Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

784: People are more than people, angry people

784: People are more than people, angry people

"And at this moment, my best friend and Mu Junjun are superficially good friends. 35

"But in fact they are jealous of each other, Mu Junjun is jealous of knowing many big brothers in society, many friends, and a wide range of ways. 35

"But my best friend is also jealous of Mu Junjun, jealous of her good looks, has a boyfriend Li Jun who loves her very much, and now has a wealthy object, Brother Wang.

"The key is that this brother Wang is connected with his girlfriends and let them know each other."

"My best friend doesn't know Brother Wang's true thoughts. In her opinion, a brother Wang was just playing with Mu Junjun."

"In the end, I didn't expect to be more and more serious, and 02 also discussed marrying Mu Junjun in the future.""

"In an instant, my heart became unbalanced, and driven by this unbalance, jealousy became stronger and stronger. 35

"Finally, jealousy has filled her whole heart, and she hates why Mu Junjun can play around with these two men."

"So, she decided to play tricks behind the scenes."

"That's why she said those things to Li Jun. 55

"Because at this moment, Mu Junjun and Brother Wang are eating at the restaurant at No. 8, Renmin Road, and he wants Li Jun to catch the bag on the spot.

"She quietly followed behind and recorded a video of the process of capturing the bag. Once it was published on the Internet, Mu Junjun could be regarded as a shame and lost at home."

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard this, they were all gearing up, and they were very excited:

"F*ck, so exciting!"

"Sure enough, a woman's jealousy is the most terrifying!

"I'm so glad I didn't have a woman, and a man would never have this problem.

"I can't guarantee anything else, boys' friendships are definitely stronger than girls' friendships.

"I can't wait anymore, Master Ye quickly took out the red dust beads and showed us!"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan didn't talk nonsense, and his right hand stroked the red dust beads in his hand.

The next moment, the screen in the Red Dust Pearl changed.

In the picture, Mu Junjun and Brother Wang are eating in the restaurant.

Mu Junjun kept adding vegetables to Brother Wang:

"Brother Wang, eat this!"

"Brother Wang, this beef is so tender, eat it quickly.

"This fish head is also well done, you can eat a little too."5


After a while, the bowl in front of Brother Wang has become a hill.

Looking at the small bowl in front of him, Brother Wang burst out laughing:

"Why are you feeding me so much?

"Hurry up and eat it yourself, you are a girl and need to supplement nutrition.

"Look at how thin you are, I feel distressed when I look at you."

At this moment, Mu Junjun compared Brother Wang with Li Junyi in his heart.

The more you compare, the less you can compare.

The most I eat with Li Jun is a ten-dollar portion of rice in the cafeteria, and with this brother Wang, the seafood dinner is a low-quality meal, and it can cost hundreds or thousands of meals at every turn.

Following Li Jun, the other party is covered with piles of washed and whitish clothes all year round, while Brother Wang has brand names all over his body and watches that are tens of thousands of dollars in size.

960 And the most expensive gift Li Jun ever gave her was a dress, and she loved discounts on clothes...

Brother Wang is different. The usual red envelopes and famous brands that go out for shopping are all bought directly.

Li Jun can't compare with Brother Wang in all aspects, and the more he compares, the less he can see.

In the end, my heart blossomed with joy, and she really had the vision, so let Brother Wang get it as soon as possible.

Mu Junjun looked at Brother Wang, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became. After that, he had already imagined the days of being a rich second-generation wife.

At this moment, the text message on the mobile phone rang inappropriately.

Mu Junjun picked it up and took a look, it was sent by his girlfriend:

"I've prepared a surprise for you, you'll know right away.

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