Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

802: 1 hundred 0! Might as well go grab it

802: One hundred thousand! Might as well go grab it

"What technology?"

Lin Tianxiang said quickly.

Director Yang flipped out a leaflet and placed it in front of Lin Tianxiang.

"Look, this is the latest technology that we developed last month.

"Nanotech Microbial Surgery."

"What the hell?"

"I've never heard of this.

"Dude, why do I think this name is made up. 39

"Upstairs, I also think this seems to be made up.

"Really, nanotechnology can be involved in everything these days, and I bet it's a liar.

Some viewers felt that the name was deceiving when they heard it.

But there are still most of the audience who have no doubts about Director Yang:

"Of course you don't know what people studied last month.

"Is it strange that such a large hospital has developed a new technology?"

"Nanotechnology has been used for medical treatment many years ago. Who do you blame for your ignorance?"

"Yes, which hospital has such a good attitude of doctors? It will never lie, and the hospital will not destroy its brand. 35

At this moment, Director Yang in the picture is still eloquently explaining to Lin Tianxiang:

"Look, this examination report shows that your hormone levels are very low, which has a lot to do with your pituitary gland."

"The pituitary gland controls hormone levels in the body."

"If it goes wrong, the hormone levels must also go wrong.

“Our top priority now is to get your pituitary gland cured first, and then a series of problems caused by it will also be cured.35

"And our nanotechnology surgery is the latest minimally invasive surgery."

"The recurrence rate is extremely low, only 0.01%, which is almost negligible, and the effect is fast. It can be done on the same day, and the effect will be seen on the same day, and there are no sequelae."

"It's the best surgery we've had here."

"You are also lucky, if we didn't have this new technology last month, you wouldn't be able to cure it.

After listening to Director Yang's words, Lin Tianxiang finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little nervous:

"Director Yang, are you sure I can do this surgery?"

Director Yang nodded earnestly: "It can be fine, as long as the follow-up treatment can keep up, it will definitely be fine.

"And you're still young, and you're much better at every level than those in their 40s and 50s.

0.. ask for flowers.....

"The effect of surgery on you is also relatively large. If you are older, I do not recommend surgery for you. It is conservative treatment, and the effect of surgery is not great."

"Don't worry, I'm an expert in this field, I can still assure you of this."9

With Director Yang's assurance, Lin Tianxiang finally let go of his heart, and the next thing he cares about is:

"The pituitary it going to be operated on in the brain?"

"This kind of surgery is usually a major operation. I heard others say that a craniotomy is required, and an operation takes more than ten hours.

"After that, I will be hospitalized, and I will have to rest for a long time. 35

"How much will the operation cost?

Lin Tianxiang spared a long circle, and finally got to the issue that he cared about the most.

Director Yang patted Lin Tianxiang on the shoulder: "Don't worry, now that technology has developed, it has not been seen with the naked eye.

"There is a microscope to help during the operation, and I also said that it is all minimally invasive surgery."

"There are no sequelae, and the time is only a few hours, you can definitely rest assured.

"The cost of surgery is about 100,000." Fan.

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