She trembled and held 6,000 yuan, with tears in her eyes, and looked at Chen Jing: "You kid is a person who values love and righteousness."

She knew that Chen Jing was taking care of their grandchildren.

"Fourth woman, don't praise me, or I'll float.

Chen Jingben was also not very old, and he blinked his eyes naughtily like a child in front of Chen Sipo.

In the small courtyard, there was laughter.

The fans in the live broadcast room shed tears one after another!

[Anchor, the anchor is too kind, selflessly helping the villagers.

[It's just that it seems to have been stuck just now, and I didn't hear them say anything about money, it's money.]

[What do you do with so much, the anchor rents land, rents or land with bad soil, no matter how much money is given, it is the anchor's intention, I can see that the anchor intends to help their grandchildren.

[The little boy is so pitiful, he has no legs at a young age. 【

Ergouzi?ha... What age is it, and there is one with this name, real soil. [

The one in front is poisonous, haven't you heard that Lai Ming is easy to feed?

[Laughing at people's names, the quality is really low, disgusting.] 【

Disgusting heart +1.】 【

Spicy chicken is everywhere.

[What I see is the kindness of the anchor and the kindness of the villagers.

[Cut, just for show, you really believe it.] 【

Cocoa is so cute.】 【

Mo Mo Da Coco Baby.

[But Dad's handsome face, I can look at it for a month and not get tired of it.] [

Everyone's mood is sunny, what you see must be a sunny world.

[People who don't know Ke Da can search for Ke Da's deeds, he is a role model for our young people, I hope everyone can see Ke Da's strengths and advantages. [

Yo, are some licking dogs starting to bark? It's just an anchor, what are his strengths and advantages that we need to learn? Learn from him to farm? Be a farmer? A group of guys who don't learn and don't know how to do it. [

What's wrong with the peasant? The peasant demolished your house, or took over your wife.

[Some people want to provoke confrontation. [

Spicy chicken speaks.]

[You who claim to be from the city, your ancestors are also farmers. [

Complacent, villainous behavior, you don't have a farmer and you eat a fart.]

[Calm down, we have to pay attention to the host, otherwise it will be used by some people, and they will definitely have a low quality of Dad's fans. I

am also a farmer, and some soil quality is not conducive to planting, and it is a waste to put it in my hands. Even

if you want to take care of the villagers, you can do it for a short time, but you can't do it for a long time.

The big guys are constantly talking.

On the other hand, Chen Jing has already left Ergouzi's house with Coco.

Along the way, Coco took Chen Jing's hand and jumped: "Dabi, the fourth grandmother and the second dog brother are so happy, Coco is also happy, helping people is really happy."

"Dad is also happy, in the future, the fourth wife and the second dog will have hope for life, Coco, life is in the world, we can help others if we can help others, in this world, there are still many kind people." "

There are bad people, but being good is the most basic.

A person, start with kindness!"

"Coco remembered, Coco should be a kind person and help people in need. "

Good!" "

There are women like this, there are no regrets in this life, and raising children is indeed very fulfilling.

The Mid-Autumn Festival has passed, and the greenhouse has been fully completed.

When Chen Jing and Chen Yu came over, the three of them sat down to discuss the planting.

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