At this time.

Lin Xuan was wearing a wing suit and flying in the air. He felt extremely comfortable, as if he had turned into a free bird.

No wonder some rich people give up their stable lives and like to play this dangerous sport. It turns out that this sport is really cool.

It allows people to experience the thrill of flying!

At this time, Lin Xuan suddenly had an idea and wanted to try something more exciting and challenge difficult flying moves.

He did it right away.

Lin Xuan began to control the wing suit, descending quickly, and sprinting along the edge of the cliff.

"whoosh whoosh whoosh~~"

The sound of sharp wind filled my ears. The speed of flight reached 180 kilometers per hour, which is comparable to the national high-speed rail!

The speed of wing suit flying is very high in itself, and at this time Lin Xuan was flying down the cliff, and the speed was even faster.

Through the drone camera, netizens could clearly see Lin Xuan flying along the cliff like a rocket.

There were large protruding rocks on the cliff, and he was very close to these dangerous rocks. If he was not careful, he would hit them.

The scene was extremely thrilling and exciting. Netizens broke out in cold sweats, clenched their hands tightly, and stared with their eyes wide open, not blinking.

"Holy crap! The anchor is so awesome, he's actually flying close to the cliff face!"

"My god, the host was less than three meters away from the cliff face. At this height, he would flip over if he wasn’t careful!"

"His speed reached at least 180 kilometers per hour! If he hit the cliff, he would be smashed to pieces!"

"It’s so terrifying. The host’s courage and bravery are not something that ordinary people can do!"

"I am completely impressed by the host. His flying skills and abilities are simply superhuman!"

"My God, the anchor is still so awesome, I really admire him."

Netizens made very shocked comments, they were all shocked by Lin Xuan's bold flying action.

This way of flying close to the ground is too eye-catching.

It makes netizens excited.


What happened next made netizens' blood boil!

I saw that while Lin Xuan was flying close to the ground at high speed, his body suddenly sank, and the whole person flew close to the cliff face!

Seeing that he was about to hit a protruding big rock, at this time, Lin Xuan suddenly made an S-shaped flight trajectory in the air, and avoided the big rock with a whoosh.

Then, he continued to rush to the next big rock, and made another difficult S-shaped detour, whoosh avoiding the big rock.

At the same time, Lin Xuan was still making a spinning flying action in the air, the whole person was dancing like a butterfly, making circles of dance movements, and at the same time flying forward rapidly, drawing arc-shaped trajectories on the cliff. The scene was extremely amazing.

Netizens were so shocked that their eyes fell out.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

""What the hell!"

The entire live broadcast room was immediately flooded with the words" What the hell" and netizens stared at the live broadcast room with their eyes wide open.

"Holy shit! The anchor is actually doing an S-shaped flight?"

"Oh my god, I can’t believe this, the anchor is going against the will of heaven!"

"I was amazed that the anchor managed to avoid the rocks while flying at 180 km/h!"

"This is outrageous! The anchor's wing suit flying skills are too advanced!"

Netizens exclaimed in disbelief. Lin Xuan's flying skills of flying close to the cliff and avoiding the rocks in an S-shaped manner completely stunned them.

When they saw Lin Xuan performing a spinning flying action, the live broadcast room went crazy.

"Damn, the anchor can even do a spin flight, isn't that outrageous! ?"

"Oh my god, is this anchor a superman?!"

"I suspect this anchor is not a human, he is Batman!"

"【Wingsuit Home】: Oh my god, I thought the anchor's S-shaped flight was already awesome, but I didn't expect him to do a spinning flight. This is amazing!"

Seeing Lin Xuan actually made such a gorgeous and complicated spinning action, netizens were all excited, and countless barrages flew by like flowing water.

Among these netizens, there was a wingsuit flying enthusiast.

His online ID was [Wingsuit Home】

【Wingsuit Home] He runs a wingsuit flying shop and has established a wingsuit club. He has seen many wingsuit masters over the years, but he has never seen anyone as good as Lin Xuan.

"This anchor is so strong!"

"He actually dared to fly in such a complex terrain with a wing suit and was able to perform various complicated flying moves. He must be a master! I have to ask my friends in the club to come and see!"

【Wingsuit Home] Immediately send the live broadcast link to the club’s thousands of people group, and @ all members

"You can go and watch the video, this guy is really amazing! He performed low-altitude wing suit flying in a very complex terrain environment, and also performed two difficult flying postures, rotation flying and S-shaped flying. He is very strong!"

【As soon as the message of Wing Suit Home was sent out, many group members responded

"Flying low to the ground and performing S-flight and rotational movements, is that impossible?"

"Who dares to do a rotating flying maneuver while flying at low altitude? It is too difficult and impossible to do!"

"Isn’t this a composite video?"

Group members raised questions one after another.

They know wing suit flying very well, so they questioned it.

You know, wing suit flying itself is very dangerous and difficult.

And low-altitude wing suit flying is the most dangerous and difficult!

This is because when flying at low altitude, due to the high speed and low altitude, once any accident occurs, the time used to adjust the posture and open the parachute will be very short. If you can't react within a few seconds, you will crash to the ground and die. It is a very dangerous and technically demanding sport.

No one dares to do such gorgeous moves as spinning and S-shaped flying when flying at low altitude.

【Wingsuit Home】Seeing that the group members didn’t believe it, he immediately typed a bunch of words and explained:"This is a live video, a live broadcast by an anchor named Lin Xuan. If you don’t believe it, you can click in and take a look. It will definitely open your eyes."

"What is live video?"

"No way, is this really a live video?"

Group members were stunned when they saw the message [Wingsuit Home]

【Wingsuit Home] immediately replied: It’s true, click in and you’ll know.

The group members immediately became curious.

"Let me take a look!"

"Is there really someone who can do rotations and S-shaped movements while flying at low altitude? I want to see it too."

So, thousands of people in the wingsuit club clicked on the link and entered Lin Xuan's live broadcast room.

When they entered the live broadcast room and saw Lin Xuan's live video, they were all stunned.

In the live video, Lin Xuan, wearing an orange-yellow wingsuit, was flying close to the cliffs! And he kept doing extremely difficult movements such as S-shaped flight and spiral rotation flight.

He shuttled through the rocks like an eagle, with a very chic and relaxed posture. His flexible and agile posture completely stunned the wingsuit enthusiasts!

"Holy shit, this anchor, he, he actually performed such a difficult S-shaped flying move?!"

"My god, this anchor is so skilled! He actually flies close to the cliff wall, and can even do the most difficult spinning flying moves with ease!".

"This flying technique is simply incredible and can be called a world miracle!!"

"I've seen hundreds of wingsuit flying masters, but I've never seen anyone as good as him!"

"This anchor's wingsuit flying skills are so amazing that they have reached the pinnacle. I dare say that no one in the world can match his skills!"

"I bow down to the anchor, this perfect wing suit flying technique is the best in the world!"

Wing suit flying enthusiasts were filled with extreme shock and sent out exclamations one after another.

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