After Xu Taohua and Keke returned home, the two began to count the money, but Chen Sulan did not follow again.

"Coco, these are yours, these are for Brother Chen Jing, let's divide them equally and take them.

Coco refused: "I didn't do anything, I don't want it, Aunt Peach Blossom will keep it." Hide it, don't let your aunt cheat you.

Coco, who said this, glanced back at the direction outside the door.

I was afraid that Chen Sulan would break in.

If she is an adult who robs them of money, they will definitely not be able to do Chen Sulan.

Xu Taohua knew what Coco meant, so she smiled and said, "Everyone has a share, and labor can be obtained." "

Although the little girl is not very old, she understands the world very well.

Take what you deserve, don't take it yourself, don't do it.

At this moment, there was a slight knock on the door outside, Xu Taohua got up and saw two strange men, looking at their dress, they should be tourists who came to travel!

"Who are you?"

Xu Taohua asked.

One of the bald men smiled and said, "We're here for a tour, and we're also fans of Ked, we just came down from the mountain, and we're really thirsty, can we drink a cup of hot water here." "

The bald man and the other fat man were not dressed very thickly, and it was very cold in the mountains at this time.

"You sit here for a while, and I'll pour water. "

Thank you, little girl. The

bald man smiled gratefully at Xu Taohua.

The two looked at the yard casually, and when the bald man looked at Coco, his smile became even brighter: "Coco, I'm your father's fan, and I'm also your fan, we both like you very much." "

Thank you. "

It's ridiculous.

The fat man over there looked at the corner of the wall: "What's the matter with the rabbit here?"

"Ahhhhhhh The bald man said.

After hearing this, Coco hurriedly ran towards the corner of the wall, and when he passed by the fat man, the man suddenly picked up Coco hard, and his fat big hand covered Coco's mouth.

The two looked at each other and hurriedly walked out of Chen Jing's house.

When Xu Taohua came out of the house, the courtyard was empty, and Xu Taohua shouted: "Coco... Coco is not at home? Coco... Coco..."

Xu Taohua, who sensed that something was wrong, threw down the water cup and hurriedly ran out of the yard.

Looking left and right, there was no sign of Coco.

Xu Taohua ran eagerly.

"Brother Chen Jing... Brother Chen Jing..."Chen

Kang, who had just come back from outside the village, saw Xu Taohua running wildly and shouting Cocoa, and hurriedly shouted to Xu Taohua.

"What's the matter, Peach Blossom?" Xu

Taohua cried and roared, "Coco is gone."

"How can you not see it, you look for it and see if it is at home."

Chen Kang thought that Keke was deliberately hiding, Xu Taohua shook his head with tears in his eyes: "No, there were two men in the house just now..."

"You go to Brother Chen Jing and find someone separately.

Xu Taohua's tears came out urgently, good and decent, Coco met bad people, those people must have been premeditated in advance.

When Xu Taohua saw Chen Jing, Chen Jing was surrounded by people in the middle to take pictures.

"Brother Chen Jing, Coco was abducted, but Coco is gone.

Chen Jing's face changed drastically, and he came out of the crowd: "What did you say?"


Xu Taohua cried and told the whole thing, and the onlookers were furious.

This is clearly a human trafficker.

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