Due to size issues, Lin Mo set a development cycle of four to five months for the game this time, setting a record for the company's longest game development period.

It is also because we need to give employees a "recharge" time.

The visual element of "cyberpunk" was well-known on the Internet in previous lives and is inseparable from the launch of Cyberpunk 2077.

After that, many people heard the term for the first time.

The same is true for this world.

Even for Naughty Cat, it is normal for many people to not understand the spiritual core behind these four words.

This requires employees to enrich themselves.

This time, the whole Naughty Cat thing went uncharacteristically.

In the early days of the company's establishment, for several games, game promotion basically relied on word-of-mouth.

Relying on word-of-mouth fermentation to attract players to play.

Later, it grew into the most eye-catching game company in the world, and the game brought its own fans and traffic.

In terms of publicity, they are a bit lazy and do more of a chore.

This time.

Many games are still in the early stages of development, with everything from the most basic purchase-level patch ads to linkage promotions.

For example, there is an animation with the same name and in the same worldview, the upcoming "Cyberpunk: Edgewalker".

This animation was loved by many people as soon as it was released in its previous life.

But is there a problem?

There are also.

In the previous life, this animation only had 10 episodes.

The number of episodes is too small, resulting in many story contents not being developed and explained clearly, and the character motivations being a bit strange.

So this time Lin Mo expanded the number of episodes to 13, using the extra 3 episodes to explain many things that were not explained clearly in the original work.

In terms of the broadcast method, it was originally planned to be released in one go according to Netflix's habits.

As a result, after Jackson heard the general direction of the story, he came up with a different perspective.

"Mr. Lin, are you saying that this animation will have a tragic ending, and that the villain who appears will also appear in the game?"

Lin Mo nodded and said, "Yes, do you have any good suggestions?"

During the video call, Jackson pondered for a few seconds and then said: "My suggestion is to update one episode every week, and in the last week you can connect the three episodes to make a small theatrical version for release. As for the time, it will be stuck before the game is released. One week.”

Stuck the day before?

Lin Mo couldn't help but be dumbfounded, this was not bad.

Edgewalker is a tragic ending.

The animation of the previous life was broadcast two years after the game was released. Countless players returned to the game angrily after seeing the ending, and killed the series villain Adam with a hammer countless times to vent their anger.

Then he said with a smile: "Let's just stick to the first two days. If it takes too long, I'm afraid I will be scolded to death by the players."

"Being scolded? No way." Jackson smiled, "As long as you don't destroy the protagonist."


Lin Mo couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Boy, you guessed it right.

There was sudden silence on the video call for a few seconds.

Jackson's face twitched, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

But he still laughed loudly and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter, as long as the protagonist doesn't die together and is killed in an almost humiliating way."

Lin Mo raised an eyebrow.

Is the way David died in the original work considered humiliating?

Jackson's face darkened, and he laughed dryly and said: "Actually, there are many film and television works in which the protagonist dies. This is a very clever way to mobilize the audience's emotions. As long as the female characters that the audience likes are not written to death. That’s good.”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Mo looked a little weird.

If you are not 100% sure, you have to wonder if the script has been leaked.

Seeing Lin Mo's expression, Jackson's heart finally died.

"Mr. Lin Mo, can you tell me what kind of story this is?"

"No." Lin Mo smiled slightly, "Please look forward to it."

"Mr. Lin Mo, you won't make me regret gambling on my future."

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Lin Mo changed the topic, "By the way, I need your help. Help me find an actor who knows music, has acting skills, and has a temperament like a hippie or a prodigal son."

After repeating the requirements in detail.

"Hippie? Prodigal son? Acting skills?" Jackson frowned as he listened, "It's hard to find such a complicated request. Are you planning to be an actor in the game? There really is such a candidate. But his reputation in recent years is... Some are not so good.”

"Oh? Tell me."

"Glass Martinez."

An unfamiliar name.

Lin Mo opened the search engine and searched for the name.

My first reaction when I saw the photo.

Like, so similar.

He is almost carved from the same mold as Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077, or Keanu Reeves in his previous life.

Let’s take a look at some masterpieces and movie reviews.

Unlike Keanu Reeves in his previous life, he was not so lucky to star in the two classic movie series The Matrix or John Wick.

Glass was at his peak when he debuted. After a few years of briefly appearing in bit parts and supporting roles, he starred in two critically acclaimed and critically acclaimed films.

One of them is a movie of the same name adapted from an earlier action-adventure game "Thunderbird Project".

This is also one of the few games adapted into movies that have achieved both box office and box office success. Since then, Glass's name has been inextricably linked to the game.

But after that, the good times didn't last long, and then came Waterloo.

He went bankrupt due to poor financial management, and the movies he starred in later did not perform well, and he was criticized for having a narrow acting career, so he could not play any other roles except for a white-faced niche.

The most important thing is that there are some problems in the relationship with his girlfriend, and there is a domestic violence scandal.

Although it was later confirmed that this was false, there was no filming for two years.

The industry has almost forgotten this man.

Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction and said: "Please contact me for me. If you are willing, you can come to China for an interview."

Jackson shrugged and said, "I can help you contact him. But let's talk about the ugly things first. I can't guarantee that we can promote this cooperation. The experience of the past few years has hit Glass hard."

"Try it, it's always right."

On the other side, Electronic Arts.

At this time, Arnold felt a little irritated when he saw the advertisements for Cyberpunk 2077 that could be seen everywhere. He kept pressing his knuckles, making bursts of "pop" sounds.

"Damn, this is a really tough opponent."

Shareholders' meeting in the morning.

Although it won the best trophy of the year, the off-site turmoil even overshadowed WGA and the best game of the year itself.

Electronic Arts' reputation has not improved, but it has gained another "stupidity" in the minds of players.

It can be said to be murderous and heartbreaking.

Arnold, the newly appointed CEO, naturally did not get any good results.

Winning the WGA Best of the Year not only had no effect, but the stock price even fell by another two percentage points.

It can be said that it is a loss to my grandma's family.

Previously, Baoken had been embarrassed in front of the naughty cat, and he thought he was just a human being.

Now it seems that the naughty cat is really difficult to deal with.

It's been a few days since wga.

As soon as Cyberpunk 2077 was announced, it ranked first among the “hot searches” in various countries.

In contrast, despite the huge investment of time and money, Electronic Arts' ambitious work "Galaxy Hunters" won the Most Anticipated Award of the Year.

But strangely enough, there weren't many voices discussing it.

In the past, what Electronic Arts was best at was its ability to publish money. It relied on its channel experience as an agent to win in the publicity and distribution process.

But this time when Naughty Cat was on full fire, this kind of publicity offensive could not withstand it.


Arnold frowned deeply.

Is Naughty Cat also trying to make false propaganda?

Looking at a series of promotional materials, why do they look so fake?

Thinking about Arnold makes me feel a little sore.

It’s so irritating that people are so different from each other!

Electronic Arts' propaganda was too exaggerated, and a lot of people jumped out to question whether it was fake.

Naughty Cat promotes it like this, why doesn’t anyone question it?

What an enviable reputation.

I thought and glanced at the time.

It was far past the agreed time and the other party was late.

Arnold frowned, what's going on?

"Galaxy Hunters: Rise" will be released soon, and I had an appointment today to discuss some things about this animation.

As a result, it took a long time to wait.

Just when Arnold couldn't wait any longer and wanted to make a call and ask.

There was a knock on the door, and then the secretary's voice came from outside the door.

"Mr. Pawar has arrived."

"Let him in."

Arnold wanted to get angry, but when he saw Pavar coming in, his face turned even uglier than his own.

He frowned deeply, what happened again?

"you are late."

Pawar sat down with a gloomy face, and then said bluntly: "Something happened. You know Lin Mo's plan, right?"

Arnold nodded.

How could you not know? Electronic Arts used some means to steal Naughty Cat's annual award.

It can be seen from the recent publicity method of Cyberpunk 2077 that is completely different from the previous style. Lin Mo is really a bit popular this time.

Then, Pawar said: "The "Cyberpunk: Edgewalker" was signed to Netflix, replacing "Galaxy Hunters: Rise" as the main animation in the first quarter."

"What?!" Arnold suddenly stood up with an incredible look on his face, "Replace? Why, why! I need you to give me an explanation!"

Pawar explained helplessly: "You also know the cooperative relationship between Netflix and Naughty Cat. Everyone in the "Warcraft" TV series company is very optimistic about it. It is a convenient thing to sign an animation to help."

"The quality of "Edgewalker" is great?"

"I don't know, Naughty Cat didn't provide samples or scripts."

Arnold smiled and shook his head.

Not out of joy, but out of anger.

The smile gradually disappeared from the corner of his mouth, and he said coldly: "There is no sample film, no script, a second-rate game company established less than ten years ago, a third-rate animation launched, taking away the promotional resources of "Galaxy Hunter: Rise"? What are you doing? Are you playing some nasty joke on me?"

Pawar said with a serious face: "That's why I came to you. "Edge Walker" is a project promoted by Jackson, and I don't want to see it become popular. The top priority is how to make the project that belongs to "Galaxy Hunters: Rise" Get the resources back."

Arnold sighed, feeling a little bored.

I once again realized how Bao Ken felt at the time.

There is a feeling of embarrassment, and it feels like there is a naughty cat everywhere I go, and no matter what the other party does, it is done faster and better than my side.

The key is that this time it also involves internal fighting within Netflix.

The little idea of ​​Pawar in front of him is also very clear, he wants to use the power of Electronic Arts to bring down Jackson, his competitor.

I really don't want to care about it, but it is closely related to my own interests, so I can't ignore it.

The hook is straight and the bait is salty, but it still has to be hooked and it has to be used.

"Do you have any ideas? How can I cooperate with you?"

Hearing these words, Pawar couldn't help but show a hint of joy on his face, and said quickly: "You may not know, but in the animation "Cyberpunk: Edgewalker", there is a loli named Rebecca. Role."

"Loli?" Arnold frowned, "Are you trying to criticize me with your tendency to smelt copper? This is unreliable."

"No, no, no!" Pawar was startled by these words and quickly waved his hand to correct, "What I mean is that the theme of cyberpunk itself is not suitable for the emergence of characters like 'loli'. This is different from The subject matter is inherently incompatible and inconsistent.”

"Go on."

Pawar said with a smile: "As long as "Edge Walker" does not receive overwhelming praise and reaches the level where gamers love it, then we can use the character of Rebecca as an entry point to make a fuss. By then, the entire network will How wonderful would it be to criticize "Edgewalker" for being a fake cyberpunk movie?"

It made sense to Arnold at first.

Pawar has just said that "Edgewalker" is different from other Netflix movies and TV series. It is not released at once, but updated weekly.

Even if the animation starts off with a bang, as long as there are one or two episodes later that are more awkward, you can use this trick to regain the resources that belong to "Galaxy Hunter: Rise".

But when I thought about it, I felt something was wrong.

"But what if the character Rebecca is particularly popular with players? Wouldn't it be in vain?"

Pawar said contemptuously: "Impossible. This is a 13-episode animation. The promotional posters and information show that the absolute protagonists are a boy named David and a girl named Lucy. What do you think of cyberpunk? In the world view, would a supporting character Lolita with a soft-spoken voice and gentle personality be welcomed?"

Arnold let out a sigh of relief. Although he felt that there were omissions in the plan, he couldn't think of any good solutions.

In the field of online streaming media, Netflix is ​​now the number one in the world.

If you change the genre, the full-scale promotion of other streaming media may not be as effective as Netflix digging out some promotional resources from the teeth.

"Just do what you say, I will cooperate with you." Arnold put the ballpoint pen in his hand back into the pen holder, "About the protagonist of the game movie adaptation of "Galaxy Hunter", why hasn't Glass responded yet? Is he really suitable? Well, I have some doubts."

Pawar patted his chest and said: "Glass is one of the most suitable actors to participate in game-related film and television dramas. In addition to his acting skills, another advantage is that it is cheap. He has not acted in two years, so he will definitely agree. .”

"I hope so."

Next, just wait for the weekly update of "Cyberpunk: Edgewalker" to be played.

Then, wait for an opportunity to use a public opinion offensive to discredit the animation in an episode when its reputation is declining, and steal publicity resources.

Then, all 24 episodes of "Galaxy Hunters: Rise" will be released at once.

Arnold let out a breath and glanced at the computer screen.

Above is a one-week countdown to when "Cyberpunk: Edgewalker" will be officially streamed on Netflix.

"Naughty Cat, I want to see if the animation is good if the game is good!"

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