Chapter 200

As soon as it was light the next morning, Ye Yi was surprised to find that Nanako had no idea where she had gone.

Recalling what happened last night, he sighed. Everything seemed a bit sudden, but it seemed reasonable again?

At this moment, he hadn’t opened the live broadcast room. First, he got up to wash, and simply ate breakfast.

Immediately on the first floor, I saw Yucheng Nanako and the owner of this homestay chatting, and the two were talking and laughing.

After seeing Ye Yi go downstairs, Nanako Kiecheng had a touch of joy in his eyes, even with some inexplicable shyness.

At this moment, Nanako ran a few steps like a little woman, came to Ye Yi’s side, snuggled and smiled: “Mr. Ye Yi, you finally figured it out, shall we go for breakfast now?”

But Ye Yi said that he had just eaten breakfast, so Nanako was slightly disappointed.


Ye Yi immediately stretched out his hand, touched her head, and said with a smile: “Can’t you still have lunch together? How do you feel like you are sad.”

Every meal with Ye Yi seems to be a very important thing in Nanako’s heart, but Ye Yi’s idea is different.

After leaving the homestay, the two of them are going to take the tram, and this time they are going back to Sapporo.

The reason for going to Sapporo is because there are quite a lot of original ecological agricultural and sideline products. Ye Yi didn’t have time to taste it. This is a pity in his heart.

When I was in China, I heard that Sapporo, Hokkaido is a veritable gathering place for original ecological food. The food here is different from the food in other places.

While ensuring deliciousness, it also pays great attention to health preservation. Because the ecological and natural environment here is very good, the agricultural and sideline products produced here are all real green products.

One name after another appeared in Ye Yi’s mind,

Lamb grapes, original forest venison, top flowering crab, and the most famous roast lamb in Sapporo…(Read more @

These are very famous agricultural and sideline products, not only very famous in Sapporo, but also famous all over the world.

Ye Yi said that since he came to Sapporo, he would definitely regret it if he didn’t taste it, so how could he miss it?

When he expressed this idea to Keisei Nanako, this lovely Fuso woman even agreed with both hands.

Moreover, Ye Yi found that Nanako Kee was very active and enthusiastic, which was slightly different from her before.

Although Nanako used to take the initiative to act as a tour guide and guide, but most of the time, he would follow Ye Yi’s ideas.

But now she seems to want to tell Ye Yi everything she has seen and heard.

This made Ye Yi couldn’t help feeling deep in her heart. Girls are so cute. Sometimes they look cold on the outside, but in fact they are passionate deep inside. It just depends on whether you can touch the flames.

There is a river in Sapporo City that runs through the city center and divides the city into two.

At this moment, Ye Yi and Nanako were sitting on a small canoe specially used for sightseeing, drifting gently on the river in the center of the city. Looking at both sides of the river, there are large and small gourmet restaurants everywhere.

Suddenly Ye Yi noticed that a famous department store appeared by the river, that is, Daimaru Department Store.

There are also many restaurants in Daimaru Department Store, which are very characteristic of the local city of Sapporo, so Ye Yi suggested:

“Shall we go there for lunch?”

Kiecheng Nanako nodded, saying that he was very happy to go there for dinner with Ye Yi.

She used to like to go to Daimaru Department Store. It can be said that she has tasted almost all the restaurants in Daimaru Department Store.

But I heard that a barbecue restaurant has recently opened, but she has never eaten it.

Ms. Nanako, who also loves food, how can she miss it?

There is still more than an hour before lunch. Ye Yi has always believed in the principle of not eating after lunch and not eating until the end of the day. The regularity of eating is a very important thing.

Simply, the scenery is beautiful at this moment, and the creamy fragrance of the early spring flowers on the river is naturally peaceful.

Ye Yi suddenly realized that he hadn’t opened the live broadcast room yet, maybe those fans were already complaining about him.

He opened the live broadcast room with a wry smile, and then entered a title:

Tasting tour of local agricultural and sideline products in Sapporo.

Such a title means that he will take a good taste of Sapporo’s local agricultural and sideline products.

These agricultural and sideline products are original ecological, it can be said that it is very rare, can let people taste their most original and authentic delicious.

As soon as Ye Yi’s live broadcast room started, all fans immediately received a reminder to start the broadcast.

Seeing the rapid increase in the number of people online in his live broadcast room, quickly breaking through one million, and this number is still growing…

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