"You're here, come and see, this is Coco. Luo Tingting waved her hands excitedly.

Xiao Yang and Li Yu walked over, and the two handsome big brothers stood in front of Coco.

They looked at each other, Xiao Yang was unusually gentle and sunny when he laughed, and Li Yu was a little shy and shy.

"Coco, hello, my name is Xiao Yang, it's nice to meet you. Xiao Yang's outstretched hand was slender and beautiful.

But Keke is a little Yan Kong, she stretched out her little hand and held Xiao Yang's hand, the little girl smiled shyly: "Hello big brother."

"Yo Yo Yo, I look at the little baby as if I'm shy, Lingling, am I wrong.

Luo Tingting deliberately opened her throat.

The little girl shyly hurriedly hid behind Liu Dan and grabbed Liu Dan's clothes with both hands.

"I didn't. Everyone

present burst into laughter.

Such a little doll, who doesn't like it, looks cute and Peugeot.

Xiao Yang was born with an old father's heart.

"Dad, we'll help you. "

Yes, yes, Dad, Xiao Yang's cooking skills are good, he can also help."

Chen Jing, who was busy in the kitchen, said with a smile: "You are guests, you can't be allowed to work, Coco, treat guests well, I can handle this matter alone, you don't have to do it."

"Eh, how can this be, we can't eat and drink for nothing here, but Dad, I'll come." "Xiao Yang is a talkative young man, and when he talks about it, he rolls up his sleeves and works.

Chen Jing saw that Xiao Yang was indeed a person who wanted to work, and he no longer refused, and the two of them would work faster.

The rest of the matter is that Zhang Wei needs to move the tables in the room out, there are quite a lot of people, at least two tables, after a few people move the tables and chairs.

Found a place to shade the sun.

"It's good here, we can look at the fresh vegetables, and we have an appetite just by looking at them.

"I think what Tingting said makes sense, let's be pleasing to the eye." "

The girls are chirping.

Zhang Wei and Liu Dan looked at each other and smiled.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Wei, you are..."

"Liu Dan!" Liu Dan


Zhang Wei suddenly realized: "You are the new reporter in the city, hello reporter, hello reporter Liu." "

Are you a reporter?" Xu

Sixuan was still carrying a chair in her hand, she happened to hear them talking, she never expected this to be a reporter.

None of them noticed Liu Dan's identity, no wonder he also lived in the village committee.


a moment, Luo Tingting and the three of them surrounded Liu Dan, looking Liu Dan up and down with their eyes.

Liu Dan, who is also a young man, is a little embarrassed, and the eyes of the three girls are a little hot.

"Girls, look at each other.

Liu Dan said embarrassedly.


Tingting laughed.

Liu Dan was a little embarrassed again, but Keke tugged at Liu Dan's clothes: "Sisters, don't make fun of the big brother, the big brother is a very thin-skinned person, and the big brother will be shy." "


their laughter burst into laughter once again throughout the courtyard, and I couldn't help it, and a big man blushed.

It's as red as a red apple, which is really amazing.

Liu Dan is a little embarrassed, little ancestor, don't talk anymore, my face is about to disappear.

The courtyard was bustling.

Soon, the meal was out of the pot.

"Come and serve the food.

Xiao Yang shouted.

"Coming, coming," Li Yu's voice came.

They all went to the kitchen.

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