"It's fine.

Chen Jing took the lead in the front, and after the two entered the manor, Chen Kang's eyes were full of amazement.

Such a beautiful place is a park!

Chen Kang followed behind Chen Jing crampedly.

Accompanied by bodyguards, the two arrived at a side hall, where a servant came in with refreshments.

"The two of you waited for a moment.

"Thank you.

After they left, Chen Kang took a sip of tea, he looked at the indoor environment, and whispered: "It's so luxurious here, brother, who is here?"

"Hahahaha... Little brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. A

hearty laugh came from the doorway.

Chen Kang followed Chen Jing to get up.

They saw a man in a Tang costume walk in, about forty years old, with two golden walnuts spinning in his hand.


people who followed him, the bodyguards in suits were very temperamental, and such a person was not easy to look at.

"Mr. Lu, long time no see!" "

Eh, what is your name Mr. Lu, just call me Uncle Lu."

Lu Sanhuan shook his head slightly.

Chen Kang looked at the two of them left and right, and suddenly smiled: "Your names are really interesting, one is called uncle, the other is called little brother, and the generation is quite chaotic."

Chen Kang spoke, attracting Lu Sanhuan's attention.

At this time, Chen Kang noticed that he shouldn't say much, and he hurriedly apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't be too talkative. "

Come out with my brother, why is he talking too much, in case he spoils his brother's good deeds.

At this time, Chen Kang's heart was flustered.

"Hahahaha... It's okay, it's okay, my little brother and I have our own opinions, little brother, this is..."

Lu Sanhuan looked at Chen Kang, and immediately motioned for them to sit down: "The cousin of the little brother is also a powerful person, so sit down, you are polite." "

One after another, there are servants serving tea.

Chen Kang, who was seated on one side, was slightly restrained.

"It's been hard work along the way.

"It's a bit of a long way, but the rest is okay. "After all, a lot of time is spent on the road.

If it had been put in the past, the efficiency would not have been so low.

Lu Sanhuan's face is rich, and it is not difficult to see that there is wisdom and shrewdness hidden in a pair of eyes.

"I told you earlier that if you want better development, you can come to me, and by the time I know you've already returned to the countryside! I thought you wouldn't be able to stay in the countryside for a long time, but you didn't know that you were not only stable, but your career was also booming, admire!"

At this point, Lu Sanhuan really thinks highly of Chen Jing.


Jing smiled slightly, leaned on the back of the chair easily, and said in a relaxed tone: "There is nothing difficult in the world, only afraid of people with hearts, living in the place where I was born and raised, and being able to help the villagers in my career, after all, it is my hometown, there have been many people who have helped me, and now I... I also want to help them more with my own efforts and build a good hometown.

As for the rest, Chen Jing didn't think much about it.


Okay, little brother, you are a good person.

"Don't dare to be, I'm just an ordinary person!" Lu

Sanhuan has always looked up to Chen Jing, taking advantage of such a good opportunity, he must not let him leave easily.

So he instructed his subordinates and said, "Prepare lunch, pick up the wind and wash the dust for them, and today, let's have a good chat." "


Chen Jing nodded.

The two talked and laughed, and went to the location of the side hall, Chen Kang looked at their backs, and fidgeted for a while.

Xu is Lu Sanhuan's cronies, a man with glasses, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao Chen, please wait here for a while, the third master and Mr. Chen have something to discuss." "

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