"Yes, you may often go over to visit Ergouzi, and after a while, Dad and you will go to see Ergouzi. There

is one last point in this wheelchair that can be completely done, and after getting Chen Jing's promise, Coco clapped his palms happily.

Ever since she saw the current situation of Ergouzi, she has been very sad in her heart.

She felt that the second dog was very pitiful.

Only his grandmother accompanied him at home.

Coco pursed her lips and turned back to the house to bring her usual favorite snacks and yogurt.

Little Coco came out with a big bag of things.

She walked quickly in front of Chen Jing, put down the things, and asked Chen Jing: "Dabi, can I give these things to Brother Ergouzi?"

"She, she, these things are Coco's favorite, Coco wants to give it to Brother Ergouzi, I gave Brother Ergouzi a candy, and he is reluctant to eat it." Dad, the second dog brother is so pitiful. "

She is on a par with Ergouzi, and Ergouzi is really pitiful.

Although, she has no mother, but there is a father by her side, and the second dog is more pitiful than the father and mother.

The most important thing is that Ergouzi can't walk!

" You can go to Ergouzi to play more in the future, with a wheelchair, it is much more convenient, let's prepare to go to Ergouzi's house."

After finishing the last point, Chen Jing looked at the wheelchair in front of him with satisfaction, and he smiled with great satisfaction.

Coco was pleasantly surprised: "Dad is better than this?" "

Of course, I can't delay my baby to find a second dog to play." "

The most important thing is that I can't bear to see Coco sad and sad.

His daughter is so compassionate.

The surprised Coke smiled and bent his eyes, and the father and daughter drove to Ergouzi's house with gifts.

Ergouzi's house and other villagers do not enter, their family is a five-guarantee household in the village, and there has always been the care of the village chief and the villagers.

Although it is not worrying about food now, there are not many days in the family, and not worrying about food and clothing does not mean that it is rich, and the family of the second dog is even more difficult.

After getting off the bus.

Coco knocked on the door first, and the door opened with a gentle push.

In the courtyard stood an elderly man with gray hair and a slight waist sticking out.

In his hand was a dustpan containing corn kernels.

"You are..."

"Fourth woman, I'm Chen Jing.

Chen Sipo put down the dustpan, passed enthusiastically, smiled with obvious folds on her face but very kind, her body was clean and clean, and her nails were also clean.

Chen Jing knows that Chen Sipo has loved cleanliness since she was young.

"Chen Jing, hurry... Sit inside, this is..."

Chen Sipo saw Coco, and after showing doubts in her eyes

, she said in surprise: "Your daughter?" She had heard about Chen Jing in the village, and Chen Jing smiled: "Yes, my daughter Coco." "

Hello grandma, I'm Coco. "

My second dog said that his Uncle Chen Jing's daughter came to see him and gave him a very good little shrimp, and the second dog was very happy.

"It's good if Brother Ergouzi likes it. "

It's ridiculous.

The mood seems to be very good.

"Fourth woman, these things are for you and the second dog to eat, and these... I'll help you get into the house.

Chen Jing brought a lot of things, eating and drinking vegetables, including rice and noodles and other things, although it was not much, but it was also a thought.

Chen Sipo was flattered and refused to ask for anything, and at Chen Jing's insistence, Chen Sipo was full of complicated gratitude to Chen Jing.

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