In the next scene, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were safe and sound.

They were laughing and talking happily on the Merry.

This scene shocked everyone.

A ship without a helm could actually sail on its own? How is this possible?

"The Straw Hat Pirates are so lucky, aren't they?"

"That's right! Why can their ships sail without anyone at the helm?"

"This is so weird! It doesn't make sense at all, okay?"

"It was so unexpected. I guess the Straw Hat Pirates must have been very good to their ship.

Everyone was talking about Luffy and the others leaving Judicial Island.

In their opinion, everything that happened was indeed a little unbelievable.

【I guess everyone is wondering why the Straw Hat Pirates’ ship can sail automatically in the future!】

【In fact, it was because they treated their ship so well that a ship spirit appeared! It was equivalent to the ship spirit steering the Merry and saving the Straw Hat Pirates! 】

A mechanical voice came.

Everyone was in an uproar!

Ship spirit?

Could it really exist?

Everyone was skeptical.

The last scene appeared.

Straw Hat Luffy and others stood on the beach, and the dilapidated Merry was right in front of everyone.

At this time, Luffy was holding a torch in his hand. The main pole of the Merry was broken, and it could no longer continue to sail.

It could only stay on this sea.

"Goodbye, Merry!"

After Luffy finished speaking, he threw the torch in his hand.

Then the entire Merry burned in the sea, and the raging fire made the Merry stay on the sea forever.



Usopp shouted at the top of his lungs. He had a deep affection for the Merry.

"If I had been nicer to you, would the outcome have been different?" Luffy thought to himself.


It was this scene that made many people feel deeply moved. For many pirates, they felt deeply that the ship was also their partner!

"Dad, do you think our Moby Dick has its own consciousness?" Marco asked curiously.

Seeing that the Straw Hat Luffy crew's ship actually had a ship spirit, they all felt very novel.

"I don't know, but this ship has been with me for a long time since I entered it."Whitebeard replied calmly.

"Maybe when we are in the most dangerous time, the Moby Dick will rescue us!"Ace smiled and replied.

When sailing on the sea, the ship is indeed one of their loyal partners.

"Boss, Luffy is a good guy! It's really unexpected that he can reach this level and fight against the navy!"Rakiru replied while chewing a chicken leg

"He is indeed beyond my imagination. You know, when he was in the East China Sea, he was just a noisy kid! I wonder how he is now? However, judging from what will happen in the future, he will indeed become very outstanding, but he will also face a lot of dangers."The red-haired man looked into the distance and said meaningfully

"Don't worry, that kid is very lucky. He just answered the question correctly. Once he learns Haki, no one will be able to do anything to him in the first half of the Grand Line."Ben Beckman also said.

They really want to see how far Luffy can grow.

"Damn Straw Hat Luffy! Another bounty is issued, an additional bounty for Straw Hat Luffy! A bounty of 300 million Baileys for Straw Hat Luffy! Let me see where they are now!"

Sengoku said angrily after watching the video.

He originally thought that the Straw Hat Pirates would definitely die under the heavy siege.

But who would have thought that in the end, Straw Hat Luffy actually left the encirclement of the navy.

Although it is not certain whether what will happen in the future will happen, one thing is certain, that if Straw Hat Luffy continues to grow, it will definitely bring great trouble to the navy.

Sengoku is now a little impatient, and he wants to send people to capture Straw Hat Luffy and his gang immediately to prevent future troubles!

"Have you arrived at the Grand Line? This is not like the simple straw hat in the East China Sea. Are you ready for the judgment?……"

Sengoku looked at the position of the straw hat and said

【Navy Marshal Sengoku has issued a new bounty order for Straw Hat Luffy, offering a bounty of 300 million berries! 】

At the same time, new news appeared on the giant screen.

"What! The bounty has been increased again! Three hundred million!!"

"The Straw Hat guy seems to be a bit unlucky. He didn't seem to have done anything but defeat Arlong in the East China Sea! But he was offered a bounty of 300 million berries!"

"Don't you see how scary they are in the video?"

"That’s right. If he continues to grow, it will be terrible. By then, he will turn the whole ocean upside down!"

"It's so amazing that they even managed to escape with the Demon Slayer Order! How terrifying!"


The new bounty order has once again refreshed everyone's view of Straw Hat Luffy. Originally, they were just a small pirate group in the East China

Sea, but because of these images, their potential threat has been exposed in advance.

This also forced the navy to take quick action.

"Merry, we will never let you get hurt again this time."

Luffy said with some emotion while sitting on the bow.

He never expected that the Merry would save their entire pirate group in such a dangerous situation.

"Luffy, just don't cause damage on the ship in the future!" Usopp said with a relieved smile.

They didn't realize what the Merry meant to them, but after seeing those images, they were deeply touched. The Merry was also their partner, and they had to take good care of it.

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