[Yes, yes, yes.

[Winter vacation, wait for me.] 】


"Hey, Luo Tingting, it's time for your live broadcast to end, but Dad is busy in it alone, are you embarrassed?"

Xu Sixuan nibbled on a cucumber while squinting at Luo Tingting.

As good sisters, they have always had something to say, Luo Tingting snorted: "Someone knows how to eat, and they don't help, I really don't know how embarrassed someone is, I have a heavy responsibility, and I want to talk to fans about the situation here." Can't let the fans down.

"Come on, you're just lazy.

Zhao Lingling, who had been talking very little, went to the sink to wash her hands, and she went to the kitchen to help.

Chen Jing declined.

Zhao Lingling, who insisted that she couldn't eat and drink for nothing, found some things to do by herself, such as washing dishes and finding dishes.

can also give Chen Jing a shot.

From time to time, the laughter of adults and children can be heard in the small courtyard of the farmhouse, and the autumn wind and leaves are falling, peaceful and quiet.

The retro small village is really a small bridge and flowing water.

Peaceful, always easily broken, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

"Brother Chen... Coco, Brother Chen... I'm here, wow, I smelled the smell of your food before I came in, Brother Chen, I really came early as I came, I just came to eat. A

loud and hearty voice came from outside the door.

Such a shameless statement, Luo Tingting and the three of them don't need to guess, and they know that it must be Zhang Wei who is behind the face.

When he walked in, the three of them looked at each other tacitly, it was really Zhang Wei.

"Bah... You guys...... You are..."

Zhang Wei paused, the three young girls in front of him were so strange, they were dressed very fashionably, and they looked like they were from a big city.

"Hello, we are here for a tour.

Luo Tingting said.

After hearing this, Zhang Wei immediately burst into a bright smile, enthusiastic, and said: "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome, you come here all the way, you must have fun, have fun." "

Thank you.

Zhang Wei exchanged a few words of greeting with them, walked straight to the kitchen, and whispered: "Brother Chen, your ability to attract fans is okay, and the quality is also good."

The grinning Zhang Wei glanced at the fair ladies outside.

Chen Jing, who was preparing to grill the fish, didn't look at Zhang Wei, so he said, "What's the matter

?" "Look at what you said, Brother Chen, am I the kind of person who sees the eyes?"

Zhang Wei tried his best to prove himself.

Chen Jing glanced at Zhang Wei suspiciously, and Zhang Wei was deeply shocked by this look.

He immediately straightened his chest and said very firmly: "Brother Chen, the current me is no longer the me of yesterday, I have changed my mind." "

Oh, then you have come out of the shadow of broken love?" "

I've never been in love, how can I talk about falling out of love!Hmph, I understand now, looking for a wife can't just look at the skin, you have to look at the connotation, otherwise... I don't even know if I have a hat on my head. In

other words, Zhang Wei's heart is very complicated.

Since the last experience, Zhang Wei's endurance and thinking ability have gradually strengthened.

Chen Jing was quite pleased.

"You have such an awareness, in fact, I am very grateful, they are a group of young people, pay attention to their words and deeds.

Chen Jing didn't believe Zhang Wei, but kindly reminded him.

When people are outside, they represent the image.

"Brother Chen, don't worry, I understand. Zhang

Wei has a scale in his heart, some things can be done, and some things can't be done, he is very clear.

Zhang Wei is also a celebrity during Chen Jing's live broadcast, and with him, the atmosphere is more active.

Zhang Wei and Luo Tingting, who came out, chatted, and at this time, Liu Dan and they also came to Chen Jing's house.

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