Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

783: The most cruel thing is a woman's jealousy

783: The most cruel thing is a woman's jealousy

Turning his head, he saw that the person who came was Mu Junjun's best friend, who was trotting all the way to Li Jun.

He seemed to be rushing over in a hurry, and he started gasping for breath after just two sentences.

"You....I tell you..."

"Did you break up with Mu Junjun..."

The girlfriend took a few breaths to finish the sentence.

Li Jun nodded "Nine Six Zero" blankly and asked, "What's the matter? Did he tell you to come and tell me?

"Did you get back together with me?"

The girlfriend shook her head, and Li Jun's eyes dimmed imperceptibly.

"What's that for?"

The best friend took a few deep breaths, and finally came over, looking at Li Jun and saying:

"She didn't ask me to come here, I came here myself!

Li Jun was even more confused: "You yourself? What are you looking for from me?"

"Of course there is an emergency!"

"You elm head, have you forgotten that Junjun has a very controlling mother?"

"You don't even think about it, why did you two have a very good relationship before, but suddenly she is about to break up? 39

"Haven't you contacted me? Don't even think about whether Junjun has any difficulties."

Li Jun was stunned for a moment, his eyes diverged, and he kept thinking about it in his mind.

He didn't know about Brother Wang's existence, and now, in his opinion, Mu Junjun suddenly started making trouble unreasonably and wanted to break up.

Before, because I was too sad, I didn't think about the problem in the middle.

This time, when I called my girlfriend to remind me, I immediately felt that something was wrong, I slapped my palm on the head, and quickly nodded and said:

"Yeah, how could I forget such an important thing!

"I'm really stupid. I agreed to break up after a few words, and I didn't even think that Junjun had difficulties."

"Thank you, thank you very much, if you hadn't reminded me, Junjun and I would have really missed it."

The girlfriend breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It seems that you are not particularly stupid, so I don't need to explain it too clearly.

"Let me tell you, Junjun is eating at the restaurant at No. 8, Renmin Road, you can find her directly.

"When she left this morning, her eyes were still red, and she might be crying now.

"You go quickly, Junjun is so good-looking, be careful you are seduced by others and run away!"

Li Jun nodded with a smile on his face:

"Ok, I see, thank you!

"I'm going to find Junjun now, and I'll invite you and a wedding party when I get married!"

After speaking, he ran away directly, while his girlfriend shook her head and sneered behind her:

"Let's not get married in the future. I'm afraid that Mu Junjun will beat me to death after knowing it.."

"I ruined her great deed."9

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room were a little confused when they saw this picture:

"what's the situation?"

"Is this girlfriend a black and white?"

"Isn't she good friends with Mu Junjun? Why is she helping Li Jun now?"

"Yes, it was she who introduced Mu Junjun and Brother Wang back then. She must know why they broke up. Why are you talking to Li Jun now?"

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed their incomprehension to the girlfriend's actions.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan explained:

"Do you 4.9 know what the cruelest thing in the world is?"




"The enemy?"


"What is it?

The audience in the live broadcast room guessed a lot, Ye Xuan shook his head one by one, and finally the audience felt helpless and asked for Ye Xuan to speak directly.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan said slowly:

"It's a woman's jealousy.""

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