Tang Youlong:"Is Teacher Chu really an alien?"

Qu Congzheng:"I can't make a decision on this matter."

Zhao Dahu:"I'm afraid you should ask the class monitor about this matter."

Others also @ the class monitor

"Squad leader, what do you think about this matter?"

"Yes, is Teacher Chu really an alien?"

"If Teacher Chu is really an alien, what will be the consequences?"


At this moment, all fifty students in the group showed up.

They really wanted to know the answer to this question.

They had guessed it before, but they were not sure.

After all, it was a bit absurd.

Although the term"aliens" has existed for hundreds of years, no one has ever seen a real alien.

It has always been a state of fantasy, without any sufficient evidence.

The monitor is the most prestigious and powerful person among the fifty students. Everyone is willing to listen to him, and what he says is the most authoritative.

After a few minutes, the monitor finally spoke.

"I've looked into it, but there's no clue."

"Especially the fifty years that Teacher Chu disappeared, there was no news at all."

At this moment.

The whole group was silent.

This sentence was very clear. Everyone was smart and could understand what the monitor meant.

Even if they were not sure, they could not rule out this possibility.

It seems that Teacher Chu's back is really a big mystery.


Back to the birthday party.

After the host finished the introduction,

Liang Xiaoru began to speak, picked up the microphone, and glanced at the guests below.

"Dear friends and relatives, welcome to……"

"Next, I will introduce an old man to you all."

Then he looked at Chu Yuan.

The dignitaries at the scene also looked at Chu Yuan.

They were all curious and wondered who this person was.

The noble lady next to Xiao Momo asked Xiao Momo curiously.

"Momo, who is that old man?"

Momo said,"Aunt Liang's teacher."

The lady was shocked:"Xiaoman's teacher?"

She looked at Momo in disbelief:"Really?"

Momo nodded:"Yes, he told me personally."

Seeing her mother so shocked.

She immediately explained:"Oh, it's not the teacher hanging in Aunt Liang's house, but……"

At this point, Momo suddenly thought of something. Her scalp went numb instantly! She opened her eyes wide.

She thought, could this old man in front of her be the teacher in Aunt Liang's photo?


Momo's mind was buzzing.

She was shocked:"No way!"

"Is he really the teacher in Aunt Liang's photo?"

Remembering the old man's solemn promise that he would definitely protect her,

Xiao Momo realized that with such great power, it might really be the teacher that Aunt Liang mentioned who could do it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Momo's face turned red.

Because she had always said that she liked the young man in the photo.

That was Aunt Liang's teacher.

However, she never expected that the man in the photo was actually the old man in front of her.

"My God, it's so embarrassing."

Little Momo really wanted to find a hole to crawl into. She was always behind her mother, not daring to show her face.

Her mother was even more surprised at this time.

Because she and Liang Xiaoru were good friends, she naturally knew the position of the teacher in Liang Xiaoru's heart.

He was like a god in Liang Xiaoru's heart. (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Liang Xiaoru's admiration for the teacher has reached the level of faith.

No one can change it.

Liang Xiaoru has never been married in her life, which has a lot to do with her teacher.

Momo's mother is very clear about this.

"It's incredible that he showed up."

"Fifty years have passed, and I can't believe he's still alive."

"So where did he go all these years? You know, Liang Xiaoman has been looking for him for fifty years and couldn't find him."

"What a strange man."

Momo's mother was shocked.

She stared at Chu Yuan, as if she wanted to see something from him. However

, after looking at him, she found that he was no different from ordinary people. Wang Congcong saw this scene and finally remembered.

"It was him"

"I mean, why does it look so familiar?"

"Mr. Chu, a very mysterious old man...."

Mr. Wang at the side asked:"Congcong, do you know Mr. Chu?"

Wang Congcong shook his head:"No, I have watched his live broadcast, he is a very powerful old man."

Mr. Wang:"Is there any way you can get close to him?"[]

Wang Congcong shook his head and asked,"What's the problem?"

Mr. Wang:"If we can get close to him, our Qianda Group can go further."

"Didn't you see what Leo did just now to get close to Mr. Chu?……"

Wang Congcong was surprised:"So despicable?"

Mr. Wang nodded:"Indeed"

"However, if it really succeeds, it won't be a loss, and anyone would be willing to do it."

Wang Congcong thought for a while.

Thinking of Chu Yuan's students, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"I can try."

Mr. Wang was overjoyed:"Okay, you know a little more about the Internet, it's up to you."

Wang Congcong nodded:"Okay."

On the stage.

Liang Xiaoru looked at Chu Yuan with a smile on her face.

She said loudly:"This, Mr. Chu, is my elementary school teacher." There was silence below, and no one spoke.

Those who knew the details were all shocked.

There were also people who didn't know the details.

They all looked curious and looked forward to what would happen next.

Liang Xiaoru continued to introduce, and said with emotion:"Everyone may know that I was born in a remote desert village. I was born in a humble family. Under normal circumstances, I would live there all my life."

"Grow up in that place, get married, have children, raise them, bring them up, and then continue my old path"

"This is the final destination of most ordinary rural women."

"However, God has been kind to me and has allowed me to meet the right person in my life."

Then he looked at Chu Yuan

"That's Teacher Chu."

"He suddenly came to our Shangang Primary School and became my teacher for several years."

"With his arrival, the gears of my destiny began to turn, and my life began to undergo earth-shaking changes."

"He taught me knowledge, the principles of being a human being, how to do things, how to think……"

"Finally, all the students in our class were admitted to university."

Don't worry: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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