That taste is indescribable, and words to describe it cannot reflect its true beauty.

It's a delicacy that is completely detached from the world.


A very powerful force exploded in the body, as if it had risen into the air, fluttering like a fairy.

Zhou Rongrong's description made Chen Jing laugh, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Reporter Zhou, it's not that exaggerated, these are just some very ordinary meals. It may be that the taste is exclusive to the farmhouse, and the reporter should rarely eat farmhouse food outside, so he will feel delicious for a while, but in fact, they are some very ordinary meals. He

knew that there was something unique about the food.

The system gave him these seeds.

It is more or less an auxiliary effect, which is of great help to people's health, but it is absolutely impossible for him to say this.

Even if there are other changes, Chen Jing will attribute it to pollution-free, pollution-free, fertilizer-free, and natural.

He is now carefully cultivated, and even if others have doubts, they will not suspect the system.

The words fell on Zhou Rongrong's ears, and she felt that Chen Jing was being modest.

Competent, good-looking, and very modest.

In Zhou Rongrong's heart, Chen Jing's image is even more majestic and tall.

"You're just too modest, it's definitely the best farmhouse food I've ever had. No, I'm going to start cooking.

At this time, Zhou Rongrong couldn't care about being reserved, in fact, she also wanted to be reserved, and the dishes made by Chen Jing were really delicious, and they were delicious things she had never tasted.

It's obviously a very simple dish of fried meat, and it is like a delicacies of the mountains and seas here in Zhou Rongrong.

Zhou Rongrong ate so happily, Chen Jing and Coco smiled helplessly,

and the child's Coco was also amused by Zhou Rongrong at this time.

This aunt is like a child.

After they finished cooking, the door of Chen Jing's house was knocked on again, and the person who came in was Chen Jing's old classmate Li Chuncao.

She came to Chen Chenjing for the class reunion.

Chen Jing suddenly realized that he was going to attend a class reunion today.

Li Chuncao said: "If you have something today, we can postpone it."

"No, things that have been arranged, don't push it off. "

Postponing the meeting at this juncture is afraid that some people will say something behind their backs.

Li Chuncao also agreed with Chen Jing's meaning.

Before they left, Li Chuncao asked about the road in the village.

Of course, Li Chuncao already knows about Chen Jing's appearance on TV, newspapers, and the Internet.

She never expected that her classmate would do such a big thing after coming back, and it would be widely reported by the media.

The people above also paid attention, and this is why the road was built in the village.

Li Chuncao felt that people really couldn't be good-looking.

When the two were about to go out, Zhou Rongrong, who was in the next room, came out of it with her hair scattered.

Zhou Rongrong happened to see Li Chuncao, a young woman standing next to Chen Jing.

Li Chuncao also saw Zhou Rongrong.

The two women looked at each other.

Zhou Rongrong is an urban girl, very fashionable, she came in a gentle tone: "Chen Jing, I don't know who this is..."

This is a reporter from the provincial capital.

Chen Jing introduced the two of them to each other.

The eyes of the two were intertwined again, and something was faintly surging inside.

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