"You're not coming along?"

Chen Jing looked back at Zhang Wei, now he is really a frosted eggplant.

What the third aunt said is not wrong at all.

Zhang Wei glared at Chen Jing with fierce eyes: "If I don't leave, I just won't leave." I took the chicken, I took the fish. I'm going to eat here, I'm going to eat hard, I'm going to eat you poor. I'm out of love now, and I'm going to turn my grief and anger into food.

Zhang Wei chattered, but Chen Jing stared at Zhang Wei with a foolish look.

He felt that this person was really hopeless.

After everyone was busy, Chen Jing and the others went home.

Along the way, what he felt was Zhang Wei's resentful eyes.

Chen Jing stared at his phone, but he didn't see anything.

When he turned off the live broadcast and saw the number of fans, he was instantly stunned.


More than 900,000 fans.

What's he doing lately?

I didn't do anything, how could I suddenly have so many fans?

Chen Jing saw that there were many private messages, and some people commented on the original video about picking up children.

Now everyone is most concerned about whether the child's parents have been found, so it turned out to be the case.

Chen Jing took advantage of this on Weibo, and sure enough, he saw the news posted by Zhou Rongrong before, and other media also reprinted it, including the police station.

It can be seen that it is because of the matter of picking up children.

found out that he was a video anchor.

Suddenly, there were so many fans, Chen Jing, a little confused for a moment.

Is he about to become a big anchor?

Regarding the child's affairs, he plans to make a video to explain the ins and outs of the whole thing.

There are also all kinds of speculations on the Internet, and he has seen them all.

"Brother Chen, what are you looking at?"

Zhang Wei suddenly spoke, and Chen Jing's eyes fell on Zhang Wei's body for a moment, looking at Zhang Wei carefully.

Zhang Wei was suddenly stared at by Chen Jing, a little unnatural, he didn't understand what Chen Jing meant now.

"Look... What to see?

Chen Jing suddenly smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just thought of a fun thing."

Zhang Wei immediately sat up straight in horror, his eyes full of defense.

He didn't know Chen Jing before, but after getting to know Chen Jing clearly, Zhang Wei didn't feel that the person in front of him was a blank slate.

He is a black sesame rice ball wrapped in noodles.

"Brother Chen, let me tell you, I am a performer and not a person, I tell you, don't think anything wrong about me."

Zhang Wei stared at Chen Jing defensively, but Chen Jing glanced at him: "What misunderstanding do you have about yourself?" "


Zhang Wei felt that he must have gone out today and did not look at the yellow calendar.

After touching them, there were knives everywhere, and every knife was deeply inserted into his heart.

Thinking that he had just fallen out of love, Zhang Wei was about to cry: "Brother Chen, what do you want to calculate against me, just say it." I'll help you, I'm sure I'll help you with everything. "

I just ask Chen Jing not to look at himself with such eyes, it's too terrifying.

"Well, it's really a good brother, or do you know me!"

Chen Jing was very pleased, Zhang Wei had a hard time, and he almost wanted to scold.

In fact, it's not a difficult thing, he just needs Zhang Wei to cooperate with him to make a video.

The video should be fun, fun, widely disseminated, and not vulgar.

When Zhang Wei understands what role he is, it's like a mouthful of blood spitting out.

He, a man who is about to turn 30, actually wants to play a baby who has just been born for a few days.

I felt deeply insulted.

This video is mostly funny.

After filming the video, Zhang Wei felt that he was no longer himself, he was numb, completely numb.

"Zhang Wei, the shooting is really good, I will definitely cook a good treat for you today."

The aggrieved Zhang Wei sat on a small bench with a watermelon in his hand.

"Brother Chen! How many fans do you have on your tremolo? I don't have too many fans, I don't want to lose too much face.

"It's not a lot, just a little, although I used to sell things on vibrato, and there were only a few thousand fans, and you know that there were actually so many people when I shipped them before."

He knew the number of shipments at that time.

If it's just a few thousand, that's okay, as long as the range isn't too wide, he's okay with it.

As soon as he thought of himself, an adult wrapped in a quilt lying in Brother Chen's arms and lip-syncing, he felt embarrassed, very embarrassed.

If his father and mother saw it, he wondered if he would pick up a stick and break his leg.

Fortunately, Brother Chen doesn't have many fans.

Fans in the live broadcast room were instantly happy when they heard it.

[I found out that my dad is so bad.

[Poor Zhang Wei, he was deceived. [

I feel sorry for Zhang Wei for a second, hahaha...]

[I want to know what kind of video it is, but can Dad send it out as soon as possible? ] I'd love to take a look. [

Looking forward to.

[Look at Zhang Wei's expression, I'm about to cry, I think it must be very fun, what to do, just tap now to see it.]

[It can't be some kind of edge ball.]

[The newcomers don't understand, but Dad, don't talk nonsense.

[This is a serious anchor's territory, haven't you seen Dad's personality signature? ] Turn to farming and sell vegetables for 100 years!

[I suddenly felt that Zhang Wei was cute.

[But my dad is cute, and he has a black belly, so he loves it. [


【What about Cocoa, where is Coco?】 Coco is gone again.

After finishing the things, Chen Jing began to stretch out his hand, and the camera kept pointing at Chen Jing's hands.

[What a beautiful finger, I like it so much.] 【

Looking forward to the meal.】 [

Envy, I want to eat the spicy fish made by Kedda.] When

Chen Jing was handling the fish, he took the opportunity to glance at the screen: "I don't make spicy fish today, I will make sauerkraut fish and large plate chicken today." "

Ahhhhh I like sauerkraut fish the most, wow wow wow wow, the rice is ready, but dad can make it. [

Boom... Thinking of the pot chicken that Ke Dad made last time, he booed...]

[You weirdos.

"Coco, go and get a bag of sauerkraut from the house."

"Okay daddy."

Coco's voice came, and the fans were boiling, and soon they saw Coco in the mirror, and after the little girl appeared, the live broadcast room frantically tapped Coco's name.

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