After Chen Jing heard this, he nodded slightly.

Regarding Xiao Li's matter, he didn't ask too much.

Zhou Rongrong and Xiao Li are colleagues, and they must have been arranged early.

After arranging Zhou Rongrong's residence, Chen Jing turned around and told again: "If Reporter Zhou feels uncomfortable, you can mention it again, and we can discuss it again."

In fact, when he said this, Chen Jing was a little worried.

After all, Zhou Rongrong is a single woman, and he is a single father.

Zhou Rongrong lives in his house, which is more or less inappropriate.

He originally thought of arranging Zhou Rongrong to be arranged at the third uncle's house, which would be much more convenient.

But when he saw the smile on Zhou Rongrong's face, Chen Jing was a little speechless.

He also has a daughter at home, and she has cocoa.

Zhou Rongrong should have no problem living there.

Zhou Rongrong followed Chen Jing's footsteps and deliberately looked for a topic, just to find out.

"Mr. Chen, are you planning to go to the village chief's house now?"

"Reporter Zhou doesn't have to be too polite, just call me Chen Jing. I'm just an ordinary farmer. "

In the village, I was called Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen.

It's more or less uncomfortable.

In Chen Jing's cognition, he is a very ordinary ordinary person.

Zhou Rongrong smiled brightly, and her eyes were very bright.

Zhou Rongrong looked at Chen Jing's eyes, as if she was looking at a special person.

Chen Jing is not a stupid person either.

He seemed to sense something in Zhou Rongrong's eyes, but he didn't react, but kept smiling as always, just like an ordinary friend.

The atmosphere between the two was slightly strange.

Zhou Rongrong raised her finger and touched her cheek.

"I see, then I'm welcome, Chen Jing.

Zhou Rongrong's eyes turned slightly, and her demeanor appeared. Chen Jing pretended not to see it.

"Then I'll go and get busy first, and Reporter Zhou can go directly to my house to rest. If there is any need, just ask, when I am not at home, if Reporter Zhou has any needs, you can go to Chen Kang, or Chen Yu, they will help. "

Okay, thank you. The

two parted ways at the intersection, and Zhou Rongrong in the back kept looking at Chen Jing's back.

He raised his hands and held his cheeks, and the more he looked, the more he felt that Chen Jing was different from others.

He is really a man with a lot of temperament and connotation.

Such a person should be the dragon and phoenix among people, and it is really a pity to stay in the countryside.

If he can continue to stay in the big city, sooner or later he will break out of his own world.

Zhou Rongrong is a girl from the city, and she is very fashionable in her dress.

Many aunts in the village like Zhou Rongrong very much.

An aunt carried a basket and walked to Zhou Rongrong's side with a smile.

She looked Zhou Rongrong up and down, and a look of satisfaction flashed in her eyes.

She pushed the basket over very enthusiastically: "Girl, this is our family's own pears. You can take it back and taste it, and if you like it, I'll bring it to you.

Zhou Rongrong was flattered: "Thank you for your kindness." You don't need that. Zhou Rongrong refused.

"How can you say no? You are a reporter, you are also a great hero in our village today, we should thank the great hero, girl, you must not be polite to me. "

Abnormal aunt, Zhou Rongrong couldn't refuse, so she accepted it again and again.

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