Liang Xiaoru continued to speak.

She spoke with great emotion, and every story was vivid.

It made people form a picture in their minds, just like watching a movie.

The hundreds of people at the scene and the 600,000 people in the live broadcast room listened with relish and were intoxicated.

This is the charm of Liang Xiaoru, a master storyteller.

"At that time, there were ten students in a class at Shangang Primary School. After graduating from primary school, they went on to junior high school and then to high school. Almost none of them were left behind."

"In my high school class, there were 60 students. I and nine other students were all admitted to the key class. When we faced the college entrance examination, only 10 of the 60 students in our class were admitted to university."

"Those ten people were the ten students who graduated from Shangang Primary School that year."

When Liang Xiaoru said this, everyone in the banquet hall was shocked.

The six hundred thousand people in the live broadcast room were also shocked to the point of their scalps going numb!

"Oh my goodness, there are 60 people in a class, and all of them who got into university are students from Shangang Primary School"

"Damn, what kind of magical primary school is this? It is definitely a magical school in the past, a magical school in a remote small village"

"It's so fucking terrifying, it's unbelievable, unheard of, this is the most amazing thing I've ever heard in my life"

"It was outrageous, outrageous to the extreme. At that time, I only knew that all ten students were admitted to college, but I didn’t know that they were the only ten students in the high school class who were admitted to college."

"In that era, it was indeed a myth. If it were put in modern times, it would be equivalent to an ordinary, remote high school where ten students were admitted to Qinghua University at the same time."

"It's so awesome, I was stunned."

The bigwigs at the banquet were also shocked.

Most of them had higher backgrounds than Liang Xiaoru.

Either they had a strong background, or they had a good family background and were born in the city.

Because of these, they were able to thrive in Longguo.

They knew this very well.

If they didn't have these, they would have been born in the countryside and would probably have spent their lives farming in the countryside.

Reality is so cruel.

There is only one person like Liang Xiaoru in ten thousand.

Therefore, Liang Xiaoru's life is completely a myth.

Her life is full of legends, which can basically be written into a novel, and even a movie is not too much.

"I never thought that President Liang would have such an experience."

"I never thought that Principal Liang's background was so humble. It's surprising."

"No matter what, I never thought that Mr. Liang had no background at all and became the director of the cigarette group completely through his own hard work. It's incredible."

"President Liang is truly a god! She is the president of Tianmen Chamber of Commerce, and we all admire her."

"Indeed, I am convinced that she is the principal of Qinghua University.

The dignitaries present were all amazed.

They were shocked by Liang Xiaoru's experience.

Liang Xiaoru continued to introduce

"It can be said that without Teacher Chu, I would not have everything I have now."

"Everything I have now is completely given by Teacher Chu. Teacher Chu, you are my lifelong benefactor, Liang Xiaoru."

"I can never repay your kindness to me in my entire life."

As she spoke, Liang Xiaoru's eyes were blurred with tears.

Drops of water fell.

The whole banquet hall was extremely quiet, without any sound.

Although it was a birthday banquet, people who didn't know thought it was a confession.

It touched countless people.

Chu Yuan was also very upset by Liang Xiaoru's words.

He really just taught casually back then. He was also responsible, after all, he was the only teacher in Shangang Primary School.

If he didn't care, who would?

So, Chu Yuan taught his students some things seriously.

Whether it was classroom knowledge, or how to behave, or how to do things, there were also some ways of thinking and ways to solve problems.

In short, Chu Yuan finally summarized these things.

Called them the three major thinking models.

That is, he passed the three major thinking models to his fifty students.

Unexpectedly, he gained so many excellent students.

The four who have appeared so far are already incredible.

There are still forty-six behind. Thinking of them, even Chu Yuan became curious.

What is their current situation, and what are their current positions and achievements.

Chu Yuan looked at Liang Xiaoru and was slightly moved.

It would be a lie if he was not moved by such praise from a student.

"Xiaoru, the knowledge I taught you was just my responsibility as a teacher."

"It's just that how you do in the future is the result of your hard work, and it has nothing to do with me."

"So, you really don't need to thank me like this. It's all your hard work and effort. I can't take credit for it for nothing."

Liang Xiaoru said quickly,"Teacher Chu, you can't say that."

"Without the foundation you laid for us, how could I have achieved this result?"

"Just like building a house, if the foundation is not laid well, you can't build a tall building."

"Everything I have now is because of the good foundation I laid in primary school."

"Teacher Chu, you will not forget the three thinking modes you taught me back then! It can be said that this thinking mode has solved too many difficulties for me."

"Any difficulty can be easily solved in front of the three major thinking modes. They are simply the mortal enemy of difficulties and the universal formula for solving problems."

Hearing this, the dignitaries present could not sit still.

One by one, they leaned forward.

"What? There is something so amazing?"

"Three major thinking modes? What is this? How come I have never heard of it before?"

Those dignitaries rarely watch live broadcasts, and most of them don't know Chu Yuan's live broadcast.

They don't know about the recent popular video.

It's the first time for them to hear about the three major thinking modes.

They are all curious.

You look at me, I look at you, with a confused look on my face.

"you know?"

"I seem to know a little"


"The so-called three major thinking patterns have cultivated fifty college students, such as Tang Youlong, Qu Congzheng, and Zhao Dahu. Do you know them?"

"Know each other...what's wrong?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"They are all beneficiaries of the three major thinking models, and they are all classmates." The dignitaries were completely shocked.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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