"Hello Mr. Li, I am Zhou Rongrong, and I now live in Chen Jing's home. "

This self-introduction has a bit of a strange feeling.

Chen Jing thought for a while after hearing it, and felt that there was nothing wrong, but he always felt that there was a very peculiar feeling, as if something was wrong, and he couldn't say it.

"Reporter Zhou, hello, I'm Li Chuncao, I'm Chen Jing's old classmate, and I've known each other for many years. "

Li Chuncao is neither humble nor arrogant.

Zhou Rongrong looked at Li Chuncao, and his words also revealed other meanings.

Zhou Rongrong was very interested, and the corners of her mouth smiled slightly.

"It's good for old classmates to meet, after all, old classmates are just old classmates, I heard you just now, it seems that you are going to a class reunion. I don't know if I'll be able to participate.

Zhou Rongrong's words were a hint of joke.

Zhou Rongrong saw the expressions of the two of them, and suddenly smiled.

"Don't care, I'm joking, your class reunion, what am I going to do as an outsider? Okay, I'm going to wash my hair now, Chen Jing, you and Teacher Li go first, I'll take care of you at home, but you don't have to worry, I'll take care of it."

Zhou Rongrong's words are reasonable.

fell into Li Chuncao's ears, slightly harsh.

It seems that Zhou Rongrong is the mistress of this family, and she is just an outsider.

The feeling of being excluded, Li Chuncao didn't like it.

Chen Jing didn't seem to notice the changes and secret fights between the two women.

Zhou Rongrong is a reporter, she came here to interview herself, and now she took the initiative to take care of Coco, Chen Jing is grateful to Zhou Rongrong.

"Trouble reporter Zhou.

"Don't bother, these are what I should do, you take care of me so well, I'll take care of Coco for you." And as it should be. "

Everyone said so, and Chen Jing couldn't refuse.

Before leaving, Chen Jing told Coco to listen to Zhou Rongrong's words.

Only then did he leave home with Li Chuncao with peace of mind.

Li Chuncao came on an electric car, and Chen Jing also rode an electric car.

When Li Chuncao was about to leave the village, he suddenly stopped.

The expression is a little bit wrong.

Chen Jing also stopped after paying attention, turned around and walked in front of Li Chuncao.

"Chuncao, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well? If you are not feeling well, I will take you to the hospital. "

Class reunions or something, nobody's health is far more important.

Li Chuncao bit her red lip a little shyly, not daring to look at Chen Jing.

Her awkward appearance, in Chen Jing's opinion, must be in poor health.

Chen Jing put down the car and walked in front of Li Chuncao, frowning slightly: "Chuncao, what's wrong with you?" Li Chuncao

raised his head slightly, staring at Chen Jing with dark eyes.

"I'm a little sick to my stomach. Can you take me there?"

Chen Jing is not a hairy boy, of course he knows what she means by belly.

Chen Jing was a little embarrassed and said: "Then I'll take you, if you feel uncomfortable, you can go, your body is important, girls still have to take care of their bodies."

When mentioning this, Chen Jing was a little unnatural.

After Li Chuncao rested to Chen Jing's reddish ears, the smile in his eyes deepened.

The sweetness in my heart came up all of a sudden, and Li Chuncao said: "It's okay, just rest for a while, then it will trouble you."

"It's okay, let's get in the car." Li

Chuncao, who was sitting in the back of the car, was sweet all the way.

The speed at which Chen Jing was riding was slow.

With such a thoughtful and attentive man, what woman doesn't fall!

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