Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

803: Even though I can grab it directly, I still have surgery for you

803: Even though I can grab it directly, I still have an operation for you

"One hundred thousand???

"One hundred thousand!!!

"Why don't you grab it!

"Good guy, he's too kind, he could have grabbed it directly, and even performed an operation on you."

"Seeing the cost of this operation, I instantly gave up my plan to go to this hospital."

"+1+1, I wanted to try this nanotechnology surgery just now, but now it looks like it's pretty good."973"9

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked when they heard the cost of the operation.

It's better to go grab it.

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, Lin Tianxiang was also shocked, his mouth was slightly open, but he did not speak.

Director Yang was still holding the list, constantly writing something, and put it in front of Lin Tianxiang:

"Here's your surgical drape.

"You'll pay the fee later, and I'll be able to perform the operation for you right away."

"In your situation, do it early, do it early, and do things for a lifetime, you can't be sloppy."

Lin Tianxiang bit his lower lip, and after a while, he said hesitantly:

"I'm really sorry..."

"I don't have that much money now... or I wouldn't do it..."

"Wait until I have saved enough money to do it... 35

As Lin Tianxiang said that, he turned his head in embarrassment.

Director Yang frowned and said, "What is a short period of time, is it waiting for something like curing a disease?"

"A little inattention is a lifetime thing.

"Your illness may worsen at any time. If it is really serious, it won't end with 100,000 yuan. 95

"You have to think about it. 99

Listening to Director Yang's words, Lin Tianxiang lowered his head even lower, almost shrinking to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Dr. Miao started to smooth things out next to him, looked at Director Yang and said:

"Director, it's normal for him to be a student without money.

"If you have money, who doesn't want to have surgery to cure a disease.

"We also have to understand him, or else."

"Let's do it for him first, wait for him to save enough money, and then come over to pay the bills, you can see it."5

Director Yang is a little confused: "There is no precedent for this before, and I can't make a decision..."5

Seeing that Director Yang did not directly refuse, Dr. Miao was overjoyed. Knowing that there was a drama, he quickly said to Lin Tianxiang:

"Have you brought your documents?"

"Hurry up and take it out. I'll keep it at the hospital. I'll do it for you first, and then pay the fee."

"This opportunity is not for everyone!"

"Take it! Take it!"

Lin Tianxiang responded quickly, turned over the book and brought the documents with him, and handed it to Director Yang.

Director Yang frowned, with a sullen expression, and accused: "Doctor Miao, you are really getting more and more presumptuous."

"I didn't even say it was okay, just hand over the documents to me directly now."

"One hundred thousand yuan is not a small amount, you just believe this young man, in case he runs away.

Doctor Miao said, "Don't worry, he is my friend, and I can trust his character.

"And the documents are also under pressure from us, and we will sign an agreement later, and write that the treatment is first, and then the fee is paid.

"And he is still a student, how could he run."

"Tianxiang, you also say a few words.

Lin Tianxiang looked at Director Yang and said seriously, "Director Yang, don't worry.

4.9 "I put my documents with you, and I will also pay for the agreement, it is impossible for me to run away.

"If you run away, you can call at any time and ask Yao Yaoling to catch me."

Director Yang's eyes turned to Dr. Miao and Lin Tianxiang, and finally sighed, nodded and said:

"Well, this precedent is set for you.

"I'll trust you just once."

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