Chapter 184

The ranch staff watched Ye Yi cook the food and enjoy the ingredients. It was a kind of enjoyment for them.

Better service and caring service, even though these ranch staff are not very professional waiters, but at the moment when they serve Ye Yi, they feel comfortable from the heart.

In addition, Fusang is a relatively real country, and class and rank are very important.

If it is said that there is a slight gap between friends or colleagues in normal times, it may be very unpleasant psychologically, even if on the surface it is still relatively friendly and speaks, and behaves very respectfully.

But I don’t know what I think secretly or in my heart, and even some people are still insulting this person secretly.

But in other words, these ranch staff did not have this idea about Ye Yi, not even the slightest idea.

Because in their opinion, people with the identity and temperament of Ye Yi are 100% of the upper-class people in the upper-class society.

Serving Ye Yi is as it should be, and the whole process of Ye Yi reveals a “noble” and temperamental image here.


After about an hour and a half, Ye Yi finally put all the tableware into place, and the Kobe beef that was originally served to him was almost properly eaten, with only some leftovers.

And just these leftovers, the viewers in the live broadcast room seem to be reluctant, but these viewers are not reluctant to Ye Yi’s live broadcast, but the “leftovers” that Ye Yi discarded when he was just cooking.

Many expressed that these unwanted leftovers can be given to them if they don’t eat them. They don’t dislike what is high in fat or not greasy, and they just want to eat a bite.

But Ye Yi didn’t observe the barrage too much. At this time, he was very happy to eat this meal, because the quality of a5bmsno.12-level beef is definitely a rare enjoyment.

And if you only eat grilled Kobe beef, it will definitely be greasy with fat, so Ye Yi also needs some vegetables and the like.

Not only plays a role in relieving greasiness, but also enriches the types of dishes.

When the meal was over, Ye Yi stood up, and then spoke to the ranch staff beside him: “Thank you for the beef hospitality of your ranch. This is considered to be a richer and more delicious meal since I came to Fusang.”

When Ye Yi got up and left, the ranch staff here were also energetic and came to ask Ye Yi.

“Mr. Ye Yi, do you still need any help?”

Ye Yi paused for a while, and then said: “May I ask if the 200 pieces of beef that I helped mail before are ready for you.”

“Mr. Ye Yi, we are ready here, may I ask where we need to send these beef to China?”

Ye Yi glanced at the screen of the live broadcast room at the right time, and then spoke to the screen in Chinese: “Are you ready for the lottery draw?”

[Superman in the live broadcast of Douyu 77777]: Mr. Ye Yi, hello. The lottery on our side has ended, and the criteria for winning and the matters of winning are completely formulated in accordance with your plan.

Ye Yi: “Then the list of winners, please send me the list. Then I will give the list to the ranch staff. When can you give the list to me?”

[Superman in the live broadcast of Douyu 77777]: Mr. Ye Yi, we can draw up the list for you in as short as ten minutes.

After seeing the super-barrage in the live broadcast room, Ye Yi nodded to the audience in the live broadcast room.

After nodding to the audience in the live broadcast room, Ye Yi shifted his gaze to the ranch staff beside him, and said immediately.

“Thank me, please take a look at this so-called Nanmyeon Ranch. As for the two hundred pieces of beef just now, I will send an electronic list to your electronic account at that time.”

Ranch staff: “Okay, Mr. Ye Yi! Could you please come from here…”

Ten minutes later, Ye Yi received the e-list sent by Superman from the funny live broadcast room, and then smoothly transferred the e-list to the Nanmian Ranch.

After almost clarifying all the procedures, Ye Yi finally left the southern ranch of Mount Rokko.

When Ye Yi left, all the staff of the ranch were watching Ye Yi leave. Before leaving, the ranch manager repeatedly asked for Ye Yi’s contact information, and said that they needed a high-quality customer like Ye Yi very much.

However, after thinking a little, Ye Yi rejected the manager of the ranch, because the Kobe beef experience here is almost the same. Everything can’t be perfect, even the taste experience.

This time at the southern ranch in Kobe, Fuso, he has already experienced the taste of Kobe beef he wanted to experience.

There are still many ingredients worth experiencing or tasting in this world. Kobe beef, one of the high-end ingredients, is naturally one of them. It must be tasted last time.

Ye Yi ate almost three kilograms of Kobe beef this time. Whether it is experience or enjoyment, it is very good.

He also pumped 1,000 jin of Kobe beef to the audience in the live broadcast room, or to the old fans who watched his live broadcast.(Read more @

It’s good to experience it once, so Ye Yi rejected the ranch manager, but once again boasted about the southern ranch when he left, saying that the pastures on this ranch were very good.

[Hahaha! Thanks for the host atmosphere! This wave of European gas was directly filled, and five catties of Kobe beef were hit. 】

[Hey! The brother upstairs is indeed really European! Unlike me, I won a lacquer and seal in Venice last time. I didn’t expect to win another five catties of Kobe beef this time. I am ashamed. 】

[Fuck! The brother upstairs needs to be shameless. Are you taking the Yangshou lottery? Last time I won the prize in Venice, and this time I won the Kobe beef worth 30,000 Chinese yuan in Kobe in Fuso. Is your life balance enough? 】

【True Yangshou Lucky Draw! Don’t want to watch a live face? Last time I won the seal and lacquer, it feels like Yangshou has gone halfway. This time I used Yangshou to smoke the Kobe beef from Fuso, right? 】

[Fuck! I’m really convinced. Last time I didn’t draw a prize in Venice, and this time I didn’t draw anything in Fusang. The dog upstairs came here than my brother. I will add a buff to you. 】

From beginning to end, after Ye Yi left the ranch, the talks in the live broadcast room did not stop, especially after Super Pipe gave the winning list to Ye Yi, and after Ye Yi printed it out on the ranch, he showed it to the audience. .

The viewers in the live broadcast room use the screenshots to see whether they have won the live broadcast lottery.

Of course, this live broadcast wins the prize with the “human rights-based” principle, Ye Yi only clearly indicated his nickname.

In short, Ye Yi’s trip to Fusang Kobe and South Ranch was perfect, at least for the audience, they were very satisfied.

Because when I saw Fuso Kobe Arima Hot Spring before, Ye Yi took them to see the unique “Yin Yang Hot Spring” in the hot spring town, and it is only limited to the locals in the hot spring town. They can see or experience the Yin Yang Hot Spring. , And the large group of hydrangeas in the sacred land boundary.

At the same time, following Ye Yi, I listened to or watched a story about a homestay grandmother. For some sensitive female audiences, the story was enough to make them cry.

If Ye Yi’s trip to Fusang Kobe is divided into two parts, then the previous part is the story of the old lady at the hotel and the special scenery of the hot spring town.

In the second half of Fuso Kobe’s journey, all the viewers in the live broadcast room have a certain sense of participation.

Because whether it is the sound of pasture waves at the entrance of this ranch, or the later a5 Kobe beef, the volume of barrage in the live broadcast room has reached a very high state.

Especially after Ye Yi talked about the way of participating in the lottery for Kobe Beef, the level of activity in the live broadcast room seemed to have reached the top three interactive levels on the live broadcast platform of Douyu.

At the backstage, Li Changheng also listed Ye Yi on the homepage recommendation of the funny fish platform a long time ago.

Ye Yi’s live streaming rate and real online number are already over 13 million!

To know the real number of registered users of the entire Douyu live broadcast platform, it is only more than 40 million.

This means that for every four people who have registered on the live broadcast platform of Funny Fish, one person has watched Ye Yi’s live broadcast.

Ye Yi also became the main anchor of the live streaming platform at this moment!

There are more than 13 million real online viewers, which is no more real than the fake anchors in the live broadcast room.

What’s more, Ye Yi is still deadlocked with Li Changheng’s contract, and he dare not let Ye Yi sign the contract…

These data are in the background of the live broadcast of Douyu. The managers and supervisors have already reported the real data to Li Changheng, so that Li Changheng can make a decision.

Determine the specific “where” and treatment issues after Ye Yi, after all, to be an anchor, you must give preferential treatment, and you still have to give an annual salary.

Here, after Li Changheng received the information reported by his staff, he also thought about it in place, and then spoke to the staff under him.

“Give me an annual salary of 10 million yuan! All other things are implemented in accordance with the highest standards. By the way, all the beef you drew for yourself just now, give me all!”

Here at the backstage of Funny Fish, when Li Changheng said this, the staff below were all taken aback for a while, and even a bitter expression appeared on their faces.

A back-office manager did not hold back even more, and said directly and with a hint of anxious expression: “Boss! This… these are just what Mr. Ye Yi said about pumping…”

However, before the staff member could finish speaking, Li Changheng interrupted his words, waved his hand, and said, “It’s not for nothing, a bonus of 50,000 yuan per person, and wait for Ye. After Mr. Yi’s trip to Fusang, I will give you a paid vacation until Mr. Ye Yi’s next broadcast! Anyway, from then on, you will be responsible for Mr. Ye Yi’s live broadcast room!”

“Yes! Thank you boss!” ×n.

Here Li Changheng waved his hand very generously, and then threw out the conditions he gave.

After hearing the conditions given by their bosses, these staff members smiled for the first time.

Because personally speaking, to be honest, those few catties of Kobe beef can be eaten or not. After all, the lottery in this live broadcast room is completely the welfare given by Mr. Ye Yi, and they just accept it.

Mainly because of their own class status, they can’t usually eat Kobe beef. This time they are mostly trying to try them.

Since their boss here is willing to spend 50,000 yuan, and buy Kobe beef at the original price of only 30,000 yuan, then each of them still earned 20,000 yuan, so why not do it.


And here Ye Yi is thinking about where to go for the next stop after coming out of the southern ranch.

After all, Kobe is the first stop of Fuso, whether it is Kobe’s hot spring or Kobe’s beef, Ye Yi has already experienced it. For Ye Yi, the city of Kobe seems to have no regrets.

Then it’s time to start the next stop in Fusang Country!

So Ye Yi walked, thinking silently over and over again.

But when Ye Yi walked out of the southern ranch and walked to the entrance of the ranch, he saw the kindergarten female teacher that he had met before—Kesei Nanako.

When looking at the female kindergarten teacher, Ye Yi was also a little stunned, and then after a little stunned, he quickly recovered.

Because Ye Yi knew it all at once, the other party was waiting for him.

Right after Ye Yi entered this southern ranch, he was waiting here, waiting for him to come out of the ranch.

Standing at the gate of the ranch at the right time, waiting for Ye Yi’s formation Nanako, the moment he saw Ye Yi, there was a glimmer of excitement and joy on his face, and then he ran over in three steps and two steps.

Nanako ran up to Ye Yi and said, “Ye…Mr. Ye Yi…I’m very sorry! I’m really, really, very sorry! Please forgive my rudeness, but I am indeed here waiting for you, hope Don’t think I’m so weird… Ah… I am indeed weird! Really, really embarrassed!”

Seeing the appearance of Keisei Nanako, Ye Yi smiled slightly, and then asked: “Ms. Keisei Nanako, what are you waiting for me?”

Ye Yi understood the reaction of forming Nanako very well, because Fusang is like this country. In addition to money, etiquette is also very important, especially among strangers.

Therefore, Ye Yi also maintained a certain degree of politeness.

After hearing Ye Yi’s question, Nanako formed a courage all over her body, and she spoke loudly and stutteringly.

“Ye… Mr. Ye Yi! You are a tourist from China… Please… Do you have an idea to travel to Hokkaido?”

(Please ask for flowers, comments, and rewards!).

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