"Netizens, sorry to have kept you waiting."

In front of the screen, Chu Yuan smiled and greeted everyone.

The netizens were stunned.

What's going on?

Is the live broadcast room open?

Isn't it closed?

Netizens didn't have time to think about it and clicked it directly.

In an instant, 100,000 people poured into the live broadcast room.

The barrage was instantly filled with

"I thought there would be no live broadcast today, but it actually started"

"Mr. Chu, did you enjoy the wine? Don't drink too much."

"I finally met Mr. Chu. I'm so excited."

"Mr. Chu, after meeting Secretary Qu, who will be the next student?"

"We are looking forward to seeing Mr. Chu meet the next student"

"We are all curious, let's open the blind box quickly!"

Countless netizens were a little impatient.

Chu Yuan smiled and nodded:"Hahaha, thank you for your concern, I am very happy today"

"The main thing is that Xiao Qu is really working for the people wholeheartedly, and I am very proud of him."

"He told me about some of the things he was doing at work, and I realized it was really hard."

"Even if it is difficult���But our Xiao Qu still withstood the pressure and completed the task with all his strength."

"Like some of the projects he told us about before, they were not all smooth sailing before they were completed. Only Xiao Qu knew the difficulties."

"So, I think Xiao Qu is a person who sincerely works for the people."

"What do you think?"

At this time, the live broadcast room reached 500,000 people.

The live broadcast had 500,000 people online, making it the live broadcast room with the most online viewers in Douyin during this period.

The number of people was still skyrocketing.

This was mainly because Chu Yuan became popular on the Internet, attracting the attention of countless netizens.

They came to watch.

Netizens praised Qu Congzheng one after another.

"We have seen Secretary Qu's achievements. I think he is a good official."

"Yes, I think so too. The places he governed were all well received, such as Yuelong Lake, Jinling Zifeng Building, etc., which are all good projects that benefit the country and the people."

"He used to be the mayor of our area. When he was here, I heard of Secretary Qu's name. He was really a good official and an honest official."

"He was also a man who hated evil and hated evil. Once in Tongcheng, I remember he arrested dozens of corrupt officials at a meeting, which was really gratifying."

"Secretary Qu, a good servant of the people, I hope Secretary Qu will be promoted step by step"


Since Qu Congzheng's identity was exposed, some of his political achievements were exposed, which attracted a lot of praise from netizens.

His reputation rose sharply and he became a celebrity official. He attracted the attention and admiration of netizens across the country.

Chu Yuan looked at the comments of hundreds of thousands of netizens on Qu Congzheng in the live broadcast room and nodded with satisfaction.

"It is an honor for Xiao Qu to receive so much support and praise from netizens."

"In short, I hope he will continue to work hard and live up to the people."

Instantly, the live broadcast room was greeted with warm applause (expression).

In the Shangang Primary School group, the fifty students were in the live broadcast room.

Seeing the netizens' evaluation of Qu Liangcai, and also receiving such high evaluation from Teacher Chu, the students all gave Qu Liangcai a thumbs up

"Liangcai, it seems that you have performed well in recent years. You have won the support of so many people. Teacher Chu also speaks highly of you."

"No wonder Liangcai changed his name to"Jingzheng". It seems that Liangcai has had the ideal of being a politician since he was a child. It is really extraordinary to be able to achieve this level."

"That's a must. When Liangcai was still studying, his performance was extraordinary. With the three major ways of thinking taught by Teacher Chu, it's normal for him to achieve such success."

"That’s right, the three major thinking modes are simply the greatest thinking in the world. I have looked throughout the world and found that every person who can match them is"

"Nonsense, otherwise how could we have achieved such success? A small primary school on the hill, 50 people, all admitted to university, and all at the forefront of their respective industries, three major thinking patterns contributed greatly"

"Teacher Chu is truly an amazing person. I really want to listen to his lecture again."

Qu Liangcai felt a little embarrassed to be praised by so many people.

"Dear students, please don't torture me like this."

"This is my job, it's what I should do."

"Since you want to be in politics, you must not forget your original intention and serve the people from beginning to end."

"If you really want to praise him, you should praise Youlong! This guy has made outstanding achievements in this technological war, breaking the blockade and making great contributions to our country's scientific and technological cause."

The rest of the students agreed.

"Yes, Youlong did a good job this time."

"We should also give a thumbs up to Youlong."

At this time, the squad leader spoke

"Youlong and Liangcai are both great"

"You didn't disappoint Teacher Chu, and you are a role model for us to learn from."

Tang Youlong:"I say, class monitor, please don't be so hard on me and Liangcai. Once your achievements are exposed, I don't know if it will cause Teacher Chu to have a heart attack."

"When Teacher Chu sees you, you must be careful."

Qu Liangcai:"Yes, Youlong reminded me well, the class monitor's achievements are simply terrifying, his life is a fairy tale"

"I hope Teacher Chu won’t be so shocked that he’s dizzy by then!"

Monitor:"You’re overthinking it. With Teacher Chu’s background and status, how could he be shocked by our small achievements? You underestimated Teacher Chu."

Everyone was silent, and no one knew what they were thinking.

Maybe everyone felt that the monitor had something else in his words, but it was inconvenient to say it.

Monitor:"Okay, let’s stop talking."

"Let's see who will be the next to see Teacher Chu!"

The students were also looking forward to it.


Chu Yuan started opening the blind box

"Netizens, are you looking forward to who the next classmate will be?"

Netizens were excited

"Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, looking forward to it!"

"The first one is the chief scientist of Hua Wei, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the second one is the governor of Longguodong Province. They are all so great. I am really looking forward to who the third one will be."

"I am also looking forward to it. I really want to see how great the third student's achievements will be and whether he will surpass the first two."

"To be honest, although I don’t quite believe that I can surpass them, I am not confident in myself. After all, the first two are so awesome, the third one probably won’t be that bad either."

"Hahahaha, don't think too much, just look forward to it together!"

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