"What peach blossom luck, I think it's peach blossom luck, Brother Chen Jing, don't have anything to do with that Li Chuncao in the future, if you are too close to her, it is easy to provoke right and wrong, and her mother is not easy to get along with.

Chen Qing on the side said disgustedly.

Although Li Chuncao is good-looking, there is such a mother.

What's more, as far as he knew, Li Chuncao escaped marriage at the engagement ceremony.

This person has no concept of the overall situation, and he is not a good daughter-in-law.

"Okay, thank you today, come, the dishes at home are cooked, you can take them back and taste them, I planted them."

Chen Jing doesn't care about this incident, as an old classmate, it is enough to know that Li Chuncao is fine, and Chen Jing will never get involved in their family affairs.

The two of them followed into the door in a hurry.

The first thing I saw was the vegetables in Chen Jing's house, cucumbers and tomatoes growing well, and the green vegetables made people want to go up and take a bite at a glance.

I knew that Chen Jing's vegetable planting skills were first-class, but I didn't expect it to be so good.

Chen Qing laughed and said, "Brother Chen Jing, the vegetables you grow are like a big girl, hahaha... It's really good. "

Chen Qing, you miss your daughter-in-law, you look at everything as a girl." Chen Zhong said deliberately.

Chen Qing, who was already easily shy, scratched his head: "If there is anything wrong with thinking about my daughter-in-law, I just want my daughter-in-law."

"It's a pity that you're still a minor, and you want to marry a daughter-in-law, so let's talk about it when you're an adult."

Chen Zhong's words hit Chen Qing's sadness, he still has a year to become an adult, and marrying a daughter-in-law is also a matter of adulthood.

Chen Jing, who was pulling vegetables, turned around and said: "Don't stimulate Daqing, the kid thinks about his daughter-in-law all day long, in case of mental illness, your kid is busy." "

Brother Chen Jing... I'm not a nymphomaniac, don't think of me like a pervert. Chen Qing felt that he should correct his name.

He is not a pervert or a pervert!

Chen Jing put the green vegetables in a bag and handed them to Chen Qing.

The young people in the village understand their temperament.

"But what kind of daughter-in-law do you want?"

"I want to be gentle, gentle like water!" Chen Qing touched his face embarrassedly.

Chen Jing and Chen Zhong glanced at each other, and they all sighed, deliberately lengthening their tones, and Chen Qing, who felt embarrassed, was about to go out with the dishes given by Chen Jing holding on to them.

Unexpectedly, the laughter of the two of them came out again, and Chen Qing hurried home.

After Chen Zhong also left, Chen Jing began to prepare for planting.

The speed of the greenhouse is in full swing, and it will be completed in two days.

Chen Jing studies farm tools at home.

The Tiangong book produced by the system is his greatest weapon, and he has been studying it at home recently.

Coco walked out with the snacks in her hand, squatting on the ground and watching Chen Jing's operation.

"Dabi, is this a wheelchair?"


Chen Jing continued to move in his hand, but Keke looked at the farm tools on the wall again, although she couldn't understand what it was, but she felt that Dabi was so powerful.

Moreover, Daddy made a wheelchair...

Her eyes lit up, and she immediately stepped forward and asked, "Did Dad Bi make it for Brother Ergouzi

?" "What do you think?"

Chen Jing held the pliers in his hand and said with a smile.

"Definitely, yes. "

Hahaha... Yes, what Coco said is right, Dad is more new than the new technology, and the second dog doesn't have to lie in bed every day. "

You can also go out and walk around and bask in the sun.

The peasant family is reluctant to buy a wheelchair, and the Tiangong book that day has a manufacturing method for wheelchairs, and after being transformed, this wheelchair can definitely meet the various needs of the two dogs.

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