Under Guo Lizhen's comfort, Zhou Rongrong's mood relaxed a little.

She really didn't know Xu Lan's identity!

A smile gradually appeared on her face, she looked at Guo Lizhen sincerely, and said gratefully: "Thank you."

"No thanks, we are all from the same village, we know the situation with each other, Reporter Zhou doesn't have to worry, Brother Chen Jingge is a very thoughtful person, and others will not interfere with his decision."

When mentioning Chen Jing, Zhou Rongrong's eyes are a little different, they are all young people, Guo Lizhi understands what it feels like to be in love, and also understands what it looks like when she likes someone.

Right now, Zhou Rongrong's situation seems to be -

her eyes were suddenly stunned.

Could it be that Zhou Rongrong likes Brother Chen Jing

, "Thank you today, then I'll go first." "

Okay!" Hey

, if Brother Chen Jing can be with Reporter Zhou, it would be good, the two of them are talented and beautiful, and Zhou Rongrong is a reporter.

She's sure she'll get along well with Coco.


Every household is dealing with the road surface, the construction team from the county seat is actively repairing the road, and Chen Jing and the village chief are standing together.

After they looked at everything in front of them, the village chief was extremely relieved, and said:

"Chen Jing, the situation in our village is getting better and better!" "Yes

!" "These are all your credits, I received the above arrangement, there will be a reporter in the afternoon, Chen Jing, this time, you are really going to be famous, and our Qingxi Village is also going to be famous!"

Chen Jing chuckled in his heart: "Reporter again?"

Yes, the people above attach great importance to it, so they arranged a lot of reporters, I heard that there are a lot of people who come, no matter how many come, Chen Jing, you have to entertain well. "

This is an opportunity for their small mountain village, an opportunity to change the whole picture of the mountain village.

The village chief's words, Chen Jing is very clear, very clear.

This is indeed a very good opportunity and he will cherish it.

Chen Jing agreed with the village chief's words, and he nodded again and again and said: "I will definitely treat this interview well, but I also hope that the village chief can work with me to promote our Qingxi Village."

With Chen Jing's words, the village chief was very pleased, and he looked at Chen Jing with satisfaction.

For so many years, the young people in the whole village are indeed inferior to Chen Jing.

Although he is also a young man, from childhood to adulthood, his thoughts and thoughts are very mature.

This is also the reason why the village chief likes to chat with Chen Jing.

Although they are not the same age, when they think about problems, they can think of going together.

This is Chen Jing's greatest charm, and it is also one of the reasons why the village chief admires him the most.

When mentioning reporters, the village chief thought of Zhou Rongrong again, and asked about Zhou Rongrong.

Chen Jing did not hide it from the village chief, and told the village chief about Zhou Rongrong's arrangement in his home.

His arrangement, the village chief was actually a little surprised.

"Chen Jing, there are differences between men and women, and some things still need to be considered clearly. "

Whether this will cause other incidents is what the village chief is most worried about.

Chen Jing's eyes were firm, and he said: "Village chief, who am I, don't you know? There is still Coco at home, and I am just ordinary friends with Reporter Zhou, she is a reporter, and she is here to interview me." Other

than that, there was nothing else, and the village chief also felt that it made sense, because he thought too much.

"Then you take good care of Reporter Zhou. With her, our Qingxi Village will have a future. "

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