Chapter 441

“Hahaha, don’t tease the anchor, are you deliberately pranking? This is also called a devil sculpture?”

“We all admit that the sculptures created by the anchor are indeed very good, stylish and extremely vivid, but don’t forget that this is the Devil Museum, the anchor are you kidding us?”

“I think this work by the anchor can be called the cutest devil sculpture in history, right?”

Fans talked a lot, and most of them felt that although Ye Yi’s sculptures are more vivid, they can be regarded as works of excellent quality.

But according to the writing, he is already a serious digression!

Because this is a museum of the devil, every sculpture must be shaped and performed according to the prototype of the devil.

But the devil made by Ye Yi looks extremely cute, and there are two cute little tiger fangs. He is just a naughty kid, not like a demon at all.

All the tourists in the lobby have the same idea, feeling that the devil statue created by Ye Yi is not a devil at all!

Curator Pete seemed a little embarrassed. Under such circumstances, he could only smile wistfully without making any comments.

But the female reporter of the TV station couldn’t help it. She handed the microphone to her and asked:

“Mr. Ye, may I ask why the devil sculpture you have created looks like a cute child? It doesn’t look like a demon at all!”

This question faces people’s hearts, and it also represents everyone’s thoughts, but some people dare to ask it and some people dare not.

The reason why the female reporter dares to ask such questions is also because of her duty.

She wants to answer questions to all the audience in front of the TV, and she has to ask this too!

Ye Yi looked at the expressions of these people and knew that they were questioning the sculpture he made.

But when he first made it, Ye Yi had already thought very clearly. The reason why he wanted to make this cute look is also a set of opinions.

Just listen to Ye Yi slowly saying: “The so-called demons are hidden in people’s hearts, rather than floating on the surface. What is often behind the beautiful things are all kinds of invisible evils. ~!”

Listening to his words, everyone’s heart was shocked, as if vaguely grasping something!(Read more @

“Mr. Ye’s words are very reasonable, it really makes people feel awkward!”

Curator Pete said with emotion.

This sculpture is a cute naughty child, but to his parents, isn’t it a little devil?

Enlarging this point of view infinitely can rise to the realm of philosophy. Good and evil always exist together, and the most evil things are always hidden behind the most beautiful things in appearance!

Just like this sculpture is cute, but behind it is a demon representing another level.

“Mr. Ye, your sculpture has a very macroscopic significance. I asked the museum to collect your sculpture. Would you like it?”

In front of everyone, Curator Pete said solemnly.

Ye Yi asked An Xinyu for his opinion, after all, this little girl also participated in the sculpture production.

But An Xinyu didn’t have any opinions, and the handmade items he made can be collected by museums. What kind of glory is this, how could it be rejected?

So Ye Yi and An Xinyu co-produced the cutest devil sculpture in history, which was left in the Devil Museum forever and became a souvenir with the most unique significance!

After leaving the Devil Museum, the sky gradually darkened. The two had not eaten dinner yet, so they planned to find a small restaurant in the urban area of ​​Lithuania to taste the local specialties.

“Brother Ye, I am full of expectations for Lithuanian specialties. I don’t know what people here like to eat?”

An Xinyu said yearningly.

With the lessons learned from the last time, they no longer dare to underestimate this country with a small land area but a very rich food culture.

As they walked, they saw a restaurant advertised as Lithuanian specialties, so they pushed in.

The atmosphere inside is very lively. Tourists from all directions are like relatives and friends. They are not unfamiliar at all, chatting and eating here.

“¨”What do you two want to order?”

The waiter immediately came over to entertain them, then handed over a menu.

This menu is quite thick, which surprised Ye Yi a bit. It turns out that there are so many specialties in Lithuania (Zhao)?

He looked through it carefully, and just turned to the third page and found a dish that was extremely interesting to him.

“Grilled fish skin!”

Ye Yi said the name of this dish, and a fragrant picture naturally appeared in his mind…

“We need two grilled fish skins first!”

Ye Yi nodded and smiled and said pong.

“Good sir.”

Later, Ye Yi continued to look through it.

It is worth mentioning that, on the menu of Lithuanian specialty cuisine restaurants, most of the dishes are basically gifts from the land, such as fish in the lake or game in the forest.

All in all, the ingredients here are completely natural! .

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