"Rest well, all right, hang up.

After Chen Kang came out of the bathroom, Chen Jing said: "You also called home, you didn't tell them when you came out, you should talk to them now, it is inevitable that the family will be worried." Speaking

of which, he also called his uncle's family on the train, but no one answered.

I guess I'm angry.

Chen Kang, who was wiping his hair, yawned: "I'll send a text message back, my mother should have slept at this point."

"That's fine. "

In the country, everyone goes to bed early.

"Brother, hurry up and take a shower, have a good rest, I'm really tired, I'm not tired of taking the train to move bricks.

Chen Kang covered his mouth, yawning incessantly, tears in his eyes.

After Chen Jing saw it, he smiled helplessly: "Okay, hurry up and rest

!" "Hmm!"

Chapter 307

Chen Jing was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep!

His own spirit and Chen Kang were put together, and he was indeed very energetic.

What is produced by the system, Chen Jing has been taking it.

The physical strength far surpasses that of Chen Kang.

Chen Jing, who was holding his mobile phone, stared at the screen, and he replied with a message.

The next day.

The two got up satisfied, Chen Kang's spirit was very good today, and Chen Jing, who was dressed, kept looking at Chen Kang.

After a night's rest, the result is different!"


Chen Kang rushed out with Chen Jing, Chen Kang looked around in amazement: "What a tall building, these are the high-rise buildings in TV, we don't have such a tall building in the town, brother... I envy you for working in the city before, you can give up such good conditions and go back to the countryside to start a business, admire!"

At this moment, Chen Jing's image in his heart was once again tall.

"I'll take you around when I'm free. "

Uh-huh. "

Anyway, Chen Kang is like a guy who has never seen the world now, he has indeed never been to the city, and he is very excited to see it for the first time.

During the meal, the two asked for steamed buns, fritters and salted tofu brain, and the two were very happy, especially Chen Kang.

Chen Jing smiled: "Don't panic, no one will rob you." "

Hehe, I'm happy, I'm really happy..."

It's a pity that I don't have that much ability.

The two sat at a roadside stall eating breakfast, and Chen Jing said, "I'll take you to buy a piece of clothing later."

Chen Kang frowned, and glanced down at his clothes: "It's good, why do you want to buy clothes?" "

When we do things, first of all, personal image is very important. And also...... We're going to meet some of the more important people. "

He's not here to enjoy the mountains, he's here to talk about business.

Chen Kang seems to understand whether he understands or not, but what Chen Jing says is what he says, he believes in Chen Jing very much.

Buy new clothes, men also love new clothes.

Hehe, he hadn't bought new clothes for several years, Chen Kang scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Boss, settle the bill!"

After paying the bill, Chen Jing took Chen Kang to a shopping mall in Lucheng, and chose one on the third floor, and they chose formal wear.

The shopping guide is very beautiful and enthusiastic.

With their warm hospitality, the two of them had a very pleasant shopping trip.

"Welcome to come back next time.

"Okay, okay, goodbye. Chen Kang smiled and waved goodbye to them, after going out, Chen Kang turned back one step at a time, he approached Chen Jing, and whispered: "I thought they would look down on us just now, it seems that I thought too much, some TV series are really harmful, aren't these shopping guides all very good, how can there be any dog eyes looking down on people." "

And they're pretty good-looking.

All of them are white-skinned and beautiful, with long legs.

Chen Jing glanced at the simple stupid brother, and for the first time found that Chen Kang was not ordinary pure.

"Alright, go back and change.


After buying the clothes, Chen Jing was going to meet a very important person, and when the two brothers returned to the hotel to change their clothes and just arrived at the door of the hotel, a luxury car stopped in front of them.

A young man in a suit and leather shoes came down, polite, and said, "Is it

Mr. Chen Jing?" "I am!" "

Hello Mr. Chen, we are in charge of picking up the two, please get in the car."

Chen Jing nodded.

Chen Kang on the side was slightly stunned, and then followed Chen Jing into the car, Chen Kang was in such a good car for the first time, I don't know who these people were

? How did Brother Chen Jing know?

There seemed to be a secret in it that he didn't know! Chen Kang trembled along the way, and he didn't know where these people were going to take them

The scenery outside the window changes little by little, from the lively downtown area to gradually no people, the surrounding environment is very beautiful, and the architecture is also very beautiful.

Eventually they stopped outside an estate.

Standing in the doorway were four men in black with no other expressions on their faces.

It's a little scary to watch.

Chen Kang quietly tugged at Chen Jing's arm.

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