Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 600: early visitor

  Chapter 600 Early visitor

  Early in the morning, Jian Heng got up, pulled the black beans out of the stable, put on the saddle and bridle, and rode around. After Barley and Wheat changed to a new horse, Jian Heng almost didn't compare anything with the two sisters. Whether it was long or short distances or crossing, Black Bean was no match for Water Lily II and Mountain Range II.

  Black Dou is a smart horse, but compared with horses that have been artificially bred for more than a thousand years, it is still far behind. This is an objective fact, and it will not be changed by Jian Heng's preferences.

Jian Heng could have picked a new horse, but he has a special feeling for Heidou, and he thinks it is more comfortable to ride Heidou in the pasture. A few days ago, Heidou was occupied by wheat, and Jian Heng felt that he could ride a big flowered horse everywhere. wrong.

  Sometimes riding a horse is not only about people adapting to horses, but also about horses adapting to people.

After trotting around, both the man and the horse had a thin layer of white sweat. He led the black beans and walked back to the stable to give the black beans a bath in hot water. There was a slight sound of propellers, and when I looked up, I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

   "Hey! The two of you are rushing to eat early. Is this because you are here in time for breakfast?".

  Looking up, I saw the plane slowly descending in the sky. It was the small plane with a few seats that Wu Yong often drove. Even if someone could fly the same plane, the serial number on the plane could not be changed.

  Standing at the door of the stable, put his palm on his forehead and watched the plane fly over the simple runway of his home and began to circle and descend. Then Jian Heng pushed open the door of the stable and walked into the stable.

Now there are five cowboys in the ranch. Today, five of them are here. Everyone is busy brushing the horses. The workload of more than 200 horses is not small. All the busy people can hardly lift their heads. I got up early in the morning Busy work, the current work is almost up, and there are only five or six horses in the stable that have not been taken care of.

  Jian Heng handed the horse to Toby and told him that he had a friend coming, and he had to arrange the horse for this morning.

  Toby didn't say anything else, he took over the horse and nodded, then began to unsaddle and unbridle.

  Jian Heng put the horse into Toby's hands, naturally he was very relieved, and walked out of the stable without looking at it.

  As soon as he returned to the door of the house, Jian Heng saw two figures approaching him from a distance, and stood at the door without entering the door, waiting for them to come.

   "Hey! The small track on your side is doing okay, and there is no ice at this time." Seeing Jian Heng, He Ye raised his hand as a greeting, and then praised the track.

   "Simple, I fly when I'm free, so the runway has to be de-iced from time to time," Jian Heng said.

   "By the way, why did you come here so early?"

  Wu Yong stretched out his hand and pulled He Ye: "Since the master doesn't welcome you, let's go back!"

  Before I finished speaking, I was happy.

  Jian Heng joked: "He Ye has to stay, you can go back on the desktop."

   "I think it's better to forget it. It took so much gas to come here. I'd better mix two meals before going back. It's a good thing." Wu Yong didn't care, and said happily.

  Jian Heng led the two huts into the room, and as soon as He Ye entered the door, He Ye was frightened by Xie Li, who was like a big pile of meat in the living room.

   "I'll go! How did you feed it when it grew so big?" He Ye knew that Jian Heng raised an extremely rare blue blood tree python here.

  He Ye is also someone who has seen this kind of python. He knows that it is expensive, but he has never seen a blue blood tree python as big as Xie Li. Xie Li's body looks like it can eat people.

"It doesn't matter how you plant the Tao. Nothing in the house hibernates. Pooh is like this, and this guy is also like this. Not only does he not hibernate, but the army seems to be quite used to this kind of weather now, and he goes out for a walk when he has nothing to do. "Jian Heng replied.

  He Ye seemed to want to reach out and touch it, but such a huge python made him a little afraid. It's not that He Ye is timid, really, it's impossible for anyone to suddenly see a boa constrictor with Xie Li's physique without trembling in his heart, especially if he doesn't understand its danger at all.

   "It's okay!" Wu Yong saw what he was thinking in He Ye's eyes, and after uttering two words from his mouth, he walked directly to Xie Li's side.

Xie Li was sleeping, and when she felt someone was coming, she raised her head to look, and found that it was her master and Wu Yong, who often came, and she didn't feel any danger from He Ye, so Xie Li turned her head and started to sleep again up.

  Wu Yong stretched out his hand and scratched Xie Li's forehead, then stroked down his neck. Seeing Wu Yong's appearance, He Ye walked over and reached out to touch it.

   "It actually has temperature?"

  As soon as he got his hands on, He Ye felt a very comfortable temperature from Xie Li's scales, as if his hands were pressing a small stove.

  Wu Yong is used to it, and asked cheerfully, "Are you comfortable?"

   "It's really warm. By the way, isn't a snake a reptile? Its body temperature seems to be determined by the temperature outside, right? Why is this snake's body temperature so high now?" He Ye asked puzzled.

  Wu Yong asked back: "This thing doesn't hibernate anymore, how can it survive the winter if it doesn't have such a high body temperature?"


  He Ye nodded after hearing this.

   Jian Heng is not interested in discussing this with the two of them at this time. Even if he doesn't eat, he still eats barley and wheat. You must know that these two are the national treasures of the family, and they have babies in their stomachs.

  Walking towards the kitchen, Jian Heng asked them both: "This morning we ate tofu nao and fresh meat wontons, do you two have any objections?"

   "Can I change my opinion?" He Ye asked.

  Jian Heng said cleanly: "No!"

  He Ye said: "That's them."

   Just like that, Jian Heng went into the kitchen to make breakfast, while He Ye and Wu Yong squatted in the living room chatting while rubbing Xie Li.

  After about half an hour, the two sisters, Damai and Wheat, came back. They were very surprised to see Wu Yong and He Ye appearing at their home so early in the morning.

   "Come here so early, our sheep haven't been killed yet," said Mai.

He Ye replied happily: "We are here to help pick and kill sheep. I am afraid that Jian Heng will be petty and pick a lamb to kill. If we have traveled so far and come here, we will not be full. , then it would be a big loss."

  After hearing this, Maimai immediately defended his man: "Why? The sheep in our family are all very big. Let alone the five of us eat them, we can't eat two more."

  Balley stretched out his hand and patted Xiaomai's shoulder lightly: "They were joking."

  Barley and wheat are very good at Chinese now, but the level of barley is higher, and you can understand irony. Wheat is slightly worse in this respect, and this is not a sign of inadequacy in Chinese literature. Not to mention Wheat, even some children who grew up in China can’t understand irony now, and young people now speak straight Yes, it means straightforward, so some scholars say that the charm of the Chinese language has faded, and today's young people are all ignorant and obedient.

   "Oh!" Mai Mai came back to her senses.

  At this time, Jian Heng's voice came over: "Everyone, get ready and eat!"

  Hearing Jian Heng's yell, the four of them couldn't stand idle, so the one who took the bowl took the bowl, and the one who served the rice started to help.

Sitting around the dining table, He Ye saw that in front of Barley and Wheat, there were not only wontons and tofu brains, but also a 'platter' composed of five or six kinds of fruits. plate.

   "Can you eat so much food at one time?" He Ye stirred the spoon in his hand, waiting for the wonton to cool down before putting it in his mouth.

  Barley said: "There is no problem. Now our daily appetite is increasing. Now we have to eat four meals a day. Otherwise, we will feel hungry and can't sleep."

The two sisters are also suffering from headaches now, and now their food tastes have changed. For example, they liked cheese and other things in the past, but now it is no longer possible. When they smell cheese, they will retch immediately, and there is no smell. It won't stop for a few minutes.

  The appetite and preferences changed after pregnancy, which made the two sisters uncomfortable.

Wu Yong said: "What's so strange about this? When my daughter-in-law was pregnant, her mouth wouldn't be idle all day. Let me tell you, I ate from the moment I opened my eyes until I fell asleep with the food in my arms. Sometimes I still have some food in my mouth. This is normal during pregnancy.”

   "Are you very good at it?" Jian Heng smiled.

  He Ye said: "Don't laugh, when you cry in the future, when the child is born, you will know why the old saying goes that if you don't raise a child, you don't know the kindness of your parents. I tell you that you don't understand, so let's experience it slowly in the future."

  Jian Heng smiled after hearing this, and nodded to show that he was ready.

  (end of this chapter)

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