The monitor is very prestigious among his classmates.

"Teacher Chu suddenly appeared, and everyone must have been very excited."

"After all, Mr. Chu is the mentor of all fifty of us. There is no doubt about that. We are all very grateful to him."

"Without Mr. Chu's teachings, we would not have achieved what we have today. This is beyond doubt. It can be said that everything we have is due to Mr. Chu."

"Therefore, this time when Teacher Chu appears, we must take it seriously and strive to give the teacher a perfect result."

"Teacher Chu likes live broadcasting, right? Then we will do our best to cooperate with him and let him conduct this perfectly without any regrets."

"This requires everyone's joint efforts."

Instantly, the group applauded.

"The monitor said it well."

"The monitor said it well."

"The monitor said it well.

There was also an expression of thumbs up.

The monitor continued:"Youlong and Liangcai have both met the teacher, and he will explain the situation below."

Tang Youlong and Qu Liangcai began to speak



Qu Congzheng said in the group

"Youlong, you come first, you are the first person to see Teacher Chu"


Tang Youlong was speaking in the live broadcast room.

"That's right. From what I understand, Mr. Chu should have just retired, otherwise it would be impossible for him to come back to us after fifty years."

"As for his occupation, I did not ask, but I could vaguely feel that even if you asked, he would not tell you, and his identity and occupation were very confidential."

"He is in good health. Although he is already 80 years old, his mental state is similar to that of a man in his 50s or 60s."

"By the way, he also has a granddaughter named Chu Ling……"

He talked about a lot of things.

All about Chu Yuan's situation.

A classmate asked:"Why does Teacher Chu broadcast live?"

The students were all curious about this.

There were puzzled expressions below.

Tang Youlong thought about it.

"According to Teacher Chu himself, he was inspired by a video on the Internet about"opening a classmate's blind box live" when he was watching videos, which gave him the idea of opening a student's blind box live."

The students did not continue to speak, as if they were thinking.

Even Tang Youlong was silent.

He was a little confused about the meaning of Teacher Chu's move.

But he was sure that it was not as simple as playing.

With Teacher Chu's wisdom, would he play such a low-level game?

The answer is, absolutely not.

At this time, the monitor stood up and spoke

"Don't think about it, there's no point speculating on Mr. Chu's purpose."

"What's more, with our intelligence, how can we guess Teacher Chu's purpose?"

Many students agreed.

"That's right, let's not think about these things. We can never guess what Mr. Chu's intentions are."

"Yes, it is wishful thinking for us to try to guess the depth of the ocean with our limited knowledge."

The squad leader said,"Liangcai, tell me about it."


"I just had dinner with Teacher Chu, and now Teacher Chu has fallen asleep"

"Today I contacted the teacher and found some problems. As Youlong said, Mr. Chu's occupation and identity are very mysterious."

"He didn't mean to tell me, so I didn't ask. However, I could sense that Mr. Chu's purpose for this live broadcast was not simple."

"Therefore, my suggestion is that all students should cooperate with Teacher Chu's work.’"

Class monitor:"I agree."

A large group of classmates responded below

"I agree"




Noon passed in a flash.

Chu Yuan woke up and checked the time.

It was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Hey, Xiaoling, hurry up, start live streaming"

"I almost fell asleep."

Chu Ling was sitting nearby and watching.

She said,"Don't worry, Grandpa, we won't miss the time. There are still three minutes."

Chu Yuan blamed,"You kid, you have to wake me up at the last second?"

"You need to do anything in advance, don't rush when the time comes."

Chu Ling nodded:"Okay, Grandpa, I understand."

Then Chu Yuan looked around.

"Where's Xiao Qu?"

Chu Ling said,"He went to work. Uncle Qu was very busy. Seeing that you fell asleep, he didn't let me wake you up."

Chu Yuan nodded,"Yes, as a big shot, he is naturally very busy. It's not easy for him to take time out to have dinner with me.""

"Now that you've seen it, let's go!"

"Let's see who the next student will be."

Chu Ling took out her cell phone and said excitedly

"Grandpa, you are famous."

Chu Yuan frowned:"What do you mean?"

Chu Ling opened a video:"Grandpa, look, you are famous on the Internet, very popular, and occupy the first place in all the hot search lists."

Chu Yuan looked and saw that Douyin was full of videos about him.

The videos he live broadcast were edited into various forms by netizens.

With the copywriting, it was very eye-catching.

What is it like, [Shocked, the frontier official actually came from a small village】

【A senior official actually respects the primary school teacher so much, it turns out that his identity is not simple】

【Shocked, the Dean of the Academy of Engineering and the Secretary of the Eastern Province were classmates in elementary school. 】

It also included their pictures.

Chu Yuan nodded and said nothing.

Then he stood up and said

"Start live broadcast."

Chu Ling nodded:"Okay."

At this time, hundreds of thousands of netizens were anxiously waiting.

Waiting for Chu Yuan to start live broadcast

"Why hasn’t the live broadcast started yet? It’s already two o’clock. Could Grandpa Chu be drunk?"

"It is possible that teachers and students who have not seen each other for fifty years will naturally have a good chat."

"In addition, Secretary Qu respects Grandpa Chu so much, so he must drink a few more cups. It seems that whether there will be a live broadcast in the afternoon is a problem."

"It's a pity that we didn't see their conversation at the wine table. As the saying goes, truth comes out after drinking, and many of the words at the wine table are the truth."

"Indeed, I really want to know the identity of Grandpa Chu. His background must be complicated. How could it be easy for him to teach such an outstanding student?"

"That’s right, look at these students, they are all important figures in the area, including the deans of the Academy of Engineering, and they are all so respectful to Grandpa Chu, how can they be ordinary?"

""Okay, okay, let's go! There will be no live broadcast today."

Just when the netizens were about to leave,

Chu Yuan's live broadcast room suddenly opened.

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