Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

785: 0s of words combined into 1 word: Minato

785: Thousands of words combined into one word: Minato

Mu Junjun is confused, what surprises can she prepare?

As a result, he turned his head and saw a familiar figure walking in from the door.

Mu Junjun's hair was frightened.

This person is Li Jun.

Mu Junjun hurriedly covered his face with his hands and kept silent in his heart.




Brother Wang was a little confused, looking at Mu Junjun who was covering his face opposite, not knowing what happened.

"Junjun, what's wrong?"

"Is there something wrong with your face?

Mu Junjun explained in a low voice: "I just saw my uncle!

"Let me tell you, my uncle is very fierce to me!"

"If he knew I was in love, he would definitely scold me to death!""

"Never let him see me here with you!"

Mu Junjun's head turned rapidly, the lies came when he opened his mouth, his eyes were flustered, and he kept looking around.

Brother Wang also believed the key, and his expression was also a little nervous: "Then what should I do now~||?"

"Should I avoid it first?"

"no, I'm fine.

"You're here, I'll go quietly first, if my uncle finds me here, I'll be cold! 35

"I'm really sorry, I have to go first, we'll have dinner next time.

Mu Junjun said apologetically.

Brother Wang waved his hand indifferently: "It's alright, I can understand, your family is more strict with you.

"You don't have to worry about me, you go first to save yourself.

Mu Junjun was secretly delighted, turned his back, and slowly moved towards the gate.

At this moment, there happened to be a large family at the door, and a dozen or so came to eat.

The crowd was blocked at the door, making it very noisy, which was just convenient for Mu Junjun to get away quickly while taking advantage of the crowd.

But she miscalculated Li Jun's eyesight, or Li Jun's understanding of her, and saw her only by looking at the back.

Start shouting from a distance.

"Junjun, where are you going? I'm here to find you!"

Mu Junjun scolded inwardly, his feet accelerated, and he wanted to leave here quickly.

And Li Jun followed him all the time, and when he was far away from the restaurant, Mu Junjun breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around, seeing Li Jun who has been with him, his anger instantly rises:

"What are you doing? I've made it clear to you before, are you still coming to see me now!"

Li Jun looked at Mu Junjun with an expression that I understood, frowning, and his tone was a little reproachful.

"Junjun, you don't have to push me away, I understand."

"I know you are struggling.

"`" It's all my fault, I forgot that there is such a suffocating mother at home.

"I know that you broke up with me because you were afraid of being discovered by your mother.

"Don't worry, since I have decided to be with you, your mother will be handed over to me, and I can definitely influence her with my love.

"Let her agree with us."

At this moment, Mu Junjun was blinded by this, looking at Li Jun with the same fate as a fool:

"What do you know...?"

"Who told you that I had difficulties, I told you (King Nuo's), you don't want your own illusions, we are no longer related, we broke up, do you know!

Li Jun sighed and shook his head and said, "Your girlfriend told me, she has already told me everything."

"Don't worry, I will love you forever, it's impossible to give up on you because of your mother.

Mu Junjun immediately thought of the text message sent by his girlfriend just now. It turned out that this was the surprise.

There are thousands of words in my heart, but only one word comes out.


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