"I propose that we plant cucumbers as a whole, cucumbers are easy to grow and have a wide market.

Chen Jing sipped the tea slowly, and looked at Chen Yu who didn't open his mouth on the side, he grows watermelons, and he has seen a lot over the years.

In Chen Jing's eyes, Chen Yu's suggestion is the point, but when is Chen Kang's proposal reasonable.

"I have considered cucumbers, a single planting of cucumbers will inevitably have a small competition range, I think we should bloom everywhere, and plant more vegetables, such as tomatoes, eggplants... Coupled with the watery Chinese cabbage and small cabbage, fresh vegetables are the most scarce in the north for the winter. "

Winter is not far away.

It's not too late to prepare greens at this time.

"Planting too much... Our technology is limited, some people have not grown too many vegetables at all, and we don't have experts in planting and pest control, in case there is a pest..."Chen Kang looked at them and did not continue.

When the time comes, the losses will be heavy.

Chen Jing has thought about this consideration.

"A single product must have been favored at first, but after a long time, it is not a long-term solution, and besides, I believe that Brother Chen Jing can solve our worries.

At this point, Chen Yu is not worried at all.


Chen Jing laughed heartily.

"You really believe me. He

didn't know why, Chen Yu and Chen Kang had trusted him very much since they were children, Chen Jing looked at them with confidence, Chen Yu was right, he did have the ability to solve these problems.

With a super farming system on his back, he is fearless, thinking of his grand blueprint, Chen Jing is more and more confident to handle these things.

"Of course, Brother Chen Jing is our idol, I believe in you, I definitely believe in you.

"Others may not believe me, Brother Chen Jing, I only believe you, you say, do we choose a single or choose to bloom everywhere." Chen Yu said.

The two young men stared at Chen Jing with burning eyes, as long as he gave an order, they would inevitably be ruined.

Chen Jing smiled slightly, the teacup was heavily placed on the table, and his eyes were particularly bright and confident: "Blooming everywhere."

"Okay! Brother Chen Jing, we'll do it with you. "

Brother, I'll do it with you too.

Chen Yu and Chen Kang stretched out their hands one after another, Chen Jing and they touched their fists, and the three young people were in high spirits and said in unison: "Come on!"

This matter began, Chen Jing took out some vegetable seeds, and asked them to purchase the best vegetable seeds, put them in Chen Jing's house, and soak them in spring water.

There will be no problems with growth.

From the beginning of selecting seeds to sowing seeds, what is needed is manpower, and for this matter, Chen Jing specially went to Wang Guixiang's house.


aunt, is the third aunt there?" "Bah, why are you here at this time, where is Coco?" Wang Guixiang glanced behind him, and after there was no Coco, Wang Guixiang's expression suddenly became cold.

Chen Jing scratched his head helplessly: "Coco went out to play, I came to find the third aunt because I wanted the third aunt to do me a favor." In

the eyes of the third aunt, he, who is a nephew, is not as good as Coco day by day.

The status is declining day by day.

"What's the matter?"

"Now that the greenhouse has begun to plant, can the third aunt mobilize the people in the village to see who has free people who can come and help with the planting, and I will pay the salary."

When Wang Guixiang heard this, he immediately felt that it was a good thing, but Wang Guixiang was a little worried: "Chen Jing, you just gave out 200,000 yuan, and now you take the money, it is a lot of money." "

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