Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

813: This is not Director Yang, this is the contemporary volume king

813: This is not Director Yang, this is the contemporary volume king

Director Yang said and walked into the office.

From the cabinet behind him, he took out a dozen thick documents, which were almost half the height of a person.

Director Yang picked up the top document and aimed at the camera.

"Look, this is the first book I published 20 years ago, just after I was admitted to the doctor's license.

I saw a few large characters printed on the cover: "The effect of the pituitary gland on human hormones. "Author: "Nine Seven Three" Director Yang.

Then, Director Yang took out several books one after another and aimed at the camera.

"You may not be physically weak, but your brain. "Author: Director Yang.

"Twenty years of research by professional doctors, the shocking secret finally obtained. "Author: Director Yang.

"The brain secrets you don't know, a book takes you to read them all. "Author: Director Yang.

After that, the author name of each book is Director Yang.

When seeing the first few books, the audience's mouth is o.

When I saw more than a dozen books, the audience's mouth was O.

When seeing dozens of books, the audience's mouth is mouth.

After watching it all, the audience was shocked:

"Good guy, good guy.

"Did the Count tell me how many books this is?"

"I was shocked, I have written seventy books in twenty years, an average of three and a half books a year!

"This mud horse is a personal code machine, this author is not as good at coding as you!"

Looking at the amazed barrage of viewers in the live broadcast room, Director Yang raised the corners of his mouth with a very satisfied expression.

Then he looked at the camera and said, "Everyone, you have seen it, these are all my efforts over the past 20 years.

"There are seventy books in total, each of which is a fusion of what I have learned in my life."

"My whole life is here."

"After you read it, do you still think I'm a hoaxer? 99

"Hmm....or else.

"You have written so many books, does it have anything to do with you harming others?

"You just cheated others, but there is evidence, and the pictures are showing.""

"Yes, now in front of Master Ye, what else do you have to say?"

The audience was a little stunned when they heard Director Yang's words.

Although writing 70 books in 20 years is awesome, it has nothing to do with cheating others.

Seeing this, Director Yang sighed and said slowly: "Of course it has something to do with it, you can understand if you don't believe me.

"Just take a few minutes for everyone, let me tell my story.."

"I was born in a poor little mountain village."

"The year I was born, there was a famine, and many people could not have enough to eat. Those who were hungry had to eat tree bark and dig Guanyin soil."

"When I was five years old, the famine was completely over, and people finally stopped going hungry.

"I remember very well, on my fifth birthday, my mother took me to the mountains."

"The people who died of starvation were thrown onto the mountain."

"There are so many bones everywhere, there is not even a place to put a foot. The picture that I can still worry about now is just hell. 99

"I have been hiding behind my mother, only daring to show a pair of eyes, not even looking. 99

"My mother pointed to one of the skulls and asked me: [Are you afraid of 4.9?].

"I didn't speak at the time. In fact, I was too scared to speak."

"My lips were trembling, and I really wanted to go home, but I didn't dare to say it, I felt that the air was full of corpses, bits and pieces.

"Running into my mouth as I opened my mouth to inhale.

"My mother gave me a few glances and continued: [If I told you that your father is here, would you still be afraid?]".

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