Zhou Rongrong and Guo Lizhi glanced at each other silently, and saw each other's eyes in each other's eyes.

They looked at Chen Jing, who was surrounded by everyone, and their eyes flashed with admiration and admiration.

Zhou Rongrong's gaze was slightly different.

Chen Jing standing in the crowd looked very ordinary, but that face was different, and he exuded a calm temperament all over his body.

It's invisibly particularly attractive.

Zhou Rongrong's heart beat suddenly, and a very wonderful feeling came up.

When she saw Chen Jing's gaze suddenly turn around, Zhou Rongrong immediately looked away.

Chen Jing over there swept slightly past him, and finally stopped on Coco's body.

Chen Jing walked over with a smile and immediately picked up Coco.

Coco's hands hugged Chen Jing's shoulders tightly. "Dabi, you're really

handsome today!" "Isn't it just handsome today?"

Keke smiled and buried his little face deep in Chen Jing's neck, and said in a muffled voice: "Dad is also handsome than usual, but today is the most handsome." In

Coco's heart, Chen Jing's image has changed again, very tall and sacred.

Her father's ability to grow such a big pumpkin really refreshed her cognition, which she had never seen before.

can grow such a big pumpkin, her father is so powerful, such a powerful person.

In Coco's heart, he can already be compared to God.

In Coco's heart, Chen Jing will always be in the first place.

"Chen Jing, come over now, we are going to transport the giant pumpkin to the city now. There's a little bit of work that you need to take care of here. "

Here we go.

Chen Jing turned around and replied, he put down Coco and said a word of Cocoa before turning around to deal with things.

The firecrackers in Qingxi Village are still being set off, and it is lively and lively, as if it is the New Year.

Families are cleaning up some garbage and piles of firewood and stuff in front of their doors.

Because of Chen Jing, the people above attach great importance to Qingxi Village.

This is an opportunity that they finally get, which can be thoroughly promoted and can also drive the tourism industry here.

What's more, there is also Zhou Rongrong, a reporter who came from the provincial capital.

Zhou Rongrong works in a TV station and is still a very famous reporter.

In the past, Zhou Rongrong was to regulate the conflicts between the people, such as who was in trouble, or looking for someone, etc., they could call Zhou Rongrong's hotline.

In the past, Zhou Rongrong did a show called Rongrong to help.

Zhou Rongrong has helped many people and families, and she has a very high status in the hearts of the people.

The economy driven by this will be immeasurable to them.

The first is to build roads, and the people above are very concerned.

On the second day, the road builders came in droves.

After Chen Jing, who was standing at the door, saw all this, he was happy for everyone in his heart.

Once the problem here is solved, it will also be of great help to him in the future planting.

He and the village chief's plan was also able to go smoothly.

Shen Chenjing suddenly felt that he was really unintentionally inserted into the willows.

"Chen Jing, you didn't tell me that such a big thing happened.

Chen Jing looked back and saw that it was his

uncle, and heard Chen Kang say that his uncle was not at home yesterday, but went to a relative's house.

I should have come back today.

When he came back, something so big happened in the village.

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