"We'll help you find it.

"The current human traffickers are so hateful, they can't go far, there are many of us, so we go separately to find them." The

crowd suggested.

"Thank you, Peach Blossom, let's go.

After Chen Jing finished speaking, he took Peach Blossom and left to find Coco.

Losing a child is never a trivial matter!

Not to mention Chen Jing's child, there are many people with great strength, and when they know the news of Coco's loss, others rush to tell each other.

The big guys are enthusiastic people, children are the lifeblood of parents, and everyone hates human traffickers the most.

How many families have been torn apart because of human traffickers.

"What? Coco was taken away?" Guo

Lizhen, who came out of the house, heard it, and was so frightened that the things in his hand fell to the ground.

The villager said eagerly: "Yes, many people have gone to look for it, and I will also go over there to look for it, so I won't talk to you more." "

I'll go with you. "

There has never been a case of child trafficking in their small village.

The folk customs here have always been simple.

But this time Coco had an accident, and many people wondered if it was Chen Jing's enemy, or some extreme illegitimate meals.

Or maybe they've been watching for a long time, waiting for the right time, and abducting the child.

"Beauty... "

Chen Yu's voice came from the room.

After not hearing a response for a long time, Chen Yu came out of the house on crutches, and the courtyard was empty.

It's still a mess outside.

Chen Yu pushed open the door and saw someone in a hurry, as if something had happened, and the broken bowl on the ground was still there.

Chen Yu intuitively felt that something was wrong.

"Uncle, what's wrong?"

"Chen Yu, you hurry back to rest, your legs and feet are inconvenient, this is Chen Jing's child's missing, we are all looking for the child."

"What? gone, why is it gone?"

Chen Yu almost threw off the crutches in his hand in a hurry, and the old man sighed heavily: "I heard that two strange men appeared, we are all looking for the children, you go back to rest." With

that, the old man ran away quickly.

Because of the cocoa incident, the village and the tourists are very nervous.

Chen Yu hated himself for being lame.

In the past, he could also go out to find children, but now he can only be anxious.

The easternmost part of Cheonggye Mountain.

Chen Jing and others came here to look for the child, Chen Jing was silent along the way, following the guidance of the system to find the location to the east, where the terrain is rugged.

Hidden deep here, he didn't expect.

"Host, calm down!" the

system said.

Chen Jing argued with the system in his mind: "Calm down, dare to kidnap Lao Tzu's daughter, Lao Tzu will let them know why the flowers are so red." He

has always been kind to others, and this time he dared to touch his children, which completely touched Chen Jing's bottom line.

"Traffickers should be damned, find them, the old lady strangles them to death. "

Shameless traffickers. The

tourists who followed behind were all filled with righteous indignation.

"Look... There are footprints here, and there are traces of stampede. "

Someone pointed to the fallen leaves on the ground and all kinds of marks, which are not visited here on weekdays.

They're bold enough to hide here.

"Keep going inside.

Chen Jing said.

The group walked inside, and the more they went inside, the dimmer the light became.

Chen Jing walked forward with firm steps.

Suddenly, everyone saw Chen Jing's footsteps speeding up, and the group glanced at each other, and then caught up.

"Daddy... Help—"

A familiar voice echoed through the woods.

"Coco... Coco..."

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