"You're welcome!" Zhou

Rongrong couldn't help but rub the top of Coco's hair, but Coco didn't have any resistance.

Someone else touches Coco's head, she is sometimes very picky and disgusted.

Chen Jing discovered this early.

Chen Jing didn't say anything!"

"Reporter Zhou, please inside."

Chen Jing made an inviting gesture, and Zhou Rongrong nodded slightly.

Zhou Rongrong, who was pulling the suitcase, quickly walked to the room.

Zhou Rongrong glanced at it, and the things in the room were very neat.

It is well organized and comfortable to look at at a glance.

The quilts and sheets on the bed were also clean.

Looking at the past, you know that no one has used it, and Zhou Rongrong is warmed by his carefulness.

Chen Jing had also been looking around the room to see if there was anything else needed.

"Reporter Zhou, don't be polite to me, if you have any needs, you must speak. There is also this kettle, which I have only used once or twice, and the cups and towels are all new, which are often prepared by our family for relatives and guests. "

Including basins and stuff, it's completely new.

Chen Jing is a man after all, and as the head of the family, he is very thoughtful when considering problems.

"Chen Jing, you are really so thoughtful, you are the first time I have met such a thoughtful interviewee.

Chen Jing smiled: "It should be, it should be." The reporter will take a good rest first, and I will go to prepare lunch.


After Chen Jing left, Zhou Rongrong put down her luggage.

She simply took out the contents and placed them on the table.

The whole person was lying on the bed, and at this moment, Zhou Rongrong's heart was extremely down-to-earth.

Thinking that Chen Jing was going to cook, Zhou Rongrong quietly came to the back of the window and looked at Chen Jing who was busy.

In a quiet and beautiful rural yard, a man is cooking.

He is not only a grower, but also a good dad who can cook.

How can there be such a perfect man in the world? The corners of Zhou Rongrong's mouth bloomed with a shy smile.

Chen Jing in the kitchen looks like a man who works hard, and he can attract people invisibly.

Soon, Chen Jing made lunch, and he beckoned Zhou Rongrong to come out to eat together.

Zhou Rongrong and Coco looked at each other and smiled, and went to the pool to wash their hands.

Zhou Rongrong saw Chen Jing bring a simple farmhouse meal, and she took a deep sniff.

"It's so fragrant, Chen Jing, it looks like your craftsmanship is very good.

Coco, who was sitting on the small stool just now, smiled proudly: "Aunt Zhou, my dad's craftsmanship has always been very good, you can know it when you taste it, you must want to take a second bite after taking a bite, it is definitely better than the chef in the restaurant." "

Coco is not ambiguous at all when she shows off her father.

Zhou Rongrong nodded: "Then I have to taste it seriously." "

If you like to eat, eat more. Reporter Zhou Rong can tell me if there are any taboos, and I will pay attention.

"No, I don't have anything to taboo, as long as it's delicious, I like it all.

After Zhou Rongrong finished speaking, she took a bite of fried meat.

Her eyes gradually showed satisfaction and then surprise.

"It tastes so good, it's sweet and spicy and irritates your mouth. People can't help but want to eat it all the time, not only that, but there is also a very peculiar feeling, this bite of food, as if there is endless power to explode in the body. "

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