Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates looked at this so-called skill book in confusion.

"I think I mentioned it when I gave you the reward before, that after using it, you can immediately gain a skill!"Chopper suddenly had an idea.

"I don't need it, so whoever wants to use it can use it."Luffy waved his hand and said that he wanted to concentrate on studying Haki.

As for other things, he didn't want to use them for the time being.

"Why don't you, the cook, use it to enhance our strength, so as not to lower the combat effectiveness of our pirate group!" Zoro said with a smile

"You green algae head! I think you should use it! Otherwise, how can you become the world's number one swordsman? After all, you are still a long way from the first place!"Sanji did not show weakness and retorted. The next moment, the two of them almost got into a fight. This was also their daily routine on the ship.

"Hey! You two, behave yourself!"

Nami punched Zoro and Sanji on the head with her fists.

Now both of them behaved well and didn't dare to make any more noise.

"Let's draw lots to decide."Nami gave a solution.

Then she took a few pieces of paper and started drawing lots.

"Whoever draws the marked slip must use the skill book, and no one else can object!"After Nami spoke, the drawing of lots began.

"Mine doesn't have one!" Luffy jumped up excitedly.

"Mine doesn't have one either, you stinky cook, it must be you!" Zoro laughed.


Everyone has finished drawing lots, and only Sanji has not shown his lot yet.

"It can't really be me! I, Sanji, don't want to rely on external forces to improve myself."Sanji said with some disdain.

When he opened the note, it was indeed him.

In fact, Sanji was somewhat reluctant to use the skill book in his heart, because in this way, it seemed meaningless that he would not become stronger through his own efforts.

However, when he saw Luffy gladly accept the reward, he thought it was nothing.

Their goal is one piece, and to achieve this goal, they must first improve their own strength, which is understandable!

""Sanji, accept the bet and this skill book is yours!" Luffy said.

Then the skill book fell into Sanji's hands.

Sanji slowly opened the purple skill book, and the first few big words came into view.

【Instant Shadow Kick!]

Then the skill book turned into a stream of light and entered Sanji's mind.

""It's amazing! It's such a powerful skill!"

Sanji said in surprise. Although he hasn't used it yet, he can feel that this skill must be very terrifying!

And this move fits him very well!

Unexpectedly, the reward for answering questions is also a bit generous, completely beyond their imagination. In this way, as long as they can answer the questions correctly, they can improve their strength. It is definitely the best choice!


Just when the Straw Hat Pirates were immersed in joy,

Crocodile gnashed his teeth in hatred. Why is the answer C? Does anyone dare to help Straw Hat Luffy in this situation?

The picture on the giant screen began to rotate again.

【I'm sure everyone is curious about how Straw Hat Luffy and his friends escaped. Let's take a look. 】

As the mechanical voice fell, the scene came to Judicial Island again.

At this time, Judicial Island was in tatters.

Straw Hat Luffy and his friends were surrounded by the navy and had no way out.

"What sound!? What on earth is that sound?"

Usopp covered his head and kept listening to the strange sound coming from

""Who is calling us?" Chopper also said in surprise.

Almost at the same time, the Straw Hat Pirates heard the strange sound coming from the sea.

While resisting the attack of the navy, they searched for the source of the sound.

"Down? Look down?"

Usopp squatted on the stone pillar and began to look at the sea.

Then Usopp burst into tears.

"Bomb the Straw Hat Pirates in five seconds!"




""Everyone, jump into the sea! Don't we have a partner?" Usopp said excitedly,"Robin, can you throw Luffy into the sea?"

""Yes." Nico Robin replied calmly.

"Hey! Even if you try so hard, you won't be able to survive if you jump down!" Zoro was shocked. If a person with special abilities falls into the sea, how can they survive if there are no ships?




At this moment, Luffy was thrown into the sea by Robin.

They also had a partner, a loyal partner, who had been with them since they sailed.

"Everyone jump down!!"

At this moment, Straw Hat Luffy and his crew jumped into the sea with joy.


Outside the giant screen, everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

Are the Straw Hat Pirates planning to burn their boats?

Is it possible to escape by jumping down like this?

"Who drove the Merry to save the Straw Hat Pirates? He is the enemy of our navy!"

Zhan Guo stared at the screen, wanting to see who dared to go against the navy.

Although it happened in the future, the fact that the Straw Hat Luffy crew could leave safely after causing a commotion on Judicial Island was definitely a big blow to the navy.

The picture on the giant screen was still playing.

Next to the huge navy ship, a small boat with a sheep bow appeared.


"Whoever brought the Merry here at this time should thank him."Sanji boarded the ship first and looked around.

But to his surprise, there was no one on the Merry.

Then Luffy and the others were also rescued and boarded the ship!

At this moment, an ethereal voice came.

"Everyone, I'm here to pick you up!"

"Let's go back to the adventurous sea together again!"

This voice made all the Straw Hat Pirates burst into tears.

Their most loyal companion, the Merry, sailed alone to save them!

Have fun reading on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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