[I hate some people, obviously they are poor, and they have to pull others, this is to save face for themselves, or to find dignity for themselves.

[I want to know now, have the child's parents found it?] But Dad, when he picked up this child, he didn't have any ideas. [

What do you mean by the front? People don't have any idea when they pick up the child. What do you want to say?

[I don't think what he wants to say is anything good. [Add 1+1.] [

Add 10086.]

[I want to add a name and an ID number.] The guy in front of him is certainly not a good thing. Chen

Jing and a group of people were harvesting vegetables, and Zhang Wei and others also came over.

They came with them to pack them, and they had to ship them directly, and vegetables couldn't be delayed.

With Zhang Wei here, they cooperated very smoothly.

Zhang Weixing rushed over, carrying two white chickens and two big brocade fish in his hand.

"Brother Chen, we'll be busy in a while. I'm going to eat here with you today, let's call Reporter Zhou over together, it's lively.

Since he went back, Zhang Wei has been thinking about Zhou Rongrong.

This time, he finally seized the opportunity, and he had to give his hospitality well.

Before Chen Jing could answer, Coco said, "Uncle Zhang Wei, Aunt Zhou has left.

"What? What's that, what's gone? Where have you gone?

Zhang Wei was unusually excited, and his face fell.

Coco said truthfully: "Aunt Zhou went back to work, she has already returned to the provincial capital, and she left today." "


Zhang Wei was struck by lightning, and he looked at Chen Jing with resentment.

"Brother Chen, why didn't you tell me when Reporter Zhou left."

Chen Jing, who was picking vegetables, glanced at Zhang Wei very indifferently: "What's the use of notifying you?" A

sword was slammed into Zhang Wei's heart.

yes, what's the use of informing him?

Zhang Wei was extremely frustrated, and suddenly felt that the white chicken and the big koi were not fragrant.

Zhang Wei was listless when he got to work.

His transformation is visible to everyone.

After Wang Guixiang, who was making vegetables, left Zhang Wei, she touched Chen Zhenfa beside her and whispered, "What do you think is wrong with this kid?" Just now, he was still alive, but now he is like a frosted eggplant, listless, and now he is a young man. Mood changes so quickly, like a chameleon.

When the others heard this, they deliberately kept their laughter down.

As a party to the case, Zhang Wei looked at Wang Guixiang aggrievedly: "Third aunt, can you be quieter when you speak, don't poke my sadness in front of me."

Wang Guixiang suddenly realized: "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought my voice was small enough, but I didn't expect you to hear it, so I'll be quiet for a while."

Zhang Wei once again felt an invisible sword slammed into his heart.

He was hurt a lot today.

I feel that everyone is against him, life is really painful, why don't you let him go?

He finally fell in love with a woman, but he missed it like this.

When Zhang Wei was doing his work, he was very listless, and he followed Chen Jing all the time.

The people in the live broadcast room laughed out loud when they saw this scene.

is related to Zhang Wei's pursuit of reporter Zhou, and those who watched the live broadcast remember it vividly.

[I think this two garbage named Zhang Wei coincide with the previous netizen.

[How could a reporter from Renjia Zhou fall in love with Zhang Wei, this is Puxinnan.

[Is there any misunderstanding about Puxin Man in the front? ] I don't know what it means, just go to Baidu, don't pretend to understand here.

[Everyone has the right to pursue love, can't the poor, can't the countrymen, can't the people in small places pursue love, who gives you confidence.

[The third aunt is really a cute middle-aged baby.

[Coco is the cutest, and she looks like a little fairy in the vegetable garden, just like a little fairy from a cabbage. [

Big brother, will you describe it, what is called a little fairy from a cabbage, hey, I lost it, it's the first time I've heard someone describe a little fairy with cabbage, you're really a talent.

[Cut, you ordinary people don't understand my appreciation, get out!

[I'm lost, don't be scary, okay? The cabbage fairy, my mother, see you for a long time, I have to learn a new word today, using cabbage to describe the little fairy.

[But Dad is so handsome, you want other people, I just want Dad alone.

[But dad is good, dad is good, I want to frame and hit the wall for Kedda.

[I have placed an order just now, and I will be able to arrive the day after tomorrow, I am so happy.

[Me too.

[I'll receive it tomorrow recently, slightly.]

[It's uncomfortable, please don't talk, I'm very uncomfortable right now. There

are more and more fans in the live broadcast room, and more and more people are paying attention to Chen Jing because of the matter of picking up children.

His fans have exceeded 900,000, and it is only a matter of time before he breaks through 1 million.

Regarding the number of his fans, Chen Jing does not know at the moment.

He turned on the live stream today and didn't watch anything else.

During the live broadcast, Chen Jing had to hear the voice from time to time, although he was very strange, he had been busy and didn't have time to watch it.

"All loaded, direct delivery."

Chen Jing said it to the courier brother.

"Don't worry, Brother Chen, it's not the first time we've shipped goods, we must be more careful."

"Good work!"

"It's okay, then Brother Chen, Brother Zhang, we'll go."

Chen Jing waved goodbye to them.

Zhang Wei stood behind and tugged at his shoulders.

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