Moist, warm winds, whistling out of the broken hollow.

And the scene in front of them made Jiang Chen and Debi have no time to care about the ravages of the wind!

They have long been stunned by the scene in front of them!

I saw that looking out through the hole in the rock, it was a land with dense plants!

These plants, as if maintaining a primitive posture, are strangely shaped, and some vegetation leaves can be tall by one person!

However, there is no sunlight here, so why such dense vegetation grows, it is puzzling!

It is worth mentioning that in the underground of the Kuruboyara cave, Jiang Chen and Debi also found a large amount of vegetation!

They all have one thing in common, which is that they don’t need sunlight to thrive!

However, the only difference is that the vegetation here looks more primitive than the vegetation that grows in the rainforest!

Of course, the vegetation was secondary, and what shocked Jiang Chen and Debbie was still behind.

Through the hole in the rock, they can realize that they should be in the middle of a cliff, and continue to look down until the foot of the cliff not far away, and a large river rushes out of it!

This big river should be the river next to Jiang Chen and Debbie.

However, where the rivers converge, it is the point!

Looking in the direction of the big river, I saw that at the end of the earth, there was actually a huge underground sea formed by the convergence of various rivers!

If it weren’t for the fact that there was no sky and no Northern Lights, Jiang Chen and Debbie would have wondered if they had returned to land!

After all, who would have thought that deep underground in the Arctic Circle, there would be such a magical continent!

Jiang Chen and Debbie thought that they had crossed into another world for the first time!

If you continue to look ahead, you can see red flames rising into the sky, illuminating the entire huge underground world!

All light sources, all heat, come from this!

At this time, the live broadcast room has already been opened.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief after learning that Jiang Chen and Debbie were fine!

However, before the audience could slow down, they were shocked by everything in front of them!

[Groove! ] Anchor: Is this traveling through the prehistoric world? 】

【What is this place?】 】

[Is this hell?] This is clearly a new continent! What a paradise! 】


Debbie, on the other hand, asked with a look of surprise, “Why is there a fire?” ”

This question is also a question that the audience in the live broadcast room is confused.

Jiang Chen smiled and then explained, “I estimate that the flame should be caused by natural gas!” ”

“Natural gas?”

Who knows, as soon as Jiang Chen’s words came out, Debbie and the audience in the live broadcast room were even more puzzled!

Jiang Chen patiently explained: “The Arctic Circle is a region with a lot of energy reserves, even in Russia, the natural gas and crude oil of the entire country support most of the country’s GDP!” ”

“Large and small natural gas energy has been discovered, and it is estimated that there is still a lot to be exploited!”

“And the most famous is a deep pit in the Karakum Desert next to Turkmenistan, Russia!”

“I’ve heard of this, it’s called hellfire!” Debbie said in surprise, excitedly raising her hand for finally keeping up with Jiang Chen’s rhythm.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and continued: “That’s right, the cave was accidentally discovered by geologists from the former Soviet Union in 1971, geologists in order to burn out the harmful gases, so they ignited the natural gas in it, who knew that the fire was out of control, and finally the fire has been burning for more than 40 years, and it continues to burn, which is called hellfire by the locals!” ”

“As of 2018, the fire is still burning and is eventually considered extinguished because no one knows how long the flames will burn!”

“Therefore, I suspect that the fire behind the giant sea should be related to natural gas, similar to the hellfire in Turkmenistan!”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room reacted.

“But is natural gas toxic?” Debbie asked suspiciously.

Jiang Chen explained with a smile: “To say toxic is also poisonous, to say that it is not toxic and not toxic, it depends on the environment!” ”

“Oh? How to say? Debbie asked curiously.

The audience in the live broadcast room also became curious.

Jiang Chen explained: “First of all, we need to know how natural gas is formed, natural gas is a gaseous hydrocarbon produced by the remains of ancient organisms deposited in the ground for a long time, and slowly transformed and metamorphic cracked, which is flammable!” ”

“Natural gas is mostly hidden in the underground 3000~4000 meters position, the main component is methane, the specific gravity is 0.65, lighter than air, characterized by invisible, colorless, and non-toxic, leakage is easy to disperse, fire flammable and explosive!”

“Theoretically, natural gas is non-toxic, but it still contains hydrogen, sulfur and other substances, leakage in a confined space, will still lead to poisoning, insufficient combustion of gas will also cause carbon monoxide poisoning, and flammable and explosive, so use at home, or be cautious!

Saying this, Jiang Chen knew the doubts in everyone’s minds, so he continued to analyze: “First of all, the flames here have been burning for an unknown amount of time, and the burning area is so large that it burns very fully!” ”

“Moreover, there is the wind, even if I hide behind the rocks, I can feel the wind, so the space where this continent is located is not a confined space, at the end of the giant sea, the farthest as our eyes can see, there should be an exit!”

“And the cave is so large, there should be many vents in all directions, and a large number of harmful gases will be discharged, so I conclude that it should not be poisonous, otherwise the mainland should also be burned!”

After listening to Jiang Chen’s explanation, Debbie and the audience in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief!

Jiang Chen winked at Debbie and motioned to follow him.

So, the two of them went one after the other, followed the river, and began to walk down, ready to set foot on the new world!

And as they went deeper, they found that the underground river was so complicated that when they were about to reach the low, no less than five rivers appeared, converging together!

Originally, the river channel, which was only a few meters wide, instantly expanded to ten meters, turning into a giant river that flowed endlessly!

Of course, compared with the underground giant sea at the end of the continent, it is still much smaller!

After a while, Jiang Chen and Debi walked to the foot of the cliff, walked out of a cave, and officially stepped on the mainland!

At this time, Jiang Chen and Debi really felt the primitiveness of this continent, as if they had entered a tropical primitive jungle!

And at this moment, Jiang Chen also found a bunch of animal excrement by the river!

This is a good sign.

After all, the presence of excrement proves that there are creatures living here!

Since there are living creatures, it proves that Jiang Chen’s previous inference is not wrong, the space is well ventilated, non-toxic, and you can rest assured!

It’s just that animal excrement also proves a little bit from the side!

This unknown continent may not be as simple as they think!

PS: Reminder: Brothers and sisters use gas safely, gas is toxic, flammable and explosive, gas is not standardized, newcomers two lines of tears! (Photos of Hellfire attached!) )

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