As soon as Chen Zhen came back, he heard about what happened here.

Obviously, he is Chen Jing's uncle.

But he was the last person to know.

Chen Zhengang has always felt that he is the patriarch of the Chen family.

But such a thing happened, which he never expected.

The leader from above came to the village, but he was not at home, and no one informed him of such a big incident in the village.

If he hadn't come back alone today, he wouldn't have known that such a big change had taken place in the village.

After questioning, I learned that it was Chen Jing's reason.

Chen Zhengang didn't like Chen Jing in the first place, he stared at Chen Jing with a slight gaze, with a hint of aggressiveness in his eyes.

Chen Jing knows his uncle very well and knows his mood at this moment.

Chen Jing smiled slightly: "Uncle, you're back, I heard Chen Kang say that you went to relatives."

"You don't ask much about me. I came to you today because I have something important, Chen Jing, you always tell me. What kind of method did you use to grow such a big pumpkin? Did you have other plans for a long time? We are a family, and there are some things that cannot be hidden, and you should understand what the interests of the family are. "

As the patriarch of the Chen family, he is very responsible for disciplining Chen Jing, he is an elder, Chen Jing is a junior, and he should obey him.

"Uncle, I didn't do anything in advance, I want to do anything, I will put it forward, and I hope that Uncle can clearly understand.

"But I don't think you're deliberately hiding from me, it's not a trivial matter.

Regarding his uncle's attitude, Chen Jing smiled as always.

At this time, the voices of Chen Kang and Chen Yu came from a distance, and the footsteps of the two young men hurried over after seeing Chen Zhengang.

In fact, they were all worried about what Uncle Chen would do to Chen Jing.

Chen Kang went over and hurriedly grabbed Chen Zhengang: "Dad, when did you come back, since you are back, hurry back to clean up, our village is already starting construction."

After hearing this, Chen Zhengang was even more unhappy.

He doesn't have a very good attitude.

"What kind of work to do? We don't move there, I don't agree, any of you who want to start the work will do it yourself, and I will not move at the gate of my house. After

Chen Zhengang got angry, no one paid attention to him, this is not just talking, Chen Zhengang can really do it.

Chen Kang looked at Chen Jing with a very worried look in his eyes, in case his father really disagreed, what should he do?"

"Uncle, this matter is not up to you alone, this is an order given by the people above, even if the uncle does not agree, there is no way, this must be implemented, the benefit is the whole village, if the uncle wants to go against the people of the whole village, then I will not be nosy." But from now on, it is unknown what the uncle's status in Qingxi Village will become.

Chen Jing's eyes kept staring at Chen Zhengang's expression, and after realizing its changes, Chen Jing was unusually comfortable.

His uncle is a face-loving person, and a person who cares so much about face will never do right with the entire villager.

He couldn't have become a sinner in Qingxi Village either.

It is precisely by grasping this that Chen Jing can accurately clarify what he wants.

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