In terms of publicity, Zhou Rongrong has a big reason.

This is also one of the reasons why the village chief takes a fancy to Zhou Rongrong. Chen Jing knows the village chief's mind very well, and he will definitely not be sloppy in entertaining Zhou Rongrong.

"Uncle, it's time for Uncle to rest, what should we do with these laboring workers? Shall we arrange to go to the township to eat or what?"

The young man who came to inquire had already considered this question to the village chief.

Although they came quickly and suddenly, they had already made proper arrangements.

The village chief took a step forward, pointed to the position in front of him, and said, "Bring all the people over there, the women in our village are cooking, and it should be about the same now." If you need anything, just ask, we must have delicious food and good drinks, and we must not disappoint.

After the village chief's words, the young man's eyes widened in surprise, he didn't expect that this problem had already been solved.

Alas, he didn't pay attention too, otherwise he wouldn't have come over and ask so idiotically.

The young man scratched his head embarrassedly: "Then uncle, I'll leave, Brother Chen Jing, I'm leaving, we'll see you later."

Chen Jing waved his hand to him, and the village chief sighed slightly: "Look at these hairy boys in our village, all of them are so excited, there are few who can calm down, and there are few who can carry things, Chen Jing, after you come back, you will communicate with them more, and discipline them well." I see that in our village, in addition to you, it is only Chen Yu, Chen Kang is okay, and everyone else..."

Alas, the village chief sighed heavily.

He is like a patriarch who is very worried about future generations.

Chen Jing smiled and said, "Uncle, don't worry, they are still young and need to be taught slowly." I believe they won't let you down, the children in our village are actually very smart.

"I hope it's all right, as you say, go over there."

"Uncle, go back and rest and rest, you are also tired these days, you must pay attention to your body." The

village chief nodded, and walked away with his hands behind his back, and Chen Jing did not hesitate, he returned home.

When he saw Coco again, Chen Jing asked about Zhou Rongrong, and Coco tilted her head and said, "I didn't see Aunt Zhou."

Chen Jing was puzzled.

Could it be that Zhou Rongrong hasn't come back yet?

Just as she was thinking, Zhou Rongrong came in from outside, holding a suitcase in her hand.

When Zhou Rongrong saw Chen Jing standing in the courtyard, the corners of her mouth involuntarily pulled a smile.

"I'm sorry, I'll go back and get my luggage, I just came back.

"It's okay, Reporter Zhou, you live in that room. You see what else you need inside, I'll prepare it for you, and the things in the cabinet are all clean, and we haven't used them.

Seeing him see him like this, Zhou Rongrong felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she was still very happy.

Zhou Rongrong smiled and said, "It's okay, I don't mind."

Zhou Rongrong walked up, took out a box of candy from the suitcase, and handed it to Coco.

She touched Coco's little brain: "This is the chocolate that Auntie brought from the city, I hope Cocoa can like it." "

Coco is a little girl, and I don't like the others very much, but I like chocolate the most.

But she is also a very sensible girl, and she looked back at Chen Jing.

After getting his approval, Coco stretched out his hands and took them sweetly: "Thank you, Auntie." "

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