The point is, what kind of animal excrement is this? It’s too big!

The excrement of cattle is already particularly beaten in the eyes of humans!

However, the pile of excrement in front of Jiang Chen and Debbie was at least ten times the size of a cow’s excrement, which was extremely shocking!

In the live broadcast room, the audience was also boiling!

[Groove! ] Lao Tzu has grown so big, the first time he has seen such a big piece of! 】

[Long insight, this is a dinosaur’s poop, right?] So big? 】

[If this is pulled out towards Lao Tzu, it can crush Lao Tzu to death! ] 】

[Upstairs, very graphic! ] 】


The audience in the live broadcast room was jubilant, but Jiang Chen’s face was extremely solemn!

Because, being able to imagine that the existence of excrement is so large, it must be an extremely terrifying big fellow!

“This land, which may be more complicated than we think, follow the river, get as quickly as possible to the open area by the sea, in the jungle we will be dangerous.” Jiang Chen said.

“Good!” Debbie nodded, not wanting to spend much time in the jungle.

So, Jiang Chen took the lead and explored the road along the river.

When they looked at the cliff, they found that the continent was not particularly huge, and they could see the huge sea on the edge.

However, when they really walked into the jungle, they discovered their insignificance and the grandeur of the continent!

The point is that it’s easy to get lost in the jungle, even if you follow the river, when you reach the fork of the river, you will be confused!

And the method of finding direction on land is not applicable here, and the straight man is failing due to the underground magnetic field!

For a time, Jiang Chen and Debbie could only cross the river by touching the stones, looking for larger trees as they walked, climbing up to determine the direction!

This is the dumbest and most effective method!

At this time, Jiang Chen and Debbie came under a giant tree that was twenty or thirty meters long!

“I climbed up and looked in the direction.” Jiang Chen said, about to start climbing.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen had a huge physical strength as a support, otherwise even a professionally trained person would definitely not be able to climb such a tall and brilliant giant tree!

The audience in the live broadcast room also talked about it!

[I saw that the anchor didn’t steal fruit when he was a child! ] 】

[Who can make perfect, when we were children in the countryside, we didn’t climb trees, and we went up with a swoosh! ] 】

[Alas, I vaguely remember that when I climbed the tree to the next yard, I saw the scene of widow Wang being beaten by my father, I called the whole village to stop my father, trying to save widow Wang, but I don’t know why, the people in the village laughed when they saw me afterwards, my father was angry and cut down the crooked neck tree, widow Wang didn’t thank me for not saying anything, and hated me! ] Alas, the world is sinister, and good people are not good! 】

[Xiu’er upstairs, you have lived to this day, I really thank your father for not killing! ] 】


At this moment, Jiang Chen had climbed to the top of the giant tree, looking into the distance, wanting to find some iconic plants and areas, and had already made marks!

However, at this moment, Jiang Chen seemed to see something extremely terrifying, his eyes suddenly contracted, and he yelled at Debbie below: “Hide behind a tree!” Hurry up! ”

Debbie was shocked, although she didn’t know what happened, she didn’t dare to hesitate and hurriedly did so!

Boom boom –

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to tremble!

The corner of Debbie’s mouth, who was hiding behind the tree, twitched, and her eyes showed horror!

This regular vibration and rhythm, as well as the increasingly strong vibration, is obviously like footsteps!

But what kind of behemoth can cause such movement by walking?

When the tremor is strong to a certain extent, even if Debbie doesn’t look at it, he can know that the huge Wu is coming behind him!

So, under the trend of curiosity, Debbie hid behind a tree and secretly looked over!

At this look, Debbie was stunned!

I saw that beside the river not far away, a group of behemoths were moving forward together!

They are tall and strong, at least 5 meters long, about 3 meters tall, and thick legs, four toes on the feet, a particularly large head, no lower incisors, upper incisors are very long, curled upwards and outwards, and incisors are about 1.5 meters long!

The point is that it is also covered with black fine long hair, and the skin is very thick, with an extremely thick fat layer!

Isn’t this a mammoth?

Debbie has seen mammoths frozen and mammoth fossils!

But she had never seen a living mammoth!

For a while, Debbie’s three views and world view were subverted again!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned by the scene in front of them!

Who could have imagined that the mammoths, which had long been extinct, would still have a group living underground!

All this is like a fantasy!

If it hadn’t been seen with your own eyes, I’m afraid no one would have believed it!

The experts and scholars in the live broadcast room have completely boiled!

[Mammoth… It turned out to be a living mammoth! 】

[The mammoth is actually not extinct, I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it! ] 】

[It’s a miracle! ] Wrong! This is a legend! It’s even more incredible than legends turning into reality! 】


At this time, Jiang Chen had quietly come down from the tree, and after watching the mammoth leave, he said: “Unexpectedly, there are still mammoths living here, it seems that we will be more careful in the future!” ”

“Why?” Debbie asked suspiciously.

“Mammoths can survive here, not to mention other animals?” Jiang Chen said.

Debbie reacted and nodded cautiously.

So, the two quietly moved forward again.

This time, the pace of the two moving forward was much slower and more cautious.

However, just after walking a distance of less than a kilometer, Jiang Chen waved his hand and stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Debbie asked.

Jiang Chen made a silent gesture, then slowly squatted down, peeled off the fallen leaves on the ground, and showed the dirt.

I saw that on the soil, there was a series of huge footprints!

The footprints are shaped like cat’s claws, but much larger, bigger than a person’s head!

Debbie had a look of horror on her face and asked, “Tiger? Or a lion? ”

The audience in the live broadcast room also had the same problem.

Jiang Chen did not answer, but gently lifted the bushes in front of him and looked outside.

I saw that behind the bushes, there was a small hill, and at the foot of the hill, there was a cave!

Outside the cave, a behemoth is resting on its stomach!

Its appearance is very similar to that of a lion, but its size is much larger than that of a lion!

“What is it?” Debbie asked with a shocked look.

The audience in the live broadcast room also became curious.

Jiang Chen explained: “This should be the cave lion, also known as the European cave lion, which is an extinct cat, and during the 300,000 to 100,000 years ago, the cave lion’s footprints spread throughout the grasslands and deserts and semi-desert areas of northern and central Eurasia.” ”

“The cave lion, larger than modern lions, has thick limbs, with an average total length of 2.7 meters, a tail length of 1.2 meters, and a weight of 250 kilograms.”

“Once, in the permafrost of Siberia, the remains of cave lion cubs were found!”

“And the latest research shows that the cave lion is not the ancestor of the lion, but is relatively close to the lion.”

“The cave lion is recorded to have died out 10,000 years ago, and the main reason for the disappearance of the last glacier was that it was hunted in large numbers as a nest with humans!”

After listening to Jiang Chen’s explanation, everyone suddenly realized that they had a general understanding of the cave lion, an extinct species!

However, what shocked everyone was that the cave lion, which had been extinct for 10,000 years, was still alive, which was simply amazing!

The most excited are biologists and zoologists who study paleontology!

[Cave lion… Another species that has already been defined as extinct, it turns out that it is not completely extinct! 】

[It’s so shocking! ] This is simply impressive! 】

[No, my heartbeat started to accelerate, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe!] 】

[What kind of fantasy world is this?] It’s so fantastic! 】


Jiang Chen and Debbie, on the other hand, knew that disturbing the rest of this prehistoric top predator was not a conscious choice.

So, the two quietly left and continued to move forward!

Who knows, before they go far, they will have to make a detour!

Because, the river ahead has been cut off by a behemoth!

I saw that they looked similar to rhinos, but they were covered with long hair!

Jiang Chen introduced: “This should be the long-haired rhinoceros, which has lived in northern Eurasia since 2 million years ago. ”

“It has a flat horn that pushes snow away to graze, and a thick layer of fur and subcutaneous fat to keep warm in cold conditions.”

“Like mammoths, woolly rhinos have many carcasses found in permafrost and have long fur that allows them to survive in winter!”

“It is estimated that the woolly rhinoceros became extinct as early as 10,000 years ago, and the main reason for its extinction may be that it was hunted by early humans!”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Debbie and the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help nodding, it was an eye-opener, and they saw an animal that had become extinct in prehistory!

And many experts, already holding mobile phones, are excited and are about to lack oxygen!

It was really Jiang Chen’s discovery, too shocking!

After all, any kind of extinct prehistoric animal, if it is confirmed that it is still alive, is enough to sensationalize the world!

Not to mention the discovery of three extinct prehistoric creatures at once, all of them are still alive!

This makes experts and scholars, how to suffer!

And everything is not over yet, Jiang Chen and Debbie found another magical species on the way to continue to move forward!

ps: Three thousand words big chapter, please customize, please support (attach a photo of the remains of the cave lion cub!) )

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