"Grandma, grandma, I can come out, I can come out and watch the sun.

Ergouzi's thin little face showed a deep sense of surprise, and Chen Sipo wiped her tears and nodded happily.

Chen Jing walked over and explained other operations in detail.

This wheelchair can perfectly solve the role of two dogs eating, drinking, and lazing.

In other words, Ergouzi doesn't have to be served by people to eat, drink, and Lazar, he can be an independent person, he made arm-like mechanical arms on both sides, and pressed the button to help Ergouzi take a bath.

This is what Chen Jing is most proud of.

Although Ergouzi is young, the baby in the countryside is a precocious child after experiencing so many things.

"Uncle Chen Jing, thank you, thank you.

Ergouzi looked at Chen Jing excitedly, he no longer has to bother grandma in the future, grandma can also be a little easier, he doesn't want to be a burden to grandma, he can finally take care of himself, and he can also help grandma work.

Others may not be able to understand Ergouzi's feelings, but Ergouzi himself regarded Chen Jing as his own god at this time, and specially came to save his god.

The grandfather and grandson were extremely grateful to Chen Jing.

He was their benefactor.

"Silly boy, don't thank me, live well and take care of grandma.

Chen Jing patted him on the shoulder, and the little boy nodded solemnly, affirmatively assuring, "I will." "

Wow... It's really good.,Brother Ergouzi will be able to play with me in the future.,Brother Ergouzi remember to come to my house to play with me in the future.。

Coco leaned in and clapped her hands happily.

In front of the little sister, the second dog is a little shy!

He is also very cute, and the clothes on his body have several patches, and the clothes on Chen Sipo's body are also a lot of patches, and the grandparents and grandchildren are living very poorly.

As far as he knew, the Chen family's land had been sold, and only about three acres of land remained!

Chen Jing also asked.

Chen Sipo sighed and said: "After the accident of the second dog, in order to raise money for treatment, a lot of land was sold, leaving only three acres of land on the back mountain, where the land is the worst and cannot raise crops." Chen

Jing's eyes moved, and he pulled Chen Sipo to sit on a chair on the side and put forward an idea.

"Rent land, Chen Jing, I know you are a poor old woman, but you can't make a voice of losing money, the soil of the three acres of land is not good, it is not suitable for growing crops, even vegetables. "

Renting land is bound to lose money.

She is an honest person and will not do anything to deceive the child, Chen Jing smiled indifferently: "Fourth woman, you don't have to worry about these problems, you just need to rent the land to me, and I will handle the rest." "


Chen Sipo was a little overwhelmed.

Chen Jing continued: "Fourth woman, you have also heard about the matter of renting land in the village, the price to others is 1,000 per mu of land, and it will be settled in half a year, and I will settle your 3 acres of land at the price of 2,000 per acre, and it will also be settled in half a year, which is 6,000 yuan in cash for you to receive first." "

He has never dragged his feet in his work, and took out the six thousand dollars he had prepared from his pocket.

Chen Jing's words, Chen Sipo and they were stunned, and Chen Sipo, who came back to her senses, refused again and again: "No, no... The quality of the land is not good, it can't be so much, it's not worth it.

"I said it's worth it, fourth woman, just accept it, don't be polite to me.

Under Chen Jing's offensive, Chen Sipo couldn't refuse.

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