Zhou Rongrong took a basket of pears.

Zhou Rongrong noticed that the aunt around her was always smiling.

I don't know what she was looking at, Zhou Rongrong was a little embarrassed.

In fact, this aunt is none other than Chen Jing's aunt Xu Lan.

There was something in her eyes that meant something.

"Girl, I don't know how old you are

this year!" "I'm 25 this year.

Zhou Rongrong responded truthfully.

Xu Lan's eyes lit up.

Suddenly exclaimed: "This age is not young, does the girl have someone she likes?"

When mentioning the matter of personal feelings, Zhou Rongrong smiled shyly, shook her head slightly and said: "Now I am focused on work, and I don't want to think too much about personal matters." Mentioning

private matters in front of a stranger, Zhou Rongrong was more or less uncomfortable.

Xu Lan has always said something, and rarely takes into account other people's thoughts.

And she came to Zhou Rongrong today with a deep meaning.

"Girl, you are not too young, and you can't concentrate on your career, and you should also consider personal matters. Why don't I introduce someone to the girl? In fact, my eldest son is the same age as the girl, he is now working in the city, and his salary is also quite a lot, at least more than 5,000 a month. He is also a very good child, and you young people must have a common topic and be able to talk about it well.

Zhou Rongrong immediately understood that this person was here to introduce her to someone.

Zhou Rongrong kept a smile on her face and refused: "I'm sorry, aunt, I really don't think about personal matters now, now the work is important, then I still have something to do, I'll leave first, thank you aunt for the pear."

Zhou Rongrong turned around and walked away quickly.

Xu Lan in the back looked at Zhou Rongrong's back, a little helpless.

There was a little bit of anger in his eyes.

Does Zhou Rongrong look down on his son

? What is the spirit?

A woman who is already 25 years old, how many men will want her in a few years.

Xu Lan snorted coldly, stomped her feet and left.

When Zhou Rongrong arrived at the intersection, she met Guo Lizhen, in fact, Guo Lizhen had been standing here for a long time, and she had been watching their reaction.

The two had met in the back mountain, and they both knew each other's identities.

"Reporter Zhou, did she have anything to do with you just now?"

Thinking that they were from a village, Zhou Rongrong did not hide it, and truthfully said that this aunt was a warm-hearted person.

"She wanted to introduce me to someone, and it was her eldest son who introduced her. However, I also refused, and I was really not in the mood to discuss personal feelings right now.

Hearing her response, Guo Lizhi smiled helplessly: "Do you know who she is? She is Brother Chen Jingge's eldest uncle, and his eldest son is Brother Chen Jingge's elder brother." Reporter Zhou, if you refuse, you will only have more trouble if you are involved with people like them. The

amount of information revealed in Guo Liqian's words is still quite large.

Zhou Rongrong never thought that the identity of that aunt was Chen Jing's aunt.

Thinking of his attitude, it shouldn't be that he has offended her.

In case she says something to Chen Jing...

Zhou Rongrong was a little nervous.

Guo Lizhi saw her worries.

"Reporter Zhou doesn't have to worry, you are a reporter to interview Brother Chen Jing, he will not refuse, and Brother Chen Jingge will not alienate you because of your rejection of Xu Lan's proposal. In fact, the relationship between their families is not close. "

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