but glanced at the white police detective: "I don't know what you mean?"

"Yesterday, Mr. David Liang was attacked in the hotel room. We suspect that the murderer may be a guest in the hotel. Since Mr. Jean and Mr. David Liang have a festive relationship, we naturally have to come up and ask." The white policeman Tan easily shrugged his shoulders.

   "You think I'm responsible for his ugly appearance?" Jian Heng asked back.

   "We just ruled out the possibility," said the white police detective.

Jian Heng stood up and pointed at the door: "I am happy to help the police officers solve the case, but I don't like what you say. If you think I am a suspect, either arrest me or leave my room." .

   "Mr. Jean, we are just making routine inquiries. What you do will only make you look more suspicious," said the South American police detective.

  Jian Heng smiled: "That's fine, I'll wait for you to find out the evidence."

  Jian Heng was determined to drive people away, and the two police detectives had to get up and leave. As for locking Jian Heng up for 48 hours, they would not dare to do it to a multi-millionaire like Jian Heng

This thing is no problem for ordinary people with criminal records, but it is a lot of trouble for rich people like Jian Heng. If there is sufficient evidence, the two little police detectives can be stuck. Jian Heng is uncomfortable, but now everything No, the two police detectives didn't have the guts to do so, because they knew that they had just locked him in, and they might come out five minutes later, and they would have to be trained or complained to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  Rich people can be said to be more protected by law than poor people in the United States. This is an indisputable reality, because they can afford good lawyers and their network of relationships is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

  Close the door, Jian Heng started scratching his head, he didn't know where he was showing his feet.

In fact, Jian Heng is not to be blamed for this, because he is not a professional in this field. He does not know how far modern crime-solving technology has developed. Besides, these people are more or less weak, and they sue someone for abusing them. Feed them the medicine to lose mind.

  The drug was not detected, but the scars on these people that looked like S&M were still a bit suspicious to professionals, but they were just suspicious.

The police in the United States are not good comrades who are dedicated to pursuing justice. Besides, there are so many murder cases to be solved, so how can police force be wasted on these messy party guests? There is nothing wrong with being wronged, it's just that the last time I changed the wife to play, and now I have gone further into a glass party and fell in love with abuse.

  These two police detectives came here because they had been favored by black men. If they were ordinary police detectives, they would not be interested in provoking a multi-millionaire because of these guys, especially under the current situation.

  Jian Heng didn't know, even the two police detectives couldn't make up their minds.

   "Do you think he is suspicious?" the South American detective asked.

  The white police detective shook his head: "Although there is no surveillance video at the door of his room, neither the elevator nor the corridor surveillance shows that this matter is related to him. I think it is unlikely."

   "Could it be someone he hired?" The South American police officer asked again.

  The white police detective smiled wryly: "Hire someone? Where do you hire them? What kind of people are not good to hire, but you want to hire some soldiers in armor?"

Thinking of this absurd statement, the white police detective's face became a little feverish. Although the wound looked suspicious, being abused by knights became the biggest joke in everyone's mouth. A group of medieval knights wore golden heavy armor and abused them. If you leave them, it doesn't look like the words of a normal-minded person.

And all the police inside and out, all the surveillance cameras have been checked, and no one who may be wearing medieval knight armor has ever entered the hotel. Kai Na must weigh at least forty catties, which is not an easy weight. It is not something a normal person can do to carry it into the room with one hand, and all the waiting students said that they did not push it. Such as some heavy luggage.

Now the basis for the judgment of the police station is here. They think that these people took drugs when they were in chaos, and they had hallucinations in their minds. Otherwise, the current criminals are just wearing a hood on their heads. How can there be people wearing heavy knights? Kai went to the case, is this because the media ran too fast after finishing the case?

  The two police detectives here are also doing their best to know the destiny. To repay their kindness, they will check here.

   "Then shall we still investigate?" the South American police detective asked.

   "Let's go to the scene to have a look again. I always feel that there are some things that I don't understand." The white police detective decided to go to the scene to have a look again. If he really couldn't find any other evidence, then he just gave up.

  The two went upstairs, returned to the room that was still smelly even though the windows were open, and began to search. The two wore masks and searched carefully for almost 30 minutes, but still found nothing.

   Just when both of them were about to give up, the South American police detective suddenly said: "Rick, come and see this".

   As he spoke, the police detective picked out a golden piece of gold, only the size of a fingernail, from a slightly hidden place at the corner of the bed, on which a white seal was clearly seen.

   This badge did not surprise the two of them. Anyway, they thought it was very nonsensical. As Westerners, they all recognized that it was the Baihe badge of the former French royal family.

  The two looked at each other, and they both saw thousands of galloping horses in each other's eyes!

  (end of this chapter)

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