The big black bear was not to be outdone, and immediately rushed forward, grabbed the crocodile meat with its bear claws, and stuffed it into its mouth in big mouthfuls.

The two guys ate quite roughly, and only the little white fox ate relatively gently.


Lin Xuan shook his head helplessly.

Netizens laughed at the scene.

"The big black bear and the little eagle are really enjoying the food"

"Devour it, eat it all up in no time, thumbs up (laugh)"

"It's hilarious to see them eating meat"


Half an hour later, the three pets were full and went to rest in the villa.

Lin Xuan had a meal with the three pets, and he was full at this time. He cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen.

Then, Lin Xuan waved to the live broadcast room and said with a smile:"Today's live broadcast ends here. See you tomorrow. Bye."

After that,

Lin Xuan went off the air.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage of comments was flying.

"Host, don't be in a hurry to end the broadcast, you haven't made the crocodile bag yet!"

"Yes, anchor, you haven't made a bag yet, I want a bag!"

Netizens shouted, especially some female fans, who wanted to see how Lin Xuan used crocodile skin to make a bag.

"Uh, the crocodile skin doesn’t seem to have dried yet. I guess it will take a few days before the host can make the bag!"

"There is nothing that cannot be done with crocodile skin."

Some kind-hearted male netizens explained

"Okay, I'll watch the anchor make bags in a few days."

"Bags made of pure crocodile leather must be very good."

Female fans were thinking about crocodile bags, and barrages were sent out.

On the other side.

After Lin Xuan finished the broadcast, he opened the system panel.

Popularity value: 550000

"More than 500,000, not bad, ten draws."

Lin Xuan said

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for getting a straw hat x1】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for getting a straw hat x1】


【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Fishing Spear x1】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Wingsuit flight suit x1】

【Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Wingsuit Flying Skill Mastery】

"Huh? This time the system rewards are quite special, and the rewards have started."

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up slightly, and he looked at the [fishing fork], and then an idea came to his mind.

The next moment, a slender and smooth harpoon appeared in Lin Xuan's hand, and there was a line of text next to it introducing

【Fishing Spear: This is an extremely sharp harpoon with great power, which can even hunt sharks】

"Not bad, much better than the harpoon I made, but unfortunately I have already caught a big crocodile, so I don’t need to go fishing recently."

Lin Xuan smiled helplessly, and then put the harpoon into the system space.

Then, Lin Xuan looked at the [wing suit], and with another thought, he approached, and a stack of orange-yellow wing suits appeared in his hand.

【Wingsuit: This is a high-quality wingsuit made of nylon material with high toughness and tension. After wearing it, the host can glide in the air like a bat.

Looking at this beautiful wingsuit, Lin Xuan's heart suddenly moved, and a bold idea emerged in his mind.

Then, Lin Xuan put the wingsuit on the stool and clicked [Wingsuit Flying Skill Mastery].】

【Wingsuit Flying Skill Mastery: After learning this skill, the host will master all the technical essentials of wingsuit flying, allowing the host's wingsuit flying skills to reach perfection and reach the pinnacle.】

"This skill is very good, learn it."

Lin Xuan said without hesitation.

The next second, Lin Xuan felt a huge amount of knowledge pouring into his mind.

He closed his eyes and digested it for a while, and felt that he had mastered all the techniques of wing suit flying.

At this moment, Lin Xuan became a wing suit flying master.

"The system is really interesting. It rewards me with a wing suit and mastery of wing suit flying skills. Isn't it obvious that it wants me to fly once?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

"However, I have never experienced the feeling of flying."

"Why not go to Qingfeng Mountain tomorrow morning and try wing suit flying?"

Lin Xuan immediately made up his mind.



The next morning. The sky was clear and bright. The bright sunshine fell on the earth.

The sky was clear. Lin Xuan walked out of the courtyard, released the drone, and started the live broadcast. The live broadcast room was opened, and tens of thousands of netizens flocked into the live broadcast room.

"Good morning, host!"

"Ahhh, I can see the handsome and charming anchor again"

""Host, what are you going to do today?"

Netizens sent comments, greeted Lin Xuan, and asked about the content of the live broadcast.

Lin Xuan smiled and said,"Let's do something exciting today. I guarantee that everyone will enjoy it."

As he said that, Lin Xuan walked into the room and took out a wing suit.

When netizens saw this suit, they were stunned.

"Isn't this a wing suit? Is the anchor going to fly in a wing suit today?"

Netizens asked curiously.

Lin Xuan smiled faintly and said,"Yes, I plan to go to Qingfeng Mountain today to try wing suit flying. Let's go!"

Then, Lin Xuan walked directly towards Qingfeng Mountain.

Netizens were a little confused.

"Damn, the anchor can also fly in a wing suit?"

"I heard that wing suit flying is very difficult"

"Yes, wing suit flying is known as the most extreme sport. It is difficult and dangerous. Many people die every year playing this sport."

"Didn’t the news report earlier about a woman in Zhang Jiajie who died while trying wingsuit flying?"

""Host, this sport is very dangerous. Think twice before you do it."

When netizens heard Lin Xuan said he wanted to try wing suit flying, they all tried to persuade him. After all, this sport is too dangerous.

Lin Xuan's face was very calm. He explained:"Wing suit flying is indeed a difficult sport.���It is high and the risk factor is high, but I think my skills are okay and there shouldn’t be any big problems. If you don’t believe me, just wait and see."When netizens heard Lin Xuan's words, they couldn't help but be stunned, thinking to themselves, this anchor is so confident! Let's see how good your skills are in a while.

More than an hour later.

Lin Xuan came to the top of Qingfeng Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is a towering rock.

In front of the rock is a cliff.

This cliff is located on the north side of Qingfeng, splitting the entire mountain range like an axe.

The cliff is bottomless, with smooth black stone walls on all sides. At a glance, it looks like a bottomless abyss, and like a wild beast with its mouth open, it is extremely terrifying.

At this time.

Lin Xuan stood on this towering rock, facing the bottomless cliff, his face calm.

Sharp mountain winds blew towards him, making his clothes rustle and his hair fly.

Netizens couldn't help but turn pale when they saw this scene.

"Oh my god, this cliff looks so scary!"

"It was pitch black down there, with no bottom in sight, just like a well. It was so scary!"

"The anchor is so brave that he dares to stand on such a steep rock and face this cliff."

"If I were to stand there, my legs would definitely tremble."

"I admire the anchor's courage and bravery, it's so strong"

"The anchor has always been talented and bold, so awesome!"

"It must take a lot of courage to stand there, but the anchor looked calm and composed, showing a really strong mentality."

Netizens couldn't help but feel fear when seeing such a terrifying cliff, but couldn't help but admire Lin Xuan for standing there without any change in his expression.

At this time.

Lin Xuan put on the wing suit, fastened the straps, and then said to the live broadcast room:"Okay, get ready to start wing suit flying!"

"Damn it, host, are you really going to jump from here?"

"MC, this place is so scary."

""Host, I think you should not jump, this cliff is too scary."

Netizens were very nervous.

This dark cliff was scary just by looking at it. Netizens could not imagine how scary it would be to jump from here!

"It doesn't matter, everyone just look at me."

Lin Xuan smiled calmly, and then he pushed the ground with both feet and flew off the ground.


Lin Xuan jumped down from the big rock on the top of the cliff, falling straight down the cliff like a stone.

"Oh shit!"

"The anchor really jumped?!"

"Oh my god! He fell down!"

Seeing this scene, netizens cried out in disbelief.

They didn't expect Lin Xuan to jump as he said, and actually jumped directly from the big rock to the cliff. This scene was too horrifying!

Netizens were so scared that their faces turned pale, staring at the live broadcast room, and even their breathing stopped.


At this time,

Lin Xuan jumped to the middle of the cliff and spread his arms and legs.

This wing suit is made of nylon material with extremely strong toughness and tension. It is equipped with a large number of ram-type inflatable airbags on the surface, and large pieces of wings that can be retracted and retracted freely, similar to bat wings, are sewn on the legs and arms.

When Lin Xuan is in the air, he can unfold the wing membrane by spreading his arms and legs. When air enters the fin-shaped airbags, it will inflate the suit into a wing shape, thereby generating buoyancy.

In this way, he can fly in the air, and then control the height and direction of the flight by moving his body.


When Lin Xuan spread his arms and legs, the wing suit opened, and his falling trend stopped abruptly. He slid down in the air like a bird, flying swiftly along the cliffs, with an extremely free and easy posture.

Netizens were all stunned when they saw this.

"Oh shit, the anchor is flying!"

"Wow, this is amazing! The anchor is really flying!"

"The anchor succeeded, he flew up along the cliff!"

Netizens exclaimed one after another. They thought Lin Xuan was going to fall off the cliff, but he flew straight up. The netizens' hearts, which were tightly raised, gradually calmed down.

"Wow, this is so exciting!"

"Oh my god, my heart is beating so fast"

"This is the first time I’ve experienced the feeling of my heart fluttering (funny)"

After netizens felt relieved, they couldn’t help but make fun of it.

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